
Showin Malcador what is the in warehouse

I woke up. Normally, it wasn't anything weird, anything exciting or noteworthy. After all, I did it every day. Well, in my past life, but in this one, I had no need to sleep, but I still slept because I love it.

I can control what I dream but some of my dreams disturb me, I have seen visions of Xeno predators eating flesh and leaving the bones of billions to fill continents with mountains of twisted corpses. Orcs who turn humans into cattle. Numerous psykers release warp horrors, genetic horrors that run rampant through the unprotected population, and other horrors.

The ceiling of my bedroom was covered with wooden carvings depicting scenes from myths and legends. My room was bigger than most rooms, the room was full of expensive furniture made of gold, wood and many other rare materials. Lightning bolts were plastered on every surface, from the double doors leading out of the bedroom to the curtains that were drawn in front of the large windows, and everything in between. The bed beneath me was a good bed, with a soft mattress and pillows, with thick covers sliding down my muscular, chiseled body.

I slowly got out of bed, and spent a few minutes putting on my armor.

Eight years have passed since my awakening. The renewal of Terra has reached 60% and in a few more decades Terra will be a beautiful blue-green world again. There was a huge population explosion thanks to the peace and prosperity that unification brought.

Numerous new technologies have been introduced, further improving living conditions.

Life expectancy has increased tremendously, and with it prosperity.

The newly created Imperial Cult that worships me as the God-Emperor merged with the Imperial Truth and the teachings of the Selenar Gene Cult in some unholy fusion. We just need to add the Mechanicum for the real fun to begin.

I open the door and the Custodes standing next to the door lower their heads in respect.

I just give them a nod of acknowledgment and continue straight ahead as they follow me.

I check through the palace towards my sons and see that all twenty of my Primarchs are still asleep in their apartments.

I call them apartments, but the more accurate name is castle, considering the size and the fact that they include everything from small arenas, huge storerooms for their belongings to halls that are ideal for feasts.

I make my way to the hall where I find Malcador responding to my entrance with a slight nod.

"Good morning my lord" Malcador greets me.

"Good morning, friend, it's time for breakfast," I answer him.

We both sit on comfortable chairs around a huge table.

The best meat, fruit, vegetables and the best drinks on Terra were served on the table.

While Malcador eats slowly, I eat a little more hurriedly.

While we are having breakfast, I tell Malcador a few jokes that I know are funny, even though I can't see his smile, I can feel him laughing inside.

We finish our breakfast in an hour.

"You wanted to talk about something with me after breakfast together?" Malcador asks.

"Yes, regarding the effectiveness of using certain technologies and abilities that I possess," I answer.

Malcador seemed to think for a few minutes before confusion crossed his face.

"What's the problem?" Malcador asks.

"Come with me, and see" I answer and open the portal towards my warehouse.

As Malcador walks through the portal with me he just looks at me in confusion, probably because the portal is not Warp in nature or any technology known to him.

On the other side, in the warehouse, there is a copy of the Imperial Palace and we step into it.

A look of shock and confusion crosses Malcador's face at the same time as he looks at me in amazement.

"This is and is not the Imperial Palace at the same time, how is that possible?" asks Malcador

"Another one of my abilities, unlike the original, this version of the Imperial Palace is completely finished and has everything and the original including the Training Arena, my personal facilities, the Primarch's living quarters, Your Museum, the entrance to the Human Network and most importantly the Golden Throne and the Astronomicon.

In addition to these relics, the Imperial Palace currently houses tens of thousands of Guardsmen, Adeptus Custodes, Sisters of Silence, and all other beings responsible for guarding the palace, such as armies of battle psykers and other soldiers.

There are thousands of monstrous guns defending it. The massive camps of soldiers themselves surround the palace, the palace is guarded by the most dangerous warriors within the Imperium. Furthermore, even though the imperial palace is a fortress, it has a population that exceeds that of the beehive cities.

Lastly, as I mentioned, the Replica of the Imperial Palace has everything that the original has, let me take you on a tour of my warehouse," I reply to Malcador.

"What do you mean, your warehouse, where exactly are we and how did you create all this?" Malcador looked completely confused by the sights before him as he asked questions very quickly.

"Firstly, this is a warehouse for my stuff, no one can enter it if I don't want it, secondly, we are inside me because the warehouse itself is connected to me and thirdly, I can't tell you the exact process of creating the warehouse because I don't fully understand that," I answered him.

"If the warehouse has so many inhabitants, how do they all feed themselves?" Malcador asked again.

"My warehouse provides them with everything they need for life, and while they are inside they have no need for food, water, sleep or any physical activity because they are immune to death in the warehouse."

At my answers, Malcador's face alternates between astonishment, confusion and curiosity as he just stares at me.

"Come on, let's go for a tour, follow me," I tell him, snapping him out of his thinking.

"Yes, my lord," he replies.

