
The Goddesses Prophecy of the Alpha

Erick didn't even know werewolves existed, let alone that he was one. As he is thrown into that world, he finds himself at the center of both a murder plot and an ancient prophecy. Can he find a way to survive and fulfill the prophecy? Rhian his mate comes crashing into his life while running from her own set of dangers. Will their union derail everything or be the solution they are looking for?  The officer leaned in over the desk towards the intake nurse. They both continued to glance in his direction as they spoke in hushed whispers. An irritated Erick smirked, giving them a slight wave to acknowledge he knew they were staring. Even though they were across the room and attempting to speak quietly, Erick heard every word. He was baffled at this sudden improvement in his hearing; it was as if their voices were magnified. "Yes, we found him wandering out of the woods. He couldn't explain his lack of clothes or what had happened to him." The nurse replied, "Don't you find that suspicious knowing what last night was? Do you think that maybe he was unaware he was changing?'' The officer quickly cut her off, "Of course I suspected it! Why the hell do you think I brought him here instead of Memorial hospital?" The nurse just nodded as she looked down and began to type in her report. "My biggest question is it's as if he has no idea what happened. Does he not know what he is or what he is going through? Please make sure you have security and keep an eye on him. Something just feels off to me." The officer looking directly at Erick noticed how wide his eyes were watching the two of them speak. Could he hear their conversation?     What in the world were these two talking about? The shocking appearance on Erick's face twisted into a confused expression. What is this change they are talking about, and what do they mean what he is? He is a man. What other possibility is there? Feelings of anger and rage began to overwhelm him. He had felt all along that the officer's demeanor was off, like he knew more than he was saying. Erick acknowledges that his explanation for what happened lacked plausibility, but he was just trying to find some reasonable interpretation of the situation. What did that man know? Did he recognize Erick but how? It's not like he ever had a criminal record?     Erick brought his hands up to his temple and put pressure along both sides as he squeezed his eyes closed tightly. His feelings were overwhelming enough, but this stabbing headache was not helping him think clearly. Why did it feel like fire was coursing through his veins? Argh, he screamed internally, overcome with agony. His gripe along his temple tightened, and his eyes snapped open as he felt a trickle of blood where his nails had pierced his skin; like the night before, his vision went black, and he felt himself collapsing to the floor.     The officer who had never taken his eyes off Erick was suddenly running over to him. "Shit!" The officer witnessed the golden glare in his eyes during the brief moment they opened. He knew the fears in their suspicions were correct as he rushed to his side. "Get a gurney and the restraints now!" He roared in the direction of the nurse who was already scrambling to assist him.

AmandaW1822 · Fantastique
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97 Chs

Will you stay?

** Erick's POV**

Doc was the first one to break the silence, "Seems to be quite the predicament. Although, I think there is another piece of the story you may be leaving out." He was looking intently at the two of us still holding each other and giving a knowing look. "It appears there could be a bit of good news that has come of all of this."

"I am not sure exactly what you are implying?" I stared at Doc pointedly.

"Maybe you don't but I am guessing Robin is well aware of the situation." He chuckled.

"Excuse me," Rhian interjected looking back and forth between us, "Am I missing something, who is Robin?"

With a quick outburst of laughter, Doc said, "Go on son, tell her who Robin is!"

Suddenly nervous, I had only ever told Doc and David and their reaction then was embarrassing enough. "Um, er... Robin is what I call my wolf."

"Like your sidekick, I think that is adorable," She squeezed my hand and smiled up at me. If it had been anyone else I would have thought the comment adorable would be condescending. But from her, it felt warm and genuine. I could hear Robin's excitement within my head, "She thinks I am adorable. My mate thinks I am adorable."

"Exactly," I smiled back at her. Turning to Doc, "Yes, Robin does feel particularly drawn to Rhian. He keeps trying to claim her as a mate. I still don't understand what an overly eager wolf has to do with anything."

"Well, this is a little awkward. I suppose David and I haven't had that discussion with you. The Goddess predestines a partner for you. They are your mate, and werewolves mate for life. The feeling can be a little different for everyone but essentially it is an undeniable feeling. You will be drawn to each other. It is possible to reject your mate but I have never known anyone personally to do so. I can only imagine the heartbreak it would cause. Living the rest of your life never feeling whole."

"Wait, a second," Rhian looked puzzled. "How is this something you didn't know?"

"Well, that is a complicated story, but long story short. I was orphaned as a child and didn't grow up within the pack. It wasn't until my 25th birthday that I even shifted for the first time. Doc and David, a local police officer, discovered me and have been helping me learn who I am."

"Oh my, I am so sorry you had to grow up that way. I understand what it feels like to lose your parents but at least I was able to know mine." She wrapped her arms around me she whispered sadly I could feel the quiver in her voice as she tried to hold back tears. "Were both orphans."

I returned the hug squeezing tightly as much to comfort myself as her. Doc was right despite just meeting her I knew with everything in me that she was my other half. Every fear or doubt disappeared as I could feel her heartbeat in sync with my own. Nothing else in the world mattered to me as much as her well-being. It was both overwhelming but exciting and in the end, there was no denying she was meant for me. If this is what finding your mate was well then thank the Goddess because she brought me Rhian.

"Ahem," Doc cleared his throat.

Not realizing just how long we were lost in that moment holding each other we released each other. "Sorry," I mumbled not meaning it, sad that I wasn't holding her close. I returned to hold her hand. It was so soft and delicate and was the perfect size to fit within my own.

Doc looked at me knowingly, "I am going to have to speak with the council of elders and inform them as to what is going on." He saw the fear come over Rhian's face. "Now young lady, I assure you, we will protect you. If your stepmother is capable of this level of scheming I am nervous as to what her end game is. I very much doubt with the level of greed you describe she will be happy only remaining in charge of a medium-sized pack. She has no issue with murder so we have to be cautious of the extent she is willing to go and what she is hoping to accomplish. I know fate has to have led you here. Although, I do have to ask if you are both willing to stay here for the time being, as well as, help us to investigate?"

Doc continued looking at me next, "I doubt you will have any objection to Rhian staying with you? Of course, that is if she is comfortable with that as well. We always have additional rooms available within the packhouse if she would prefer. Also, if she is to remain with you be aware we will increase the level of security here. I know the seclusion offers a certain level of safety but I would rather be safe if they are intending to track her down. I have heard of Cyrus O'Brian and if he is involved we could be in for an even greater threat." Looking back at Rhian, "So, what do you say? Will you stay and help?"

Her face appeared solemn as she nodded, "I will do whatever I can." With a change in her voice, it became stronger more determined with anger. "I want to avenge my father!" Turning to me, "I believe I would feel the most comfortable staying with Erick," her eyes peering up at me questioning, "If that is ok with you.?"

The thought of her being so close excited him, and Robin. His smile spread fully across his face, "nothing in the world would make me happier than you staying here. It allows me to get to know my mate! I will insist we head to town and get some supplies. I am quite used to living out here alone and I am not sure you will be as suited to the bachelor lifestyle as I am."