
The God of Battle: NIKKE Goddess of Victory.

(Wallpaper is Fenrir) Commander Kratos after the loss of his first squad and several of his body parts to a Tyrrant Class Rapture built a second squad. Composed of Guilty, Sin, and Quency, and criminal Nikkes he set out after most of his body was replaced with experimental 10th gen parts. Now, with his newly enhanced body, he set out onto the surface for vengeance against the Raptute that brought him so low. But, not everything turned out as expected.

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Hera and Kratos Heart to Heart.

Kratos sat down as he wondered why Hera wanted to talk about his love life. Sure it wasn't the most normal of relationships, but what did that have to do with her? He waited for her to start as she collected her thoughts. 

In the meantime, he started to stretch out his arms a bit as he felt the muscles in his back tense. Whatever they did this time, he felt strong which reminded him of his vision. Did he really meet Ares? He believed he did as he could feel the emotion in his 'ancestor.' 

He was snapped out of his pondering when Hera finally spoke. 

"Alright, let's not beat around the bush and get the cat out of the bag. Kratos, are you trying to get a harem? Because you just don't seem the guy to do that. I mean, you have shown zero interest in any woman. I remember when you were 13 and I asked you if you liked anyone and you said no. 

So what changed?"

Kratos pointed straight at Quency who was sitting on her bed. She was kicking her legs back and forth and raised her hand with a smile. 

"It was my idea. When I first told him he told me it was stupid, but he has been coming around to the idea. We didn't give him much room to refuse he even is starting to like it. I mean, we all sleep in his room now. Right girls?" 

Guilty, Sin, and Scathach all nodded. However, Scathach did not look in Hera's direction as she was still quite reserved. Guilty did not seem to think it was a big deal while Sin had a smile on her face as if all this was amusing to her. 

Hera felt weird talking about a harem in this day in age. It was unheard of, but in the Sovereign Circle, there were a few very wealthy men and women who sometimes indulged in the idea. Her Father of course did not, but her brother was. 

"Why did you even bring it up in the first place? I mean, let's be honest it's weird to be ok with it. How are you ok with it?" 

Quency shrugged. 

"I thought it would be fun and it is a shame for Kratos to keep going with no women in his life. But why give him one when I can give him 4? Me included of course. As for how I am okay with it, let's just say I am not insecure enough to be jealous of women I approve of."

She said the last part with a wink. Hera turned back to her brother who did not deny her words. 

"She does have a point, Hera. We Cromwell's already live longer than other people not to mention whatever enhancements I have gone through are sure to make me even more unique. What difference does it make if the number of lovers I have is 1 or 4." 

Hera sighed as she asked more important questions. 

"What about marriage? You can't legally marry more than one person. Even less when they are Nikkes as despite the fact we consider them human, some think of them as nothing but weapons of war. 

Plus, you can't have children." 

Kratos shrugged. 

"Does it matter what my lessers think? As long as I decide on something, that is what I shall do and no one will tell me otherwise. As long as we are all consenting adults who can make our own choices I say no harm no foul." 

Hera ruffled her hair before sighing. 

"I see. Well, just know I think it's weird. Am I your lesser?" 

"No. You are my sister, my older sister to be exact, and a Cromwell. You stand above others so your thoughts matter to me. However, while I value your judgment, this is not something you have a say in. Like I don't have a say in who you marry." 

Hera squinted her eyes as this was a sore point she, her father, and her brother did not bring up lightly. When she started seeing her now husband, her brother, Father, and grandfather firmly demanded she leave him. 

They considered him weak, and genetically inferior, and he would only taint their Bloodline. She of course refused to listen to them and now had her daughter Elleine. The issue came from her husband entire being. 

He was short to Cromwells, only 5'7 compared to her own 6'5, on the thinner side, a pacifist, and poor. This conflicted with everything Cromwells exemplified so they did not approve of him. She married him anyway, and her Father, Brother, and Grandfather all ate their words and were polite to him out of need.

However, the three of them still disapproved. Hera calmed herself as she did not like to talk about this often. 