We spent the next few days in the warehouse while I took him around.

Malcador looked stunned when I showed him some filtered Wiki information.

Showing some of the weapons I have such as the loyal Rangdan War-Moon, The Awakened Dream, Ríastrad-un-Laeg, The Doom Driva Kannon and other weapons caused him to look at me even more stunned.

My mention of the Hidden Kingdom of Squats that I saved and which is populati by trillions of members caused Malcador's face to go from stunned to more confused.

Showing The Magna Mater and Blood of the Anathema made him look at me like I was crazy when I mentioned the possibility of embedding a gene seed into anything, as well as the possibility of creating animal astartes.

Showing the Chaos Artifacts caused him to look at me like I was a Chaos Cultist even though I mentioned to him that I would use them for good.

When he asked me the limits of my knowledge I mentioned know Enuncia and that I have a combined knowledge of the technology of the Old, Krork, Necron and that I have the genetic memory of the Tyranids. After that I mentioned to him my knowledge of the Black Library and Malcador's face turned white and his eyes widened as he just stared at me.

I had to wait for half an hour just for him to come to his senses so that we could continue sightseeing.

Showing Titan Legion, The Legion of the Damned, and The Silver Order includes a copy of Titan caused him to develop a severe headache.

The display of technology such as The Ring of Iron, Ordinatus Rangda, DAOT STC, Rangda Archive and The Imperial Webway and Astropathic Network caused blood to literally run from his nose in streams.

Knowing I have entire ships in storage like the Gloriana Class Battleship, Imperator Somnium, a copy of The Bucephalus with crew along with knowing that I have entire planets and star systems like The Rust, an entire system full of every type of xenos in space that are totally my loyal Harvesting System and Recruiting Sector in my warehouse caused him to pass out from severe shock.

When he regained consciousness, he thought that he had dreamed everything in a nightmare, but he almost again fainted when he realized that he was not dreaming.

I waited until he came to his senses and took him to the imperial palace where he inspected every part of the palace.

The sight of the inhabitants stunned him and he just stared at me for a few minutes until he just turned his head and hurried towards the site of his museum.

He just stared straight into the museum before falling to his knees just staring blankly at the exhibits on display.

"How is this possible? What the hell are you?" Malcador shouted at me.

I just walk up to him, take his hands and lift him to his feet again.

I hug him and use my empathetic powers to calm him down and answer him "I have already shown you the origin of my abilities, no matter how crazy it is, it is the truth. Honestly, I don't know what I am honestly, my friend"

"You have every technology Humanity has ever developed, you have all of Rangdan technology at your fingertips, you control a vast empire in the Warp, and you have entire sectors populated by almost every xenos species and humanity along with a fleet of manned ships, how can you not just destroy all the threats that exist and conquer the galaxy, why bother building empires from scratch? Malcador answered me and looked like he was about to cry out in agony.

"Look, I have all that and more, but I'm not omnipotent. All this advanced technology and my many powers look cool and easy to use on paper, but in practice they require huge amounts of materials and time to build, and crew that has to be trained to handle technology that is not intended people for use, not to mention," I answer him, hugging him.

"You are on the level of the Chaos Gods, can't you use your psychic power to destroy all threats" he answers me.

"Unfortunately no, the Chaos Gods have received a massive boost in power along with other threats. Look my friend, I have honestly weighed my options and come to the conclusion that this path is the safest, but I honestly expect that at the start of the Great Crusade, I will be able to use my knowledge more free and full of abilities " I answer and add " Although I have the ability to create multiple copies of myself, unfortunately the copies don't possess my powers, so using them causes more mental effort to control them all, it's hard for me to be in multiple places at the same time, that's why i need loyal people".

"What are you planning?" Malcador asks me in a calmer tone.

I feel that Malcador has completely calmed down and I release him from my embrace and look him straight in the eyes "I'm going to Mars to bring the Mechanicum into my service, I need you to manage the situation on Terra and look after the Primarchs".

"What else should I do... I know there's something else?" Malcador asks me curiously and I can see that he has regained control of his emotions and I can see that he is calmer.

I take out the vial of blood and hand it to Malcador "This is my blood in the vial, it was taken recently and I want you to analyze it and determine any abnormalities and let me know".

"I will, when are you going to Mars?" he asks.

"In two hours," I reply.

"Didn't our absence cause chaos," he asks with great concern.

"No, not even a second has passed in outside warehouse, it's like time is frozen," I answer with a smile and add "I think it's time to go, our tour is over."

Malcador just nodded at me.

Maybe I should really work on how I give useful information, I don't want to traumatize again someone.

I open the portal and we pass through it back into the corridor, where time began again with our arrival.

Sorry for the delay, I had some personal issues that prevented me from posting this chapter. The chapter isn't exactly what I planned, but it fits how Malcador would react to the things the MC have. As always, all comments and reviews are welcome.

LordDrogon123creators' thoughts