
The Find

People will ask you, once in your life, this question, what do you want to be? Some want to become you-tubers, Bloggers, Doctors, Engineers and other occupation that provided you with attention and money.

But what about Kan? Ever since encountering something strange in his childhood he had never let go of the dream he had. To find out the supernatural, to see what other people's thought were not possible to see.

But what had Kan found in his 18 years of life? He had been in search for the supernatural since he was 3, he thought he was destined to the one who finds what the supernatural.

He had to be selfish in this world, if he found something special he would take it to the grave with him, he could easily tell that the government would probably hold hostage his family members and make him work for them.

But Kan was slowly losing his faith, his belief that something supernatural would be out there was fading away. Kan had an above average appearance with black hair and his unusually dark black eyes.

Kan was now walking towards a place called Aman. It was a place visited by no one. Kan had actually collected countless pieces of maps from all around the world and created a single map. It sounded like a plot from the movies, and if Kan were to tell someone about it no one would probably believe him.

But Kan didn't tell anyone, he was quite the selfish man, he liked to do everything alone when Kan did something himself he felt a great sense of accomplishment.

Aman was a place located in the jungle of the Amazon. In his map, there was a place marked with an X. He was quite close to it. Kan didn't know if he would still go to dangerous places to find the supernatural after this exploration.

As he neared the location given on this map he started to hear weird sounds, he looked around but there was nothing that could produce the kind of sound he was hearing.

Fear gripped his heart as he heard these weird noises. He right now was wearing a trouser, a sleeveless jacket with a shit ton of pockets, inside it an old shirt left by his grandmother, and gloves with black leather-etched onto the palm to get a better grip of the gloves.

He slowly put his hands inside the pocket of the sleeveless jacket he was wearing and took out a gun. It was a gun with a silencer on it. How did he get this gun? Buying guns from the darknet was a very risky thing but he was lucky enough to get his hands on this gun.

He put his gun on his right hand as he held the torchlight in his left. He slowly started moving towards the location, very slowly, he didn't only feel fear, he felt the excitement, he thought he had found something supernatural.

As he walked towards the location the sound strangely started becoming clearer. It sounded like the strange voice was saying " Come here "

Kan finally reached the place where the Map had shown and found nothing. But something was strange, in this jungle, would there be no animals? Then why was a dead dear lying on the grass?

The more strange thing was that this was probably the only place without trees in 500 meters. Kan looked at the sky and noticed something different. When he stared at the moon in his younger days it would always seem like it was never right above him, but today, the moon seemed like it was floating right above.

He looked straight at the moon and seemed to be entranced by the beauty for a second before shaking his head and trying to focus on the thing in front of him.

Kan's heart suddenly stopped from fear when he looked at the ground, the deer seemed to have disappeared. He quickly looked around and found no animal or any life form which was capable enough to drag the deer away in just two seconds.

Just as he was about to say something he noticed something had changed in the map, now there was no X. Instead there was a lightning-shaped symbol on the map.

Kan now knew he had encountered something supernatural. The only thing he needed to know was if he was going to die or survive this trip?

Kan had watched horror movies, in this kind of scenarios there are only two options.

Either you walk out and never come back or go forward and discover something that will change the way you see things.

Then Kan heard a sound of something grinding together. He started jumping on the spot, he was taking deep breaths to calm his heart which was beating really loud.

He could easily hear the sound of his heartbeat if he wasn't so panicked.

Just as Kan was looking around he again turned towards the middle of this place and this time his he saw something supernatural. He would describe it as so.

Where there was nothing, a minute ago, now there was a stone and on the top of the stone, there was a lightning-shaped dagger with orange glowing marks.

Now Kan asked himself the question, should he go back, forget about everything he saw or continue forward, get to know the supernatural?

Kan knew the answer, he steeled his heart as he walked towards the dagger. The " Come here " sound now had stopped, but that didn't reduce the fear and excitement in Kan's heart.

As he walked, he stepped on something that made a crisp sound and ignored it.

If Kan had bothered looking at what he had stepped on he would realize it was a piece of skull with strange carvings on it.

Kan now stood in front of the dagger and the stone. He decided to first observe the stone and the dagger, he crouched down and looked at the stone, there were some weird marking on it. But most importantly there was an X shaped mark which in front of his eyes turned into a dagger-shaped one.

It had already been two times that this happened so he still took deep breaths to calm himself down.

He stood up and looked at the dagger, it was glowing, vein-like designs carved on it.

Kan this time took a long deep breath to calm himself down, he looked at the dagger with confidence which quickly faded away once he noticed that the dagger was getting more and more brighter.

Kan extended his hands and thought to himself " Oh man, I have this is not the flesh of a person if it is it is probably going to feel wet. But I am going to do this "

He swiftly caught the dagger which was surprisingly warm but rough and quickly pulled it out. The light of the dagger gradually dimmed down as he pulled it out.

" Huu, nothing scary happened, " Kan thought to himself but Kan had not noticed, a face had come out of the ground, it's face looked like it had been bather in blood and it's something kept moving on the face's surface.

Suddenly the moving stopped and the face was torn open to on two sides to reveal deep white eyes, reflecting the moonlight.

The face suddenly started floating and got closer to Kan, it stuck itself on his clothes and started to merge itself with it.

Kan felt the cold wind on his back and looked behind to see nothing. Kan then looked at the dagger and decided to go home to research it, when suddenly,

" Put that thing down " A voice of a man yelling fell into his ears and he immediately turned towards where the voice came from. There were 2 middle-aged man and many people with armored surrounding him from all direction.

Klein had never felt so angry in his life. With his effort he had found this dagger now it was going to be stolen from him, how could he not know? This always happened to other people.

He had heard about people stealing a man's idea and becoming a millionaire while the man who created the idea was still having a horrible life.

" Let it go " Suddenly Kan heard something in his mind and felt his mind cool down and he unknowingly let the dagger in his hand go.

One would expect it to fall down but the dagger floated up and launched towards the soldiers. Kan didn't even know what the dagger had done but it had already returned to his hands with blood on it? He was immediately going to freak out then again felt him mind cooling down and his body getting stronger?

Kan then looked around to see the people who had attacked him and found no one He shifted his gaze downwards to see the lifeless bodies of the people who were about to steal his accomplishment.

The most strange thing was they had no heads. When Kan saw the insides of the people he couldn't hold it and vomited.

He vomited for a one full minute before looking at the insides of the dead body. He didn't know why but he felt satisfied.