
The Gepture Menace:Steven Universe

So this is based on the show Steven universe however during the crystal gems war stuff. Honestly the show has such a good setting and all that, but the actually show kinda sucks. So yeah uh, synopsis is that... An artificial gemstone code-named Charlie is created to avenge his creators. The Osmmo a species that fought and resist the gems for several thousand years. Though due to the immortal like bodies of the the Gemstones the Osmmos eventually lost this war. However not before creating their greatest machine. The Artificial Gepture Stone.

ZeOwl · TV
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8 Chs

Worldly Wonders

From my records and knowledge it seemed I had the ability to fly. The problem was I seemed a tad corrupted. The ability was locked behind some kind of barrier. It was completely different to the lack of abilities that came from assimilating gems. This was almost like it was removed? No like a core function is missing.

I still had super-speed, impossible strength and acrobatic prowess. So traveling the world was as simple as a brief jog. I had came to varying Crystal gem bases and facilities as well as battle grounds. Some places were beautiful, one place that stunned me was a strawberry feild that lasted ages. Not to mention all the fruit grown here was large than average. Though also slightly radioactive...

Lucky humans though, it wasn't the deadly type. Varying floating islands also peaked my interest. Along with the desert that held Pink Diamond's ship. Places like that were devoid of humans while other places were complete infestations. The amount of metal and work humans put into their homes was impressive. It was a completely different form of effort than both the Gemstones and Osmmos.

I tilted my head slightly, "Are you just gonna sit there and watch me?"


I rolled my eyes, "Does Rose really think I won't hurt an overcooked amethyst?"

She blinked her eyes, "I'm so small though." Her tone was teasing. It seemed she wasn't sent by Rose and come here against her wishes perhaps?

"Amethyst what is you want? I can tell you aren't the most mentally mature so I don't really wish to play games right now."

She gave a raspberry, "Garnet was right you are no fun."

I shrugged, "I have a mission and I must think about how to complete it. After all the situation is not what I thought it was."

She stumbled forward tripping over the rocks, "Man this place stinks! Eh, What is your missio-"

"To kill your kind."

She froze and then started to laugh. "Haha! Yeah, Right! What sent by the diamonds? They would never send an off-color."

I could've burst out laughing. She misunderstood, I'll let her why not. She clearly has no idea the long story that his her kinds history. I guess its my history too though...

Speaking, "Glad you enjoy my humor." Thinking for a second I changed how I worded my mission. "You can think of me as someone who wants to destroy the diamond authority. A member of resistance much like yourself in a way. I came from a far away planet that was destroyed by the gemstones. I came here thinking that the resistance of this planet was someone else, not a bunch of as you put it off-colors."

She walked up next to me and sat down. Her legs dangling off the cliff, she had ruined my cliche stare off into the distance view so i sat down as well. "So why are you here?"

Amethyst frowned, "I dooooon't know! I'm not like the others, sure they aren't perfect, but they aren't deformed. So I thought I'd talk to you about it maybe? Search for some answers or something?"

Ah, she was thinking along the lines of us being similar. Responding, "I can't give you what you want. I can barely relate honestly, I may be 'overcooked' like yourself. However I have so many secondary functions that the perceived handicap is non-existent. Not only that, but I am one of a kind. I don't mean as a perceived differences."

Amethyst raised an eyebrow at me. Biting her lips debating if she should interrupt me. I had to wonder why did gemstones take such forms? Why do they need lips and take on such human-like forms. I sighed answering for her. "If you were to look across my entire body you wouldn't see a gemstone. That is because mine is buried into my body. I can not be poofed by normal means and I cannot be shattered without being poofed. My gemstone is artificial it is not made like an amethyst not like a pearl. It is no type of mineral, but at the same time is entirely made from them. There is no answer for my existent because I am completely unique. I am the first of my kind and will be the last of my kind."

Amethyst face had a 1000-yard stare. "So you were like made, but not like made like me or..."

I motioned to the far off direction. Amethyst looked to where I pointed to where she was born. "No, I was not made in a kindergarten. I was made from metal and stone, in a lab of a dead planet. Left to rot and never be seen. To avenge comrades I had never known."

Amethyst felt the truth in my words and grabbed my hand. "Uh, I- I'm sorry? I guess the crystal gems weren't what you were looking for, but! but! Perhaps we are what you need? and thanks I think you gave me a bit of what I needed strangely..."

