
The Goddess of Creation and Destruction

Gaia Moraitis, a human with an ability, despises having one. To her, possessing an ability entails significant responsibilities and plays a crucial role in the deteriorating hierarchy of the world. But what if she carries an even greater responsibility? Something more complex and immensely challenging. Will she be able to endure it?

Jennyoniichan · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

The Interview

Currently, Gaia and Zeira are watching TV in their room's living area. It's six pm, and they've just finished dinner.

"There's another target of the HUNTER group with abilities. Authorities still can't determine the reason behind this group's targeting of people with abilities," Gaia remarks, glancing at Zeira as the unidentified group hits the news again. Zeira's eyes reflect anger and resentment towards them.

"I'll make sure whoever is behind that group pays," Zeira asserts, still focused on the TV, which is now showing commercials. Gaia places her hand on Zeira's shoulder, hoping to alleviate her friend's feelings of sadness and anger.

"I understand, Zeira. But please, don't rush into decisions," Gaia advises. Zeira takes a deep breath, looking at Gaia.

"Thank you, Gaia, for being here. I might go crazy if I didn't have someone to talk to about this," Zeira sincerely expresses her gratitude.

It's been a month since Gaia joined the Academy. Within that time, she has grown close to Zeira and the two guys, Caiz and Fier. There are still two people in their group Gaia hasn't interacted with much— Zhyke and Rania, the gray-haired girl who escorted her to Headmaster Eztor on her first day. Rania doesn't bother her, staying quiet when they're together.

"I should be the one thanking you. You do everything to protect me," Gaia says with a smile. Zeira is always there for her, not literally always, but whenever Zeira needs her, Gaia is by her side. That's why they quickly became close. It's a risk for Gaia. The last time she let people into her life, something bad happened. However, Gaia believes that history won't repeat itself. She's been played before, and she's not foolish enough to be played twice. It's her game now.

The night passes quickly, and they wake up early for an activity outside the Academy. They need to interview people to gather opinions about the world, especially regarding ordinary and extraordinary matters. After the interviews, they have to write an essay based on the responses they receive.

Now, Gaia and the group are gathered near the Academy gate. They are twenty-four in total, and Miss Sage has decided to pair them up. Zeira eagerly jumps next to Gaia, but Miss Sage interrupts the students' excitement. "I will be the one to choose your partners," Miss Sage announces.

Caiz laughs upon hearing this, irritating Zeira. Gaia chuckles at their antics, as if they were kids. "Like children," Fier comments. He's next to Gaia, and she playfully rolls her eyes at him. Always the silent one, Fier. Gaia smiles, remembering the time she thought Fier knew something about her. She was right; she confessed to Fier. Instead of distancing herself from him, they became friends. He knew something that Gaia had vowed to forget.

"Mister Loris and Miss Moraitis," Miss Sage begins pairing them. Unfortunately, Gaia is paired with Zhyke, and she is left staring into space, not hearing Miss Sage. She only snaps back to reality when Zeira calls her. She involuntarily says 'ha' again.


She looks at Zeira, saying 'ha' again. Miss Sage raises an eyebrow at her. "Miss Moraitis, your partner is Mister Loris," Miss Sage emphasizes. Gaia is left dumbfounded, realizing what she heard. She closes her eyes and bites her lip, holding back her frustration. Zhyke Myr Loris, the man who despises her, is now her partner.

"Gaia..." Zeira calls out, concerned. She knows how much Gaia detests Zhyke. Zeira understands that in Gaia's mind, Zhyke is someone she'd rather avoid.

"Miss Sage, can't we change partners?" Fier asks.

"It's a no, Mister Kraig. Now, go with your partners to get ready," Miss Sage replies. Gaia hears Fier sigh behind her. He touches her shoulder and faces her, a worried expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, Gaia. I can't do anything," Gaia laughs to lighten the mood.

"It's okay, Fier. I can handle this. I'm used to that guy." Gaia reassures Fier. She knows he's worried about her losing control.

"That's not what I'm worried about, Gaia. I'm—" Fier doesn't finish his sentence as someone pulls Gaia towards the gate.

"Zhyke!" Fier shouts from behind Gaia, but it seems Zhyke doesn't hear him and continues pulling Gaia.

"Hey Zhyke, can you let go of my hand?" Zhyke stops pulling, seemingly reluctantly releasing Gaia's hand. Gaia furrows her brows when she sees Zhyke messing with her hair, as if annoyed with himself.

"What? Are we just going to stand here?" Gaia asks, and Zhyke gives her a disdainful look. What else is new? Zhyke always looks at her with contempt. But, that's all he does. He hasn't physically hurt her lately, and Gaia wonders what made Zhyke stop.

"You and your mouth, Gaia. I am still the King, so you have no—" Gaia immediately cuts off what Zhyke was going to say.

"-right to tell me blah blah blah." Zhyke just lets out a heavy sigh, calming himself.

"You're lucky we're outside. You'll regret this when we get back to the Academy," Gaia rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, as if I'm scared," she's had enough of Zhyke's nonsense.

Gaia is getting used to Zhyke's attitude. He can't hurt her physically, and he always says her strength is useless against someone like him.

After a few moments, they are already outside the Academy for the interviews. The Academy placed a small tracker in their clothes to prevent any mischief or escape attempts. Anyone trying to remove the tracker would get an electric shock.

While Gaia interviews three people, she finds herself inside a coffee shop. It was Zhyke's idea; he didn't want to be in the heat, which irritated Gaia. Apparently, he's more high-maintenance than she is.

After finishing the interview with a guy, Gaia leans back in her chair due to fatigue. Suddenly, someone places an iced coffee in front of her. "Iced coffee," it's Zhyke. Gaia looks at the cup and winces when she sees her name misspelled as 'Gheya.' She lets it pass and takes the iced coffee, taking a sip.

When Gaia looks at Zhyke after drinking, he immediately questions her, "What?" in a cold tone.

"Are you sick?" Gaia asks, surprised that he's treating her this time. Zhyke avoids eye contact, seemingly bothered by her question.

"Don't overthink, pawn! I treated you because—" Zhyke's sentence is cut off when a group of guys suddenly arrives.

"Oh, what do we have here?" A blond-haired guy appears, accompanied by three other guys behind him.

"If it isn't the great Zhyke, huh? So, who's this pretty lady with you, Zhyke?" There's something in his voice that irritates Gaia, prompting her to give him a sharp look.

"Whoa, so feisty. I like that!" The guy says with a big smile, approaching with his companions. Gaia is about to respond when Zhyke pulls her towards the back of the coffee shop where he was standing earlier.

"What do you want, Luxus?" Zhyke asks the guy.

"I want a rematch, Zhyke. I'll make sure you're buried six feet under. To make it more thrilling, if I win, I get your girlfriend. If you win, I accept that you're the strongest in this country, and I won't bother you again," Luxus confidently proposes. Gaia is shocked when Zhyke unexpectedly agrees to the challenge. Zhyke is furious.

"I don't need your recognition, Luxus. In the eyes of many, I am the strongest in this country. And let me tell you, Luxus, if I see you getting close to Gaia, I'll be the one burying you in hell!" Gaia furrows her brows at the mention of her name. She wonders why she got dragged into this. Zhyke is pulling her out of the coffee shop.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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