
The Goddesses Prophecy of the Alpha

Erick didn't even know werewolves existed, let alone that he was one. As he is thrown into that world, he finds himself at the center of both a murder plot and an ancient prophecy. Can he find a way to survive and fulfill the prophecy? Rhian his mate comes crashing into his life while running from her own set of dangers. Will their union derail everything or be the solution they are looking for?  The officer leaned in over the desk towards the intake nurse. They both continued to glance in his direction as they spoke in hushed whispers. An irritated Erick smirked, giving them a slight wave to acknowledge he knew they were staring. Even though they were across the room and attempting to speak quietly, Erick heard every word. He was baffled at this sudden improvement in his hearing; it was as if their voices were magnified. "Yes, we found him wandering out of the woods. He couldn't explain his lack of clothes or what had happened to him." The nurse replied, "Don't you find that suspicious knowing what last night was? Do you think that maybe he was unaware he was changing?'' The officer quickly cut her off, "Of course I suspected it! Why the hell do you think I brought him here instead of Memorial hospital?" The nurse just nodded as she looked down and began to type in her report. "My biggest question is it's as if he has no idea what happened. Does he not know what he is or what he is going through? Please make sure you have security and keep an eye on him. Something just feels off to me." The officer looking directly at Erick noticed how wide his eyes were watching the two of them speak. Could he hear their conversation?     What in the world were these two talking about? The shocking appearance on Erick's face twisted into a confused expression. What is this change they are talking about, and what do they mean what he is? He is a man. What other possibility is there? Feelings of anger and rage began to overwhelm him. He had felt all along that the officer's demeanor was off, like he knew more than he was saying. Erick acknowledges that his explanation for what happened lacked plausibility, but he was just trying to find some reasonable interpretation of the situation. What did that man know? Did he recognize Erick but how? It's not like he ever had a criminal record?     Erick brought his hands up to his temple and put pressure along both sides as he squeezed his eyes closed tightly. His feelings were overwhelming enough, but this stabbing headache was not helping him think clearly. Why did it feel like fire was coursing through his veins? Argh, he screamed internally, overcome with agony. His gripe along his temple tightened, and his eyes snapped open as he felt a trickle of blood where his nails had pierced his skin; like the night before, his vision went black, and he felt himself collapsing to the floor.     The officer who had never taken his eyes off Erick was suddenly running over to him. "Shit!" The officer witnessed the golden glare in his eyes during the brief moment they opened. He knew the fears in their suspicions were correct as he rushed to his side. "Get a gurney and the restraints now!" He roared in the direction of the nurse who was already scrambling to assist him.

AmandaW1822 · Fantastique
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97 Chs

A Nightmare

**Erick's POV**

We finished up our day cuddling on the couch watching a movie. Not that either of us watched the movie. She was so peaceful as she slept nestled against my chest. I spent a long time just staring at her. I knew I had fallen hard and fast nothing mattered to me anymore as much as she did. It was insane, crazy, magnetic there was certainly no denying I had no control over this and I wasn't upset a bit.

I picked her up cradling her body against my chest walking her to my bed. I pulled back the covers and placed her down gently. I tucked her in and kissed her forward. I desperately wanted to crawl into bed next to her but hesitated without her consent.

I walked over to the chair in the corner of my room and just gazed at her until I too was finally overcome with sleep. That is until I woke to her screaming and shaking.

**Rhian's POV**

I was dreaming, but it was as if I was watching myself. I didn't remember going to Eliza's room. This was strange.

"Eliza I don't know what is going on or how you are involved but I have the autopsy report. The real autopsy report and I am taking to the elder council and you will pay for what you have done!" I was seething with anger.

Smugly Eliza looked at me as if I was of little consequence. "Ha! So it seems you have stumbled upon part of my plans. I am curious just how much have you discovered?"

"I know this may not be the first time you have murdered but it will be your last!"

"Dear child, you have no idea who you are messing with here. I have been planning this for centuries and there is no way a feeble little she-wolf will stop me this time."

"Goddess Maeve?" The door opened and a man entered Eliza's room and it was Cyrus. Why did he call her Goddess Maeve? What was going on right now?

