
The Giant Legacy - a Game of throne fanfiction

Alaric, the mad businessman born into the world of Westeros let's see what can he sacrifice to rise above the sheep of Westeros. Either he becomes a sheep or destroys the balance because the better the world gets, the more we have to lose. Hello Guys the upload will be weekly and i will try to include more words per chapter.

Slayer_King_2878 · TV
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**Introduction to the World of Westeros and Essos**

"Game of Thrones" is a sprawling epic fantasy series based on George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series. The narrative is set in a fictional world divided into two main continents: Westeros and Essos. These continents are home to a complex web of political intrigue, noble houses, mystical elements, and rich histories.

**Westeros: The Seven Kingdoms**

Westeros is the primary setting for most of the series. It consists of several distinct regions, each ruled by noble houses. The Seven Kingdoms include:

1. **The North**: The northernmost region, home to House Stark of Winterfell. Winters are particularly harsh here, and the Wall, a massive ice structure, separates the North from dangers beyond.

2. **The Riverlands**: A fertile area with numerous rivers and marshes, it is ruled by House Tully of Riverrun.

3. **The Vale**: A mountainous region ruled by House Arryn from the Eyrie, known for its impregnable location.

4. **The Westerlands**: Rich in gold and resources, the Westerlands are ruled by House Lannister of Casterly Rock.

5. **The Reach**: Known for its agriculture and the formidable House Tyrell, who rule from Highgarden.

6. **The Stormlands**: Located in the southeastern part of Westeros and ruled by House Baratheon.

7. **Dorne**: The hot and arid region in the south, ruled by House Martell from Sunspear.

8. **The Crownlands**: Surrounding the capital, King's Landing, and ruled directly by the Iron Throne.

9. **The Iron Islands**: An archipelago to the west, home to House Greyjoy, known for their seafaring ways.

**The Iron Throne and King's Landing**

The Iron Throne, located in King's Landing, is the symbol of ultimate authority in Westeros. Rulers of the Seven Kingdoms vie for control of the Iron Throne, leading to political intrigue, power struggles, and conflict. Throughout this series, King's Landing serves as a central location where much of the political maneuvering takes place.

**Noble Houses of Westeros**

Westeros is populated by numerous noble houses, each with its own sigil, motto, and unique characteristics. These houses play pivotal roles in the story. Some of the major houses include:

1. **House Stark**: Rulers of the North, known for their honor and loyalty. The Starks' sigil is a direwolf.

2. **House Lannister**: Wealthy and influential, the Lannisters control the Westerlands. Their sigil is a lion.

3. **House Targaryen**: The last remaining members of this house are Daenerys Targaryen and her brother Viserys. Targaryens are known for their silver hair and connection to dragons.

4. **House Baratheon**: Rulers of the Stormlands, they play a significant role in the series.

5. **House Tyrell**: A prominent house in the Reach, known for their wealth and political acumen.

6. **House Greyjoy**: Rulers of the Iron Islands, they are known for their seafaring prowess.

7. **House Martell**: Rulers of Dorne, they have a unique culture and heritage.

8. **House Tully**: Rulers of the Riverlands, known for their connection to the rivers and fish.

9. **House Arryn**: Rulers of the Vale, known for their strong mountain fortresses.

11. **House Frey**: A notable house in the Riverlands, infamous for their involvement in key events.

12. **House Bolton**: Rulers of the North for a time, they are known for their ruthlessness.

13. **House Greyjoy**: Masters of the Iron Islands, known for their seafaring ways and reaving.

These houses, along with many others, have intricate relationships and rivalries that drive much of the narrative.

**Religions of Westeros**

Westeros has a variety of religions, each with its own beliefs and practices. The major religions include:

1. **The Faith of the Seven**: The most widely followed religion in Westeros, with a pantheon of seven gods.

2. **The Lord of Light**: Prominent in Essos and parts of Westeros, followers of this religion believe in the Red God, R'hllor.

3. **The Old Gods of the Forest**: Worshiped by the people of the North, this religion is tied to nature and the weirwood trees.

4. **The Drowned God**: The religion of the Iron Islands, centered on the sea and rebirth.

5. **The Many-Faced God**: Associated with the Faceless Men, a secretive group of assassins.

**The Wall and the Night's Watch**

The Wall is a massive ice structure that separates the Seven Kingdoms from the far North. It was built to protect against threats from beyond, including the White Walkers, who are ancient, mysterious, and deadly creatures. The Night's Watch is a sworn brotherhood tasked with defending the Wall and the realms of men from these supernatural threats.

**Dragons and Magic**

Dragons, once believed to be extinct, make a resurgence with Daenerys Targaryen. These creatures are symbols of power and magic in the world of "Game of Thrones." Magic, though rare, is also a potent force in this universe, influencing events and characters.

**White Walkers and the Long Night**

The White Walkers, also known as the Others, are a central element of the series. These enigmatic beings threaten to bring an eternal winter to the world and are associated with the Long Night, a dark and deadly period in Westeros's history.

**Political Intrigue and Power Struggles**

"Game of Thrones" is marked by complex characters, intricate plots, betrayals, and shifting allegiances. Rulers and noble houses engage in political intrigue, often with the goal of claiming the Iron Throne. Personal ambitions and grudges lead to a web of power struggles and conflicts.

**The Long Game: Themes and Philosophical Underpinnings**

"Game of Thrones" explores a wide range of themes and philosophies. Some of the central themes include:

- **Power and its Corrupting Influence**: The pursuit of power and the moral compromises that come with it are central to the series. Characters must grapple with the corrupting influence of power and the consequences of their actions.

- **Honor and Duty**: The concept of honor and the fulfillment of one's duty are recurring themes. Characters often find themselves torn between personal desires and their obligations to their families and society.

- **Moral Ambiguity**: "Game of Thrones" is known for its morally complex characters and situations. Few characters are purely good or evil, and the series challenges traditional notions of heroism.

- **War and its Consequences**: The devastating impact of war on individuals, families, and society is a recurring theme. The series does not shy away from depicting the horrors of conflict.

- **Identity and Transformation**: Characters undergo profound personal transformations, and their journeys of self-discovery are central to the narrative.