
The gift of GoD - NONEXISTENCE

"What's your name?""Althur." He weakly replied. "Arthur." The man muttered. "No sir, Al-thur." Althur remembers that time. Althur was an orphan who was picked up from the cemetery on a cold night by his mentor. Years later, when he was about to graduate, he received news that his mentor had died suddenly. A strange mirror leads him to a city where an exorcist has been killed under mysterious circumstances. Following these suggestions, he went to a city to investigate the mysterious death of an exorcist. What could happen? Non-existence. How to find it.

The_Prophet_Er · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

Silver Light

A silvery beam of moonlight streamed through the window, casting a soft glow on the floor of the room. It was the room on the third floor with two double beds. A boy with glistening skin was lying in a dreamy sleep. Across from him, a young man sat with a pensive posture. He opened his eyes to the light outside and let the moonlight saturate them. It was as if the stars in the sky were also mesmerized by his eyes.

This was his second visit to the capital after his teacher's death a few months earlier. At that time, he was still preparing to finish his course in Isandros. He returned here partly to visit the grave and to find out some of the clues he had found about his teacher's mystical syndrome. Second, to go to Robert to learn about the work related to exorcism, since he is already a graduate student.

Remembering the reflection in the mirror, he decided to focus on the town of Calico.

The silver mirror he held earlier was called The Shatter of Fate. Something he accidentally got after confiscating it from a scoundrel. Unknown people followed the mirror's reflections to find treasures and possessions. However, their luxury and passion for gambling always made the treasures they dreamed of disappear, only to accidentally fall into Althur's hands. The result is that Althur has acquired this item.

Althur's power could not read the source of the item. At least he only knew the state and effect of the mirror. Althur can make a weak connection to something called the Details World, a special place that stores all existences in the universe.

Althur remembered the details of that time.

This place is a place where there are gold coins. As he followed the clues suggested by the mirror, the unnamed man seemed elated, thinking he was about to receive a life-changing opportunity. But his greedy eyes had blinded his perception, leaving only ruthless lust. He never told anyone of his journey. Then, when he entered the cave, he was trapped by the rocks outside and became one of the corpses in that collection of treasure-seeking corpses.

Through this, he was able to get some information about the past, when the mirror's continued existence interacted with the real world without restriction. That was how he learned about the mirror's abilities. But he couldn't look deeper to find out its origin. This led him to believe that the mirror could bring danger. However, it is still possible to use it sparingly. For there are former owners who still have happy endings.

The Fate Mirror will reflect the image of a scene or place that can bring great fortune or luck to the owner. They manifest in the form of a scene and are projected like paintings in a quick flip book. This could be a trap.

"If you take one thing out of the world, you have to give three things back." Everything comes at a price, especially when it comes to being fated. There are powers that can see the future, but manipulating fate is hard to imagine. If one person can control the fate of others, then what are we?

Regarding Liam's death, the current Althur's mind is like being in a fog. He didn't know where to start, so he agreed to take a chance. His feelings on the matter were not so simple. It was as if an invisible hand was guiding him every time, he looked in the mirror. But the uncertainty made him accept it. Sometimes we have to sacrifice one thing to gain another.


Cassius laid on his bed in the room with the open window. He watched from his still position as the moonlight lazily projected his silhouette onto the wall and the darkness gently covered him.

Feel the chill of the time without sunlight. Breathe in the cold air mixed with the seductive scent of roses that seemed to come from the morning's letter. It was a familiar scent, the typical rose perfume of the Floweres region. The use of perfume with expensive paper was the norm for the nobles of the capital when they wanted to send a letter to someone.

He remained in this position, raising his left arm in the air and watching as his shadow on the wall was gradually swallowed up until the moonlight shone through like a glass door. It was as if the broken mirror had also become a shadow. However, it could not be formed.

There seems to be something wrong with this body. But he didn't know what it was; he searched the library several times, but he couldn't understand what was going on. Everything doesn't seem to be that important.

He could feel his existence fading away. He was aware that this was not an illusion. He didn't know when he had this thought or where it came from. But he saw the reality that this being was fading away, piece by piece, into oblivion.

He just knew that he would have it eventually. Just like his arm, he didn't know when it would become transparent. Maybe after he wanted to confirm that what was written in the anatomy book was correct. Or before, maybe he wasn't normal.

He raised another hand in the same gesture and watched it. He was aware that this was not an illusion. He knew his body was slowly disappearing. But he couldn't find a name for this paranormal symptom.

His hand moved, and in the moonlight, the shadow became a lively dog in its own game. "Why are you afraid? You are just a little dog."

He said with the shadow on the surface and the dog barking, "Did you doubt yourself?" It was on the wall, therefore it was. It excitedly greeted the night beyond, lumbered and then vanished into the darkness like a last musical note.

"Do you remember what the letter said this morning?" His family asked him to take care of himself and try to graduate quickly, because the family's budget was limited, and they could not pay the fees to maintain his life at the academy. However, they can try to fulfill their duties well if he agrees to return to the capital and accepts to propose to the daughter of a famous businessman.

"Is this real, what is true, how can something turn into misery?"

I hope this story will be a healing one. For myself and others.

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