
The Girl with Fluffy Horns

(18)Cami lived a normal high school life, hanging out with friends, going to parties, just having her best life but that all changed when she met Suki(18).

No31_1e · Sports, voyage et activités
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 The girl with pink eyes

Cami P.O.V

I sat at my desk playing with the pencil that laid on my nose. People crowding my desk, My boyfriend, Noya, sat next to me. He was wearing his basketball jacket and a black mask that laid underneath his chin. "Class settled down," the teacher told us, as I watched everyone around head back to their desks. "Today, class we have a new student," She told us as a girl dressed in a light pink crop top with a black jacket, and black skirt with dark pink almost red stocking walked in. "Class says hello to our new student" our teacher moved back in their seats as the girl stepped forwards. "Hello everyone my name is Suki Redum" The girl smiled. Her smile kind of creeped me out but her voice was sweet and bubbly. "Tell the class a bit about yourself, Redum" Suki turned to the teacher then back to the class. "Well my favorite color is pink, I also like the color red, it's close to pink, I also have strange eyes because of their color" She smiled with a small giggle. And she was right. Her eyes were weird, they were pink. It seems like they could look into your soul. But these horns that laid on her head. She soon pointed at me and squealed "Your hair has pink in it, So cute!" She said with excitement. "Can I sit next to her?" I watched in almost shock, she really creeped me out and now she wants to sit next to me. I looked over at the teacher, my eyes filled with questions. "Of course," The teacher said, their voice seemed off, almost scared. "But there is no open seat next to me" I tried to argue. "Don't be silly" Suki grinned. She soon pointed at Noya "He can move, right?" She looked over at the teacher. I watched as the teacher shook their head, "How about Sara the girl on left" Suki nodded, walking over to Sara. Sara looked up at the girl, I watched as her pretty green eye showed fear through her glasses. She picked up her bag quickly, moving to the seat in the back of the class to a girl named Itsuki. I was in shock, "Your weird" I told her. She smiled, "And you're my new best friend"