
Chapter 49: The Truth Revealed

Observing Su Yuxin mingling effortlessly among the esteemed ladies, Su Yuxiang couldn't suppress her growing anger. Particularly when she heard Su Yuxin extolling the General's many virtues towards her, the jealousy within her surged uncontrollably. Thankfully, she wasn't present during the recent drama involving Su Yuxuan, or she would have exploded. Pouring herself a full glass of wine, Su Yuxiang purposely placed it near the table's edge and then, with a deliberate act, knocked it over. The amber liquid spilled almost entirely on Su Yuxin's attire, a prominent stain that was highly conspicuous. 


"My apologies, elder sister, it was unintended," Su Yuxiang hastily rose, maintaining her usual grace and composure. Su Yuxin glanced up, her smile enigmatic, almost cryptic, directed at Su Yuxiang. Puzzled, Su Yuxiang pinched her fingers, perplexed by the distinct feeling of being exposed after that one look from Su Yuxin.


"It's alright," Su Yuxin chuckled softly. "It's just a dress; I can change it."


Neighborhood Pharmacy House was a distance away from the guest house. Qingque and Ziyuan followed Su Yuxin, carrying a parcel. When no one was around, Ziyuan spoke indignantly, "I saw it clearly just now; Second Miss clearly did it intentionally."


"Could it be a trap?" Qingque pursed her lips, somewhat concerned.


"Red Guard and Orange Guard are following," Su Yuxin wasn't afraid. She knew Su Yuxiang acted intentionally, and initially, she could've dodged it but chose not to. She wanted to see what game Su Yuxiang was playing. Was it another 'catching in adultery' farce from the past? If so, she'd make sure Su Yuxiang's reputation crumbled.


"Yes, Red Guard and Orange Guard are present. If Second Miss tries anything, we won't even let her parents recognize her," Ziyuan clenched her fist, snorting.


"So, rest assured," Su Yuxin smiled and said. Her previous residence was repurposed after her marriage, so she needed to change and went to the guest house. Qingque and Ziyuan assisted her in donning a resplendent azure gown, accentuating her otherworldly grace, akin to a celestial lotus.


Not in a hurry to return, Qingque retrieved a small square box from the parcel. As she opened it, a delightful fragrance wafted out. Neatly arranged inside were six exquisite pastry pieces.


"These are layered pastries made by Xia Aunt. Since Madam didn't eat well earlier, have some as a prelude," Qingque suggested.


Su Yuxin only consumed one piece and offered the rest to Qingque and Ziyuan before taking a half cup of tea. Then, Orange Guard entered. "Madam, we caught a sneaky boy carrying a scent on him."


Su Yuxin elegantly wiped her fingers with a handkerchief before strolling outside. As expected, it was another reenactment from her past life. She couldn't blame herself for being unkind.


"This is the guest house for the ladies' change of attire. What's a boy doing here?" Su Yuxin stood on the porch, looking down at the servant.


The servant was unfamiliar, likely having joined the household after her marriage.


"I've mistakenly entered," the servant argued cunningly. "I've offended the lady; I beg for her forgiveness."


"If you're not willing to speak the truth now, you'll later," Su Yuxin raised her eyes towards Red Guard. For this birthday banquet, she had prepared thoroughly. She didn't intend to harm others, but if someone aimed to harm her, she'd reciprocate in kind.


Red Guard nodded and inserted a small white pill into the servant's mouth, then tilted his chin, forcing him to swallow it.


"This is a truth pill crafted by the old eccentric physician. If you lie, you'll experience unbearable pain in one spot. It'll increase to three spots, then your vital energies will reverse, leading to a death marked by bleeding from all seven orifices," Su Yuxin explained calmly.


The servant, full of skepticism, disbelieved such a potion existed in the world. Besides, who knew an eccentric physician? That was beyond the reach of ordinary individuals. He concluded Su Yuxin was deceiving him.


Therefore, he started, "Madam, I didn't lie, I truly—"


Before he could finish, he involuntarily cried out, clutching his arm in agony. It felt like a sharp cut, sweating profusely from the pain.


"You have two more chances," Su Yuxin lightly chuckled. "It's fine; if you don't believe me, you can continue trying."


"I believe, I believe! Please give me the antidote," the servant grimaced in pain, pleading.


"That depends on your honesty," Su Yuxin said nonchalantly.


"I will. Second Miss instructed me to stealthily blow the scent into your room while you changed, and then..." The servant hesitated, too afraid to continue.


"And then what?" Su Yuxin asked.


"And then... throw you onto the street," the servant hesitated before disclosing.


Before he finished speaking, his other arm also began aching intensely.


"It seems you still doubt the potency of the eccentric physician's concoction," Su Yuxin smiled coldly. "In that case, enjoy the effects of this pill."


Su Yuxin walked away, leaving the servant in distress. After a few steps, she turned back, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, besides not being able to lie, this poison has a time limit. From onset to death, it's just around ten hours. Your body will feel like ants gnawing, itching and painful, leaving you desperate to claw off your own skin. Moreover, during the poisoning, you'll lose all strength; even if you wanted to commit suicide, you won't be able to."


"Please spare me, Madam, I'll talk, I'll talk," the servant's face drained of color, pleading frantically.


"If you wish to live, it's easy," Su Yuxin's eyes held a chilling resolve. "Publicly accuse Su Yuxiang, and I'll spare your life."


"If I accuse Second Miss, I won't have a future in this household," the servant shook with fear. With such a huge commotion, the Madam and Old Madam wouldn't forgive him.


He figured it would be better to bleed from all seven orifices and die. 


"From bleeding to death, it'll take about ten hours, the same as the poison. It will feel as if ants are nibbling away at you, causing unbearable itching and pain, leaving you wishing to tear off your flesh. When the poison strikes, your strength will disappear entirely; even if you want to end your life, you won't be able to," Su Yuxin remarked, observing the servant's resolute expression, which swiftly transformed into despair.