
The goal is to be the strongest (Against the gods)

A man moves from our world to Against The Gods world with a cheat The main character will be reincarnated as Yun Che at the beginning of the story. Also, English is not my mother tongue, but I will do my best.

Daoist759124 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Inside a dark void where there is nothing, no light, no sound, and no one except a soul ball floating aimlessly in this place.

The soul ball is Jack. After he fell asleep on the bus, he woke up to find himself in this place as a soul ball floating in this dark space without meaning or purpose.

"How long have I been here? Is it a year or three now? I feel like I'm going crazy if I stay any longer." I sighed tiredly. Since I slept on that bus, I woke up here. I don't know how much time has passed, but it will undoubtedly be a lot of time.

Am I dreaming? I have asked myself this question many times, but since my thoughts are very clear, I rejected this possibility. Also, to confirm, I counted. I do not remember what number I reached at that time, as that was a long time ago, but I think I reached a few hundred thousand, so yes, this is not A dream, so am I in a coma? Well, I don't think so, for the same reasons I reject this as a dream

In the end, one possibility remains, which is that I died while I was on that bus. I do not know what happened, but the bus may have been involved in an accident. Who knows?

"At least look on the bright side, Jack. You died without any pain, and you are now free from the burdens of life." If I had a TV to watch anime I might accept this situation.

As Jack was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the appearance of the roulette wheel in front of him until a few seconds had passed.

For a moment he forgot everything and started laughing excitedly

"Finally there is something in this stifling place."

Excitedly, he approached the roulette wheel, and to his shock, he noticed that there was something written on each box

"Tales of Demons and Gods, Star Martial God Techniques, God Of Martial Art, and there are more." Don't tell me, could it be?

This is similar to those novels I read, where the main character incarnates in another world that he has knowledge of with a cheat ability and gathers harems like Pokemon and becomes the strongest, but can this be real? I have no choice, I just hope that this is true, although most of the novels in this roulette are cultivation novels, where human life is treated like dogs, however, it is better than this place. Who knows, I may take advantage of my knowledge and achieve some achievements.

Thinking about it, cultivation novels have levels where a person can live millions and billions of years and be respected by all races, and there are also beautiful women, so it's not so bad.

"Let's try. I won't lose anything anyway, but how do I move this wheel? I don't have two hands."

Immediately after he finished speaking, the wheel moved on its own, and Jack watched the wheel nervously

After the wheel turned for several minutes, it finally stopped in the world of "Against the Gods."

Good, although I read this novel a long time ago, I still remember some things about this novel.

I looked around to see if a portal or exit of some kind had formed, but unfortunately nothing seemed to have changed. Just when I was starting to feel frustrated, a piece of paper appeared out of nowhere in front of me and on it was written make a wish: If I had a human body, I would swallow my saliva at this moment.

"A wish... I can make a wish, even if it's just one wish, it's enough." This is my second chance at life, and I surely won't squander it. In my previous life, I was bullied and ridiculed because I was weak. This time, I won't be weak. I hate weakness. The cultivation world is a ruthless place that doesn't accept the weak; being ridiculed in the cultivation world is the least of it. The young master can take your wife and daughters, kill you, and you can't do anything because you're weak.

"I will be strong," I assured myself, then I began to think carefully about what my wish would be. Things like the Sharingan are stupid wishes that I would not waste my only wish for.

Time passed in the dark void and Jack thought deeply about his wish



after two days

I looked at the paper on which my wish was written and I was satisfied

After lengthy consideration, I decided that my wish should be versatile and, at the same time, grant me the power I desire. Ultimately, my wish was to be able to multiply anything by a hundred times. If I could lift a load of a hundred kilograms, then by multiplication, I could lift ten tons. If my speed was ten meters per second, by multiplication, my speed would become a kilometer per second, faster than a bullet and much faster than sound. Usually, there's air and friction that would prevent me from reaching such speeds, but the ability I wished for ensured my access to this speed without any issues, which is good.

This is not all. The enhancement is not limited to just me. If I am carrying a knife, I can double the sharpness of that knife a hundred times, or double its hardness or ability it possesses, and I can even double the power of my attack a hundred times.

In the beginning, my wish was for the multiplication to be ten thousand times. Exaggerated, but if I were to make a wish, I would make it big.

However, even the magical paper deemed my wish excessive and rejected it. Therefore, I continued to reduce the enhancement to a hundredfold. Nevertheless, the paper still has a limitation for the enhancement. The enhancement could only be for one thing at a time. If I enhanced my strength, I couldn't enhance something else.

I agreed and now I watch the paper turn into a golden light illuminating the dark void as I feel my consciousness fading away

I hope that when I wake up I will find a new world waiting for me