"Your right. We are siblings who value each other's words, but in the end we make our own choices. So, I will allow you to make your own relationship choices while I will keep mine. Just don't become a degenerate." 

Kratos scowled. 

"Who do you think I am? Besides, this whole thing was Quency's idea, we just got dragged along side her madness, but now I can't say no." 

Guilty had to agree. 

"I think that is a fair assessment. I mean just look at her, most of her brains went into her breasts." 

Sin nodded and agreed with her fellow Nikke. 

"So we agree. Quency is quite dimwitted, but she is quite entertaining to watch." 

Quency frowned as they called her dumb twice. 

"You two do know I am not stupid right?" 

Sin acted as if she heard a revelation from god looking to the sky. 

"Is this so? Because I believe my assessment is the most accurate. Scathach, what do you think?" 

Scathach perked up and stopped looking at her new face. 

"I don't think she is dumb per se, she just acts dumb." 

Quency's face went blank as even Scathach called her dumb. 

"Wow, Kratos you going to let them talk to me that way?" 

He shrugged. 

"I pick my battles Quency. This I leave to you." 

"Wow. How mean. Now you got your answer sis Hera. What do you think?" 

Hera thought about it as she accepted her brother's choices. Just like he had to accept hers. 

"Well, I just hope you girls make him happy like my husband does me. Brother, visit Elleine won't you? I know you don't like my husband, but I know you love her. You are all she talks about and even talks about becoming a Commander like you. 

Though, she went through your special training and quit." 

Kratos laughed. 

"Hey, I thank you for that training. It really works." 

Hera frowned. 

"It does?" 

He nodded. 

"It's like I got Observation Haki now?" 

Hera face palmed as she began to walk out of the room. 

"I am leaving. I cannot have given you that good of perception." 

Quency nodded quickly. 

"YOU DID! He can even sense me when I go into hiding." 

Hera chuckled as she opened the door. Waiting for her to get done was an assistant holding 5 outfits. Kronus had taken the clothes his son and his Nikkes wore and got them enhanced just for the heck of it. 

Hera nodded and stepped to the side to allow the assistant inside. The young man placed the 5 outfits on one of the beds. 

"Your clothes. I shall wait outside." 

Once he left, Kratos stood up and removed his hospital gown. He seemed to be still wearing boxers, but not the ones he came in here with. 

"Alright, get changed."

Without needing to be told, they also removed their gowns and began to put their clothes on. Just like him, they were wearing undergarments which were put on this morning. So, without wasting much time they got fully dressed with Kratos being back in his Commander's Uniform. 

Sin got her usual leggings and running shoes, but this time she got a purple shirt to wear under her jacket as she usually went with no shirt. Quilty wore her baggy t-shirt with her hoodie over it, her now red skirt, and knee-high stockings along with a pair of running shoes. 

They all got running shoes except Kratos who stuck to his black combat boots. Scathach wore her military attire while Quency wore a pair of jeans, a comfy shirt, and a blouse.

Once they were dressed, it was time for the more annoying things. Guilty looked at her restraints with a frown. He walked over and patted her on the head.

"Come on, I will help you." 

She nodded as he picked up the heavy neck brace followed by the lock comsole over her chest. Quency put on her cuff guns by herself while Sin put on her gasmask which was locked in place. 

She took a breath and exhaled her purple breath. 

"Did your dad tweak with this?" 

Her voice was more clear while still having that robotic undertone. It sounded quite cool in all honesty. 

"We were out for nearly two months so I believe he did." 

With that, he put on his Commander's hat while Guilty and Quency put on their baseball hats. Once they were all dressed they stepped out of the recovery room. The assistant was waiting as he said. 

"Sir Kratos, please follow me. Your Father wants to speak to you before you leave." 

"Alright. Take me to him." 

"At once." 

As they followed behind the Assistant, Quency looked up at Kratos as she noticed something. As the 5 of them walked the ground continued to shake slightly under their combined weight. It made her recoil as she was still a woman and thinking of her weight made her cringe. 

