
Chapter 6: Mia

"Actually," I slur, taking offense to him making decisions for me, "I will have another." At least, I hope that's what comes out.

Beck scowls before shifting his hardened gaze to his teammate. "What the hell, dude? Why did you let her have so much? She's officially cut off."

Excuse me?

Who does this guy think he is?

Beck is the king of bad decisions. And he has the audacity to tell me-me, for God's sake, who hasn't gotten so much as a tardy in her life-that I can't have another drink? I'm not even driving home.

He didn't nickname me good girl and little miss perfect for nothing. I'm eighteen-years-old. If I want to cut loose for once in my life and have a few drinks, I'm more than capable of making that decision for myself. I don't need Beck swooping in and telling me what I can and can't do.

That thought alone is enough to piss me off.

"You're not the boss of me," I add belligerently with a slight curl to my lip.

Beck doesn't spare me a glance. His focus is trained on Landon. "You've been relieved of your duties. I've got it from here."

"Chill out, dude. She's fine. We're just talking. No need to bust a nut."

What's Beck's problem? Landon is right. We weren't doing anything wrong. Beck is angry, and I don't understand why. Normally my neighbor and part-time nemesis is laid-back and chill. Nothing riles him up. So, this behavior is definitely out of character.

Beck's lips flatten as the steely look in his eyes intensifies. "Take off, I'll deal with Mia."

Deal with Mia?

Since when am I someone who needs to be dealt with?

They glare at each other for a long, tense moment. The muscles in my belly quiver with unease as my gaze darts from one boy to the other.

What's going on here?

It feels like I'm missing a key piece of information.

The intensity dissipates when Landon takes a step in retreat before turning to me with a forced smile. "It was good talking to you, Mia. I'll see you around before I leave for Penn."

"Yeah, sure." I'm still trying to puzzle out what's going on, but my drunk brain is having a hard time reading between the lines. That's usually something I excel at since interpreting what's going on with my parents has become a survival skill.

Landon jerks his head into a tight nod before joining the crowd of rowdy partiers and disappearing from sight. I stare after him, confused by his abrupt departure.

Wait a minute-what did Beck say a few minutes ago?

"Relieved of his duties?" My gaze cuts to the six-foot guy at my side. "Did you ask Landon to babysit me?"

Instead of answering, he tilts his head and studies me.

When I raise my brows, he says, "That depends."

"On what?"

"If you're going to be pissed off with the answer."

Even in my inebriated state, I understand what that means.

"I don't need a babysitter," I grumble, slowly rising to my feet. I'm offended he would think otherwise. Using my arms for balance, I carefully straighten to my full height. "Let me remind you that Archie and Caroline asked me to keep an eye on you." I jab a finger at his chest. "Not the other way around."

When I stagger to the side, Beck leaps forward and grabs hold of my arms so I don't crash into the lounger I've been parked on.

"It's doubtful they would have done that if they could see you now."

I wave a hand and blow a raspberry with my lips. "I'm fine."

"You're hardly fine. Landon shouldn't have let you drink so much." Beck hauls me closer until his warm breath can feather across my lips, and my core clenches in response. "Have you ever been drunk?"

Nope. Usually I'm the designated driver, but that wasn't necessary tonight.

"Of course, I have. All the time."

"Is that so," he laughs, the muscles in his face relaxing. "You have a secret life I don't know about?"

It doesn't escape me that Beck is still holding me. And that I like the feel of his hands a little too much. I should push out of his arms except...I don't want to.

"That's for me to know and you never to find out," I singsong.

Amusement settles over his face. Now this is the Beck I know and try to keep my distance from.

"That's strange. I've never seen you at any of the parties and from my count, you've only had four drinks, and you're already drunk off your ass."

"I wouldn't say I'm drunk off my ass," I mumble as my head spins.

He releases my arms and gives my shoulder a little shove. I stumble back a step before righting myself.

Instead of arguing about my inebriated state, I focus on what he admitted. "How do you know how many drinks I've had?"

"I've been keeping track."

"Why? Are you keeping tabs on everyone's consumption?" There have to be at least a hundred people here. Probably more.

A sly grin simmers around the edges of his lips. "Nope. Just you, Stanbury."

His words send an arrow of warmth flooding through me, and my heartbeat picks up its tempo. Refusing to dissolve into a puddle of goo at his feet, I say, "Well, that's not creepy at all."

Unbothered by my pronouncement, he shrugs. "That's me, the creepy stalker from next door."

Neither of us mentions that every chick at this party would give their left tit for Beck to show interest in them. I'm probably the only girl who goes to great lengths to avoid his attention.

Although that doesn't seem to be doing me any good at the moment.

"I don't need a keeper," I tell him. "Certainly not you."

"That's funny. I was thinking the opposite."

I hold up my cup, needing to put some distance between us. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to partake in another refreshment."

He nips the cup from my fingers before I can take a step away from him. "I was serious, Mia. You've had enough. You're done for the night."

Done for the night?

What is he going to do? Kick me out?

I cross my arms over my chest and shift my weight. "I'm not leaving without Alyssa." I glance around for my friend. But that's a mistake since the pool is filled with naked people who are busy getting it on.

"Alyssa's a big girl. She can take care of herself."

If only that were true.

"Come on, let's go." His fingers wrap around my wrist, and a little pop of awareness shoots through me when he pulls me to his hard body.

Oh my God! He's serious about kicking me out!

"Excuse me?" I try to push my way out of his embrace, but it's like fighting with a steel beam. He's all hard lines and powerful strength. On the football field, he's a force to be reckoned with. "Are you actually going to throw me out of here?"

"Who said anything about tossing you out?" He laughs and shakes his head. "I'm taking you upstairs so you can sleep it off."

Well, that's a relief.

But still...

I dig my heels in, refusing to budge. "No, I can't go until I find Alyssa."

He points to a couple making out beneath the diving board. "She's right there." He pauses before adding, "She's occupied at the moment."

My gaze darts around the pool until I find my best friend. Beck is right about her being busy. Colton has her backed up against the edge of the pool. Alyssa looks like she's attempting to suction the breath right out of his lungs.

The tank top she borrowed earlier has gone missing.

My gaze skitters away. I'm not into voyeurism. Although some of these people are. There are plenty of them standing around, watching. Let's hope that no one is videoing the moment for posterity.

"It's unlikely Alyssa will leave anytime soon."

"Probably not," I mutter.

What am I supposed to do? Taking off feels wrong. But sitting around and watching people get it on feels downright pervy. I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and chew it as I contemplate my options.

"Fine," I say, "I'm going home." I take a step away from Beck, attempting to distance myself. The scent of his aftershave mingles with the chlorine in the pool. It shouldn't be an intoxicating combination.

"Sorry, Stanbury, you're staying here. The last thing I need is for you to choke on your own vomit."

Give me a break. That's not going to happen.

My fists go to my hips. "What does it matter if I sleep alone here or in my bed?"

His voice turns silky. "Who said anything about you sleeping solo?"

When my mouth tumbles open, a slow grin spreads across his face.

"Are you crazy?" I shake my head a little too vigorously, and the party spins. "Forget it! I'm not sleeping with you!"