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Have you ever had the chance to bring your dreams to life, because in this story a girl named Krista had the chance to and it became a living nightmare.

In a small town in Florida called Makon a girl that goes by the name Krista found something that changed her life forever. Krista is a 17 year old school girl that just started her junior year of high school. She was on her way to school one the first day and stopped because she saw something shiny in the corner of her eye so she went to check it out, well when she picked this item up she just thought it was a normal lamp so she took it. After school that day she took it home and started to wash it up but the unexpected happen. After she started to clean it weird mist started to come out of the lamp to she panicked and dropped it in the sink, then she heard a voice she never heard before. A genie appeared behind her, the genie said "hello there human, I am the magical genie from this lamp that you found and after you rubbed it poof I was here. I will grant you one wish of your liking." So Krista started to think and decided to wish that her dream of becoming a superstar, so that's what she wished for and the genie made it come true but what the didn't know it that it would ruin her life forever.