
The God Of War.

"Aiden is the future crown Prince of meabeth whom no one knew existed," and was separated from home when he was born because of the life changing war that broke out. He was raised by a goddess the Gods cursed decades ago, "and when he was growing up up he was showed everything that happened in the war years ago that changed his life". "He vowed to take revenge on his enemies. The goddess watched him grow to become a strong man and was her time to leave him to fulfill his destiny, she was only given a premium time to be with him". Aiden became a target when his existence was revealed to the enemies. "What do you think? Do you think Aiden would be able to get through his enemies easily and over take the throne or does the Gods have something else installed for him".

Gifty90kofoworola · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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24 Chs

The truth

You...you ...Your highness, there are a lot of secrets I have to tell you and apart from the information about what the druid is up to, I have been searching for you for a very long time and I couldn't ask anyone for help I was stock with my duties and fulfilling my promise to the late Queen Oprah . ENOUGH!!!!!!!

Thud .... Thud

You...you.... your highness pls pardon me as we all both know that the weather reacts to your emotion, I know you may find it hard to believe me but the late queen has made me promise her to guide you.

Hahaha Gwen I asked you to let anyone who has information about the druid into my chamber and not the town's old joker, look oldy I pardon you cause of my late mom but now you should leave or else I'll feed your head to the vultures.


Take him out now

ye .....ye..yes your highness,I couldn't even bring myself to look at his highness face and so could the stranger , I could feel his highness starring daggers at me it felt like my skin was going to burn, I lifted the man up by his collar about to leave when he said .....

"MAY YOU LEAVE LONG KING AIDEN",but do you even know what it means to have your Queen Oprah's ultimate ring.


Gwen take him away,but not to be killed take care of him. OK your highness and once again before leaving I could feel his highness's gaze on me, I already knew my offence I and I'll indeed be punished I ended my thought and scurry out of the chamber with the man.

Here is your chamber, "you will stay here till further notice food and clothes will be brought to you",and by the way what's your name.

I need to speak to his Highness

shhhh shhhh his highness doesn't want to here anything, and trust me when I say he loathe to repeat his self, I said and Left.

I could feel his highness's rage from the inside I hope all went well, Noah said while approaching me, I bet you saw his face after fifteen years of hiding it away from us, Leon interrupted.

Yes I did see his face, he has a well sculpted face I think the Goodness's must have created him,and his eyes was just like a silvery gray with a hint of twinkling fire in it complementing his hair, he has a slivery long hair and a pointed nose,his lashes were so long, his skin so smooth that even the moon reflection can be seen on it,and and...

"cough cough I think someone is lost in thought levy said, how shameless you are admiring a man tsk may lord Baharam have mercy on you Noah said placing his hands together in the sky.

Don't blame me I can't help it, his highness is just so breathtaking wait till you see for yourself.....

"Then why not marry him?", oh Zeus pls protect us from this man levy whispered,Noah you should talk to him, what...? no way, Leon will do the talking, count me out,then who will,

I will don't worry I said and finally saw them breathe a sigh of relief, I have to go and see his highness after this I whispered to my self. what? did you say something levy asked, no no was just thinking on how to get pass Lancelot.

we all turn to face our leader, the ever so serious man in command.

From afar we saw him .....