
Chapter 7: Mia

"That's the thing, you don't have a choice in the matter. The decision has already been made."

Who does this guy think he is?

I open my mouth to blast him into next week when he says, "We can do this the hard way or the easy way. It's your choice."

What does that even mean?

Instead of answering, I jerk my arm, trying to break free. "Let go! I'm leaving, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!"

"The hard way it is."

In one swift motion, he yanks me to him, crouches down, and wraps his arms around my thighs before hoisting me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I don't realize his intentions until my midsection lands against him, momentarily knocking the air from my lungs, and stunning me into silence. I blink and find the party turned upside down. It doesn't do good things for all the alcohol sloshing around in my belly.

The crowd roars and my cheeks flame as the blood rushes to my head. Cool air hits the back of my thighs and I groan, remembering my choice in underwear. When I continue to struggle, a wide palm lands across my backside.


"Stop fighting me. Maybe you haven't noticed, but everyone is admiring your ass." There's a pause as he turns us around before moving toward the French doors that lead inside the house. "What the hell are you doing wearing a skirt this short?" Before I can formulate a response, he grumbles, "And with a fucking thong? I love it, but no one else should be checking out your ass."

"Here's a solution," I growl, "put me down."

"Not gonna happen."

His hand slides from one exposed cheek to the crack of my ass before he splays his fingers wide to cover as much skin as possible from the gawking crowd. I squirm at the feel of his palm resting against my naked flesh. Especially there. I'm not sure which option is more preferable. That people ogle my ass or that Beck continues touching me so intimately. The print of his palm feels as if it has been singed into my flesh.

When I continue to wiggle, his fingers bite into my cheeks. "Stay still." His voice turns low and grumbly. It does funny things to my insides, and a reluctant thrill spirals through me.

Beck weaves through the thick crowd. Every once in a while, he'll stop and chat as if carrying a girl over his shoulder is perfectly normal behavior. "Everyone needs to be cleared out in an hour," he says. "Got it?"

"Consider it done," a deep voice responds.

Before I'm able to get my bearings, we're on the move again. From my upside-down position, I watch the kitchen disappear as he walks through the first floor of the house. My hair swings around my face like a dark curtain, making it impossible to see. I should probably be thankful. I've never been so mortified in my life. If I'm lucky, no one will realize I'm the girl Beck has thrown over his shoulder and is carrying up to his room like a prize he won in a card game.

People clap and cheer as he climbs the staircase to the second floor. My name reverberates through the crowd like a wave. Whispers and giggles assault my ears, making the tips burn with humiliation.

"Can you put me down?" I growl, fed up with his manhandling. Thank God I won't see most of these people again. That's the only thought getting me through this moment.

Beck slaps my ass none too gently, and the sound of flesh striking flesh echoes off the cavernous walls of the hallway.

"Ow!" I yelp.

"Now that sounded like it hurt." Amusement simmers in his voice.

"What the hell was that for?" I demand. The sting of his smack resonates through my backside. No one has ever struck my ass before. Not my parents when I was younger, and certainly not anyone I've gone out with.

The audacity of this guy!

"No reason, just felt like it."


I grit my teeth as he turns to the left and walks down the hallway. I played here enough times as a kid to know he's taking me to his room. Beck and Ari's bedrooms are on one side of the spacious second floor while their parents' suite is located on the other. He could probably get murdered, and his parents wouldn't hear a thing.

Not that I'm in any position to bargain, but it's worth a shot. "I'll agree to stay the night," I hiss, "if I can have my own room."

"No can do, sweetheart. You'll be bunking with me."

Aggravated by his uncompromising response, I pummel my fists against the wide expanse of his back. "You're crazy if you think I'm going to sleep with you!"

"Don't worry, you're not about to get that lucky," he chuckles. "Maybe if you beg prettily, I'll change my mind."


As if...

I ignore the comment. We both know that won't be happening.


I wouldn't beg Beck to spit in my mouth if I were dying of thirst in the desert, and he was my only chance for survival.

"You have four guestrooms, put me in one of those for the night. If there's a problem, you'll be the first to know."

"Wish I could, but all the rooms are taken. A few friends might crash. Better safe than sorry. Am I right?"


Beck isn't concerned about my wellbeing. This is another way for him to get under my skin. I'm on to his games. He's probably doing it since his parents asked me to keep an eye on him. Is that my fault? Should I be punished because he's an irresponsible child?

Nope. I don't think so.

I never should have allowed Alyssa to talk me into attending this party. It was a mistake. No good deed goes unpunished. This is what I get for trying to be a good friend.

Beck stops in front of a closed-door before reaching for the handle and shoving it open. It only takes two steps before we're crossing over the threshold, and he's slamming the door shut, locking me inside like a prisoner.

With him.

Once inside the spacious bedroom, he hunkers down. I breathe a sigh of relief when his hand disappears from my backside. Cool air hits my newly warmed flesh, making me even more aware of the way he had been touching me. His large hands wrap around my hips as I slide against his body until my sandaled feet are planted on the floor. Then he releases me and rises to his full height.

All the nasty names on the tip of my tongue dissolve. It's as if we're frozen in place, unsure what to do now that he's brought me here. When he inhales, I do the same. When he releases his breath, I follow suit.

What's happening?

More importantly, how do I make it stop?

How do I shake off the heavy feelings of attraction unfurling inside me?

Over the years, I've become a master at burying the emotions Beck rouses in me. With one look, they've broken free and are simmering at the surface. And that's dangerous. I don't want Beck to suspect how I truly feel about him.

Can you imagine what he would do with that kind of information?

I flinch at the thought.

Beck is careless with people's feelings. Especially the fairer sex. I've witnessed firsthand the trail of tears and broken hearts he leaves behind in his wake.

As if realizing we've become stuck in a moment, he blinks and takes a hasty step in retreat. It's enough to break the spell that has fallen over me. A million questions flood through my brain, but not a single one leaves my mouth. It's a relief when he turns away and relinquishes my gaze. I shake my head to clear it as he pulls open the third drawer of his dresser. I'm treated to an impressive view of his bare-back. All those tightly honed muscles that stretch and shift with every movement.

God, but he's beautiful. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find another guy as sexy as I do Beck. I really hope so. The thought of being stuck on him forever is depressing.

He grabs a piece of clothing before slamming the drawer shut and swinging around to face me.