
The Godly Emperor

A boy from the slums is chosen to become prince and quickly becomes king all while having a star-crossed-lover!?!?

Aliasofme · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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2 Chs

Starting anew

after the battle of the bloody mountains I finally had made it back to the palace to report the lose of the bloody mountains, the first prince's death and to present myself as the new first prince. I could tell instantly this was going to be a bumpy ride.

I entered the palace and right in front of me is a throne made purely out of fine cut gold just by seeing it I knew exactly where all the kingdoms finances go. Then I noticed on top of the throne was a man who looked very old so old he could be a day away from death he was wearing a crown I made a wild guess that he was the king. I kneeled down then spoke, "King Harry of the black steel empire I am here to inform you of the results of the battle on the bloody mountains." The kings eyebrow rose in interest While I continued "the battle resulted in a failure as the sterling empire continues to claim ownership of the mountains riches and vast mines but overall we barely lost any men the only reason we retreated was at the death of the first prince and our general, Mr. Ling. He fell by the hands of the first princess of the sterling empire Asuna Hitoshi." The king looked shocked at the news but I didn't stop "although we all weep for our lost prince before he died he named his successor." I removed a bandage that been on my hand the entire time and showed my crest.

At seeing my hand the king understood he sent one of his guards to escort me deeper into the palace.

I arrived at what the guard called my new room. It was way too big for my taste so I immediately turned around and walked into the walk in closet and said "this is all I need." After that I shut it and locked it from the inside.

~Asuna's perspective

I was returning home from the battlefield to clean up my scars and report to my father.

When I entered the palace I saw something that shocked me to this very day the king of the sterling empire had died upon his throne.

I Ran up too him too examine the body it was poisoned. I noticed that on the inside of the glass he had drank upon was a purple substance. I realized that this was from a poisonous flower that only grew in our yard meaning one of the attendants did it.

I began thinking then ran to the kitchen and dragged out the head chef into the hallway "You killed him didn't you." He looked at me crazy then said "Killed who" I got frustrated "THE KING OF THE STERLING EMPIRE MY FATHER, YOU DEAL WITH HIS FOOD AND DRINKS AND YOU CARE ABOUT THE PURPLE LILIES THE MOST! YOU KILLED HIM!" This was the first I ever showed this much emotion. The chef started shaking "Your highness I swear on the lives of my entire family I didn't do this." I screamed " YOU LIAR! I WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY" After this his head touched the floor the next day I assume my position as the new queen of the sterling empire.

~Nagumo haiyashi perspective

After receiving word that the king of the sterling empire was killed our king called a meeting between important government officials I was asked to attend as the first prince of the black steel empire. I put on the nicest clothes I saw in the closet and left.

I arrived there a few minutes later. I was dazzling, someone later wrote. But I wasn't worried about that.

I wondered what the meeting was about king Harry then said "now that we're all present and counted for let's start this meeting. First off I regrettably announce that the former first prince to the throne of the black steel empire was slain in fierce battle by the the first princess to the throne of the sterling empire. But his dying wish was to let this man Nagumo Haiyashi " as he pointed to me "take his spot as high general and the 1st prince of the black steel empire and continue our battle against the sterling empire." The room went silent though you could sense the malice it was clear they all wanted the throne but instead General ling gave the throne to me.

I stood up and introduced myself " My Name is Nagumo haiyashi I am a Sargent who used to work under general ling and after witnessing my valor in the field of battle he decided to name me as the heir!" Everyone besides the king bowed down to me that's when I heard one of them mutter "he's only a sergeant my son is already a commander!" I spoke up for him "well lord Riser I am now a GENERAL and The PRINCE of the black steel empire soon to be king!" After that there was no more mutters.

The king then spoke up "enough with the formalities it's time for me to address the reason I called you here!" I straightened up "The secret mission of the bloody mountains was a success, I'll explain in greater detail for those who are just join us today." All stares fell upon me "the bloody mountains is the border of the black steel empire and the sterling empire and contains the best riches and is one of the driving forces of this war. Us elders wanting to end this war before we passed away and left everything to the next generation after all we were the ones who started the war. We deployed a small team to sneak behind the enemy lines and poison the king as a last stitch effort of an attack before we pass away and the attack worked successfully we poisoned the king with one of his precious flowers from his garden and pinned the murder on the chef now while the country is in a state of grief we'll do a full scale attack effectively ending the war!" Everyone started cheering and I stayed quite after that the king said " That being said meeting adjourned."

People flooded out the room after everyone left it was just king Harry and me "my king how could you attack a country in such a cowardly way." The king responded with a stern voice, "boy you best shut your mouth before I shut it for you. You May be the prince now but I can still strip you of your title." I got up after he said this the king thought I was going to leave but instead I blitz him and before he knew it my sword was at his throat "NO I WILL NOT MY HOLD MY TOUNGE FOR I AM NOT A COWARD LIKE YOU! I WILL NAME MYSELF THE NEW KING!" I calmed myself down " You see I hate royalty they always are so selfish, you use all the kingdoms taxes for your lavish life style but then you have CHILDREN STARVING IN THE STREETS BEGGING FOR HELP! I am not going to be like you I'm not going to continue this pointless war over riches that is about to rip our country in two I will find a more peaceful way to end the war and rebuild our country to newer heights but for that I need the title of king so I'm afraid our conversation is over." And with this the former kings head hit the floor I cleaned up the body to make it look like it was a butler who assassinated the king the next morning I took up my throne. For something made out of gold it is really comfortable almost like it was made for me.