I raised an eyebrow, she was more mature than I thought. I got up rubbing her hair. "No problem, I guess I have to talk to Rose Quartz though. They are looking for you know doubt." I paused. "Wait how did you get here?"

Amethyst jumped up and ran in forward, "There is a warp pad over here. I just kept warping in between them until I found you. The others usually look for me around town before checking the warp pads."

I laughed, That Diamond is likely freaking the fuck out right now. I could imagine her worry what I was telling Amethyst. Maybe thinking I was even hurting her or something. Heh, thinking about it was kind of funny.

Jumping on the warp pad with Amethyst we arrived back at the shack temple thing. Eh, I will just call it the temple. Walking into he shack I looked around and sat down on a couch. "So amethyst what do you do around here?"

She jumped on the couch corner and turned. "Mostly watch human entertainment, collecting stuff, and eat varying foods."

I picked up a remote control and turned on the TV in front of us. Staring at it for a while I scoffed, "Really you watch stuff on this piece of shit?"

She shrugged, "Its what we got."

I frowned, and shaking my head. "Mind if I fix it then?"

The front door burst open, it seemed that was a common occurrence. I waved to Pearl, she twitched slightly looking between us. She decided to address Amethyst first. "Do you know how worried we were! Did Rose's warning mean nothing to you?"

Amethyst waved, "You are over reacting."

Pearl's eyes glared into me. "and You! You can't just walk into our home!"

Raising an eyebrow I spoke, "Or what? because honestly it is your own fault for making the home warp pad directly in your house. That's like putting your front door at the entrance to a mall."

Pearl frowned, unable to respond. So she changed the topic, "Rose has things to talk to about. So don't be running off."

I motioned offhandedly. "Yeah sure, we can talk later. Rose is still in that desert isn't she? She should really not let that ship sit in the sun like that. The crystal diodes will be damaged and the ship will be unable to preform any secondary functions."

Pearl paused staring at me. "Y-You know where she is right now?"

"I mean Yeah? I was there an hour or ago."

With a sound the warp pad activated and Garnet showed up. "Oh hey Amethyst. You found him."

She gave a thumbs up and a wave, "Yup."

I waved to Garnet as well, I learned her name during my traveling simple because apparently the crystal gems are decently known. Garnet specifically with her helping a lot of random people. Garnet was unfazed by me and sat down on the couch.

"What are we watching?"

Pearl gasped, "Garnet h-he... uh..."

While she thought of a word to used Garnet responded, "He has a conversation with Rose later and he will end up living here." She paused, "Though I would like to ask, most gems take on the form of what humans would call a female. Why is that you appear as a male?"

"Due to my origin really. Though technically I am still a type of gender-less. Ah, a good explanation is the old Stones. In my records once upon a time there was other gemstones like me, but this was during the time of the stones. Where Pebbles, Coal and Sandstone ruled. Since they were not well developed the species was completely androgynous as in they resembled no gender whats so ever. You can see this in a few gemstones today still. However as the stones developed culture and standards of beauty it grew into something else. Thus no more clear male gemstones."

Garnet nodded, "Interesting, you really have knowledge of the Gemstones that far back?"

I shrugged, "More or less." I told mostly the truth, there was a bit extra like a different species tried to conquer the gemstones due to their uniqueness and wanted them as pets. Which ultimately led to the stones resisting fighting off the other species and wiping them out. All the while causing them to be a tad aggressive and uncaring for other intelligent life and becoming the biggest tiger in the dark forest.

Amethyst asked while I was in my thoughts. "What else does your logs describe about that?"

The records flashed through my head and I felt a large amount of embarrassment. "Ehem, uh varying re- uh...production methods."

Amethyst thank god didn't think about it. "Production methods? Like the Kindergartens? Neat, any safe versions?"

I nodded, "sure you could call them safe."

Eh, I really had to blame that species that invaded the gemstones for introducing them to their culture. I thank the stars the Osmmos weren't like those savages that just tried to fuck every living being.

Oh the poor Osmmos were much more pure and really only reproduced for new workers since they had insanely long lifespans. As all the records in my head were essentially detailed reports, studies and research papers. I could tell they had no true concept of embarrassment, just pure motives. Shaking the thoughts and the near pornographic records from my head I got up to address my most pressing matter.

"I am fixing this Television, it sucks."

The quality was awful the screen was not maintained and had all kinds of smudges. With a pearl living here one would've thought they had some ability to clean. It seemed however this group of gems lived a little too isolated and thus left their technology in disrepair.