
Chapter 47: Mia

"I can't believe you didn't tell me what was going on!" Alyssa shoves me in the shoulder, and the force sends me careening into a random guy on the walking path.

My hands grasp his chest for purchase as he holds my upper arms to steady me. Heat fills my cheeks. "I am so sorry!"

The guy grins, making no attempt to release me. "It's not a problem."

Alyssa grabs my arm and yanks me free. "Sorry, bud, she's taken."

He shrugs. "That's too bad."

Alyssa snorts before dragging me down the path.

"I'm going to kill you," I mutter through clenched teeth.

"No, you're not." She doesn't sound the least bit concerned by the threat. "You love me too much to do that."

"Hmmm," I scrunch my face and contemplate the statement, "do I?"

"Yup." She links her arm through mine as we continue walking. "Anyway, back to the original convo we were having before you rather clumsily threw yourself at that guy."