
The Goddesses Prophecy of the Alpha

Erick didn't even know werewolves existed, let alone that he was one. As he is thrown into that world, he finds himself at the center of both a murder plot and an ancient prophecy. Can he find a way to survive and fulfill the prophecy? Rhian his mate comes crashing into his life while running from her own set of dangers. Will their union derail everything or be the solution they are looking for?  The officer leaned in over the desk towards the intake nurse. They both continued to glance in his direction as they spoke in hushed whispers. An irritated Erick smirked, giving them a slight wave to acknowledge he knew they were staring. Even though they were across the room and attempting to speak quietly, Erick heard every word. He was baffled at this sudden improvement in his hearing; it was as if their voices were magnified. "Yes, we found him wandering out of the woods. He couldn't explain his lack of clothes or what had happened to him." The nurse replied, "Don't you find that suspicious knowing what last night was? Do you think that maybe he was unaware he was changing?'' The officer quickly cut her off, "Of course I suspected it! Why the hell do you think I brought him here instead of Memorial hospital?" The nurse just nodded as she looked down and began to type in her report. "My biggest question is it's as if he has no idea what happened. Does he not know what he is or what he is going through? Please make sure you have security and keep an eye on him. Something just feels off to me." The officer looking directly at Erick noticed how wide his eyes were watching the two of them speak. Could he hear their conversation?     What in the world were these two talking about? The shocking appearance on Erick's face twisted into a confused expression. What is this change they are talking about, and what do they mean what he is? He is a man. What other possibility is there? Feelings of anger and rage began to overwhelm him. He had felt all along that the officer's demeanor was off, like he knew more than he was saying. Erick acknowledges that his explanation for what happened lacked plausibility, but he was just trying to find some reasonable interpretation of the situation. What did that man know? Did he recognize Erick but how? It's not like he ever had a criminal record?     Erick brought his hands up to his temple and put pressure along both sides as he squeezed his eyes closed tightly. His feelings were overwhelming enough, but this stabbing headache was not helping him think clearly. Why did it feel like fire was coursing through his veins? Argh, he screamed internally, overcome with agony. His gripe along his temple tightened, and his eyes snapped open as he felt a trickle of blood where his nails had pierced his skin; like the night before, his vision went black, and he felt himself collapsing to the floor.     The officer who had never taken his eyes off Erick was suddenly running over to him. "Shit!" The officer witnessed the golden glare in his eyes during the brief moment they opened. He knew the fears in their suspicions were correct as he rushed to his side. "Get a gurney and the restraints now!" He roared in the direction of the nurse who was already scrambling to assist him.

AmandaW1822 · Fantastique
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97 Chs


**Rhian's POV**

We were sitting in a large conference room. I wasn't even sure who half the people were. After we left the dungeon we had Samuel contact the council members. He told them the situation was now an emergency and everyone should arrive as quickly as possible.

It took three days for the final members to arrive. We had been in the meeting for a half-hour when Erick stood to inform them of the vision I had. He hadn't even finished speaking before chaos erupted.

"What do you mean we need to prepare for war?"

"There is no way I am sacrificing my pack with so little information to go on!"

"How do we even know any of this is the truth?"

"Can we believe you are the prophesized alpha? Things were supposed to get better when you gained power. You may have swindled Samuel and his pack but I don't believe you are who you say you are."

It was so hard to concentrate and even listen to what anyone was saying when everyone was shouting at the same time. Even after several days, I was still in a state of shock so I can only imagine how they are feeling just hearing the news.

"Enough," Erick's voice growled with so much power the entire room went silent. "I understand you are all concerned, doubtful, and even fearful of the information presented. However, whatever emotions or reactions you are having will not change the facts. This is coming whether you believe it or not."

I stood, I wasn't sure what I was going to say but I knew I had to try. "Excuse me, gentleman." All eyes turned to me. "Hello, for those of you who don't know I am Rhian, Erick's mate. I was the one who saw the future that is coming."

Erick stepped closer and took my hand and nodded for me to continue. "The Moon Goddess blessed me with the ability to see into the minds of others. To know their thoughts even without them being aware. This is how I discovered the information."

A man interjected, "Sure, and how do we know that you are even telling the truth. We don't know who you are either young lady. You just expect us to take you at your word?"

"I suppose that is a fair concern. What would you say about a demonstration? I would like you to think about a number, color, letter, and month. If I can get them all correct would you be willing to admit I do have the gift I claim?"

The older man grunted, "Fine."

It was harder to break in because he was actively trying to keep me out. I persisted until I finally spoke, "22, green, X, January."

The man sat in silence with his jaw dropped.

"I will take that reaction to mean I was correct." I looked around the room, "Does anyone else need more proof?"

I saw many of the men shake their heads no. "That's what I thought. Let's continue. This is not a battle simple for wolves. We will need to form alliances and work together with several other species. Unfortunately, I am not aware of the specifics at this time.

We need to search for several couples in order for our side to win. I know we are looking for a witch, a demon, a dragon, a vampire, I am unsure what the last species was. Unfortunately, Joel wasn't clear on that."

"Let me get this straight, you expect me to cooperate with a frozen bloodsucker?"

"No, you don't have to but unless you can get over yourself we will fail. The choice is yours. Each will have their own journey and battles to face before they will be able to align with us. If even one fails our future is doomed."

"Just how do we go about finding who these special people are?"

"I don't have the answer to that. I think the best thing we can do right now is preparing for battle as best we can and keep an eye out for anomalies within the supernatural world."

"So, wait and see. Are you serious there is nothing we can do to be proactive?"

"I am sorry, I intend to keep searching Joel's mind for answers and his uncles as well. They are currently our only connection to the events that are coming."

"Great," A man stood and walked to the door, "Samuel, let me know when we have any actual information to go on. Until then I am going back to my pack to prepare."

When the first man stood several followed suit. I was frustrated, I knew I would meet some resistance but I didn't expect to be doubted so strongly and by so many.

If this was any inclination of how things were going to go in the future I didn't have much hope for our survival. I turned to Erick and leaned into his waiting arms. "I am sorry I couldn't get them to believe me."

He squeezed tightly and kissed my head. "You did what you could, give it time. We need to allow the shock to wear off. We won't give up we need to find who the other special beings are. We still have the help of the pack and the others will come around."

I looked up at him and sadly answered, "I just hope they come around before it's too late."