"I don't want to bring it up, but how heavy are we?"

The assistant was more than happy to speak on it. 

"Oh, well Sir Kratos weighs 1200 pounds(5400 Kg), you are 950 pounds(430 KG). Miss Guilty weighs 1200(5400) pounds just like your Commander. We compressed quite a bit of muscle and enhanced her to increase her strength. Miss Sin, I believe weighs 800 pounds(362 Kg). And Miss Scathach weighs 1000(453 Kg)." 

The 5 of them stopped walking when they heard their weights even Kratos was shocked. He cleared his voice as he only weighed 900 before. 

"I thought I only got my limbs and eyes enhanced?" 

"You did, but your entire body seemed to have undergone several mutations under the serums we gave you. You are much denser than you were before. It was inevitable that you would all get heavier." 

Quency wiped imaginary tears from her face. 

"We are all fat now." 

The assistant shook his head. 

"Of course, you are not fat. You are an increased weight as a result of the denser material you are now made of. Though, you won't be doing any swimming or icy missions as you will all just fall right through the ice." 

For the rest of the walk, they did not speak as they were still trying to get used to their crazy weights. Eventually, they arrived at Kronus' office.

"Here we are. He is inside."

The assistant opened the door for them so they walked in. However, Kratos was confused when he walked in as Andersen and Ingrid were right there sitting at his Father's table. 

And like always, his Father's three guards were right behind him. Even Hera was here which made Kratos stand at attention. He may be prideful, but he still kept to military regulations. Andersen stood up and turned to Kratos. 

"I see you are awake. How long do you need to recover and return to active duty?" 

"Sir, I require only 5 days." 

"Good. You can relax already. Your Father and I were discussing a slight alliance. When you go to the surface, he will send people to collect the Raptures you destroy and in exchange, he and Eleysion will work closer together to develop more 10th gen Nikkes. 

Of course, we plan to bring Mustang into this deal while keeping Syuen out of it. Your Father believes she is trouble." 

Kratos relaxed and nodded. 

"I agree. She is a brat and brings nothing but trouble. She is skilled in business though, just her altitude is beyond bad." 

Andersen turned to Ingrid. 

"Do you wish to add anything?" 

Ingrid looked at Scathach with squinted eyes which made her stand at attention as well. 

"I see you went out of your way to enhance her. How much did it cost?" 

"Per or just for her?" 

"Just for her." 

"A Billion Credits and the weapons I made for her make that number go up to about A Billion and 500 Million." 

"I will pay it back, but will you make more 10th Gen Nikkes." 

Kronus thought about it. 

"The procedure is still in testing and in this room are all of them. Do the math?"

Ingrid counted Kronus' three guards, Sin, Guilty, Quency, Scathach, and Kratos himself which brought the number up to 8 Billion Credits with a margin of error. 

"So, each one is an elite yes?" 

Kronus nodded. 

"Yes. My many businesses have made me a wealthy man with money to spare, but I still need to replenish what I use up. But with Eleysion and Tetra's help, I can increase how many I can produce. But, this brings me to the main point. 

Making 10th Gen Nikkes is difficult as not just any individual can bear the strain. The ones made are special unless you got some in mind." 

Ingrid had two such Nikkes in mind. 

"I will get back to you on that. Scathach, ensure you do not put those upgrades to waste." 

With a salute, she affirmed that. 

"Of course." 

Ingrid began to leave while Andersen stayed behind. 

"Kratos, you have your 5 days. When you return you will be sent to the surface on a Survey mission. The Ark is planning to begin excavating a new mine, but the area is full of Raptures. 

You will need to protect the survey team being sent along with you during the survey." 

"Consider it done." 

"Excellent. It is a pleasure to work with you two. Now, excuse me." 

Andersen also left which made Kronus beam. If even a Director and CEO valued his tech it meant they knew they needed him. 

"Good luck son." 

"Thanks. I will need it." 

Kratos turned around and left followed closely by his squad members. Though, calling them that felt cold should they be referred to as his lovers or girlfriends? He would have to think about it.