
Coming to know more about Noah

Perhaps, it was the first time I spent too much time looking at myself in the mirror. I know I couldn't match his beauty but I just wanted to look a little better. But it was a bad try. At last, I gave up and decided to be normal. Somewhere I knew he just looked to me as a friend and will never be interested in me the way I am. And this thought alone was enough to make me act normal.

Dad dropped me early today so I had enough time to look for him in the campus. But my eyes weren't that lucky. In the end, I gave up and found myself a place on the grass. I took out "Inferno" and immediately got lost in a world where I was with Robert Langdon. The alarm buzzed to remind me of the class. I dug my novel in the bag and made my way to the class while still thinking of what Langdon would do next to save the world.

I sat with Vanessa in the Biology class. She told me all about Forks, how it was a small town but still had its own charm. She had been here since birth and she loved this place. It was dearest to her heart. I could share her emotions the way she was telling me about the beauty of the nature and the peace she finds in the woods here which she cannot find anywhere else. Even I find it peaceful. She said she would take me to the woods some day and I was really happy. The class passed quickly or was it because of the marvellous teaching of Ms Glashan that time flew. Anyway, we were out in the corridor. Vanessa was telling me more about college. And I was keenly listening to all the stuff like a child. I was interested to know more and more about it. "Hey, do you know him?" Vanessa asked with curiosity in her voice. I followed her gaze. That was Noah. He was playing basketball and gave me a deadly smile. "Yeah, he's Noah. Noah Flynn," I replied.

"Yes, I know that. The whole college knows him. But the thing is how does he know you?"

"He doesn't know me that much. We've only talked once." And I told her the whole story of my stupid acts after which she nodded and said satisfactorily, "Explains." I couldn't understand what she was talking about, "Would you please do me the honour of deciphering your behavior right at the moment?"

"The whole time you were beside me he was staring at you. Noah Flynn has never showed much interest in girls. He is the heart-throb of the college. He is good in sports, sings good enough to hypnotize you because he has that voice, which you have already heard. And dancing is no big deal. Summing up, Noah is good at everything. Girls throw themselves on him but be pushes them aside. Not that he is gay. But we think there is no one good enough for him here." The last part was so true.

Hope you are liking it so far. Do share your thoughts in the comment section. This is my first story. So I'm sorry if it's not that good.

wireless_braincreators' thoughts