"Damnit, you fool! You know you are not supposed to use my true name." She walked over to Cyrus the man that typically appeared with an attitude of pomp and privilege looked weak and subservient as he hung his head low at her chastising him. She slapped the back of his head knocking him off balance with the force.

"Forgive me! I can do better, I will do better. I only wish to serve your desires," Cyrus pathetically begged.

"What in the actual world is going on?" I demanded

"Oh my pretty little daughter," I could feel the disgust dripping from her tone using that name. "It seems you are not nearly as smart or good at investigating as you think."

She approached offering her hand like a queen being received by a lowly subject. "I am the Goddess Maeve, this quivering idiot is my subservient Ferdia. For centuries now I have lived and died among you mortals. I have searched high and low to find my dear sweet traitorous nephew. I have been cursed to roam this mortal earth until I can avenge my murder so I may become immortal.

"And you see child I am close this time." She was poking my shoulder."I can feel it in my soul. I refuse to let you stand in my way. You greatly underestimate the level of persuasion I have over you dirty mutts." She turned her back, crossing the room to a full-length mirror.

She oozed sex, she wasn't wrong when she said she held the power of persuasion over the men of the back. She was checking herself out in the mirror. Eliza wore a red bodycon dress that clung to her voluptuous curves. Her wavy golden hair was full of volume resting at the top of her chest. She wore makeup but need very little to bring out her beauty. Her trademark was her full lips she wore a blood-red shade that drew the eye directly to her mouth.

"The question is what shall I do with you?" She was staring at herself and adjusting her dress slightly. Wiping along the edge of her lip making sure the red lipstick looked perfect. Turning back to Rhian, "I can't have you ruining everything for me. Not when I am so close."

"My dilemma, however, revolves around you. I have been able to use the little magic left in my locating crystal to determine that my little nephew is connected to you!"

Her stare was now boring into Rhian the hate seething in her words, "I had assumed that he had returned as your father. After I staged his death and discovered that my assumption was wrong I was forced to scramble."

"How would I once again dupe those silly dogs into allowing me to remain in control. To retain my power over you as Luna."

"For once this peon," She gestured at Cyrus. "Came up with a brilliant theory. I know you are the key to my searching and what closer connection would a werewolf have to their mate."

"Unfortunately, you have stumbled upon a piece of information you shouldn't have. I will need to find a way to keep you from destroying my plan. Killing you isn't an option because you will never find your mate and I will never be able to kill him."

"Tricky, tricky," she mused as she tapped her finger on her chin. "For the time being, I will need to lock you up away and ruin the credibility of your character. Cyrus and I will have witnessed your psychotic emotional breakdown over the loss of your father."

"Yes, yes perfect." she continued mumbling unphased by the two other people in the room. "We are keeping you safely locked in the far hall of the packhouse. You after all in this fragile state a danger to yourself and heaven forbid others. Of course, we will have to have you evaluated and treated by the best doctors."

"When I say best, I do mean those best swayed by my charms or bribery. We will just need to keep you sedated until I can marry you off to Cyrus here."

"I would never marry Cyrus! The pack won't allow it without him being my mate. You won't get away with this." I screamed angrily at her.

"I am sure I can convince them, you see Cyrus here has access to some of the best psychiatrists in the States. It would only be until you were well. The fresh air of his secluded state would do you wonders. After years of solitude, torture, and sedation I am sure you will be much more compliant to my wishes and be a good girl and find your mate without blowing my cover."

"We would need to assure the Council this marriage would simply be a placeholder until your rightful mate is found. That would ensure they don't protest because this is just the best way for you to get the treatment you need to get better."

"Hmm, yes. I think that will work for now. As long as I get you out of this territory and into my own I will have less fear over who you might try to convince of your 'truth'"

"I will tell anyone and everyone everything. I will speak out until I am blue in the face. You will never get away with this."

"Is that so?" She glared at me. "Well, then how about we just go ahead and adjust your memories to forget all about this little information. I don't want to waste what little powers I have left but I think a small bit of amnesia will go a long way."

She crossed the room and it looked as if she was pulling an imaginary string from my temple. "Here we are, this should be enough."

I looked back quizzically my mind had gone blank just before I collapsed in a pile on the floor.

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