
Tesla's Death

In his later years, Nikola Tesla lived a reclusive life in a New York hotel, devoting himself mainly to theoretical projects and personal experiments. He continued to have brilliant ideas, but struggled to obtain funding to put them into practice.

On January 7, 1943, Tesla died at the age of 86. His death was widely mourned by his fans, friends, and colleagues. Many of his contemporaries considered Tesla one of the greatest inventors of his time, and his works continued to influence science and technology long after his death.

Although his death has been attributed to natural causes, Tesla's life and work have continued to be surrounded by mystery and speculation. Some conspiracy theorists have suggested that he was murdered by his enemies or that his most important inventions were secretly confiscated by the United States government.

Regardless of the cause of his death, Tesla's legacy as an inventor and scientist continues to be remembered and studied to this day. His vision and creativity inspired generations of scientists and inventors, and his contributions to science and technology continue to be recognized and celebrated around the world.