
Chapter 45: Tears of Fragrance Consort

On the twentieth of April, it was the sixty-sixth birthday of Madam Su, the matriarch of the Su family.


Madam Su held the esteemed position of a first-class titled lady, with her eldest son, Su Mingzhe, serving as the Ministry of Personnel's Secretary, responsible for the transfers and appointments of officials. Her second son, Su Minghan, held a high-ranking position in the foreign provinces, boasting significant accomplishments.


Hence, numerous guests arrived to offer felicitations.


In the past, Su Yuxin would have hurried back to the Su residence early. However, presently, she was unrushed, slowly adorning herself. Feng Yao sat nearby, observing as Qing Que meticulously groomed her.


Su Yuxin possessed exceptional natural beauty, and when adorned with delicate makeup, she resembled a celestial consort. Coupled with Qing Que's skilled hands, she styled Su Yuxin's hair into an elegant and refined coiffure, enhancing her ethereal grace. Clad in a gradually shifting purple waist-clinching long skirt, she resembled an ethereal being among the flowers, her slender and elegant figure exuding a noble and majestic beauty.


"General, do I look pleasing?" Su Yuxin rose and twirled before Feng Yao.


"Pleasing," Feng Yao hurriedly nodded, extracting a delicately crafted crystal bottle from his robes. Within, a rosy-hued liquid gently undulated.


"What is this?" Su Yuxin curiously inquired.


"Fragrance Consort's Tears," Feng Yao said, uncorking the bottle. A faint, delightful fragrance wafted out.


"Truly delightful," Su Yuxin sniffed. Though she used perfumes and fragrant pastes in her daily life, none matched this refreshing and transcendent scent.


"Give me your hand," Feng Yao said, seizing Su Yuxin's hand, then dabbing a drop on her wrist's inner side, gently massaging it in. Instantly, Su Yuxin felt enveloped by the fragrance, emanating from head to toe, a subtle and enchanting aroma as if it were her inherent scent, without any abruptness.


"Where did you acquire this, General?" Su Yuxin's eyes sparkled with happiness.


"A secret," Feng Yao's lips curled involuntarily. "This bottle is unique to the Capital and is for you."


Su Yuxin was taken aback. Unique? Didn't that imply even the palace consorts didn't possess it?


"Isn't this too ostentatious?" Su Yuxin pursed her lips, feeling worried.


"I haven't stolen or acquired it unlawfully; it's a legitimate acquisition, not to be concerned about being ostentatious," Feng Yao tapped Su Yuxin's forehead, indulgingly smiling. "Rest assured."


"Mmm," only then did Su Yuxin happily accept it. Observing her joyful countenance, Feng Yao felt that everything he did for her was worthwhile.


The reason Feng Yao presented the 'Tears of Fragrance Consort' today had a purpose. Being constantly on the battlefield, he lacked knowledge on winning a woman's favor. Thus, he doubled his efforts to treat Su Yuxin well, wanting to offer her the best of himself. Yet, he had never considered purchasing such small gifts for her.


A few days ago, while waiting for Su Yuxin at the Yimei Garden, he unintentionally perused her notebook, finding stories of talented scholars and beauties, where the act of gift-giving was mentioned. Examples included combs, pairs of earrings, and golden hairpins. That day, Su Yuxin also gave him a inkstone. Although not a renowned work by a master, it meant a great deal to him.


Thinking about it, he felt he should also give her some small gifts. However, he dismissed the idea of gifting commonplace items like combs or earrings; Su Yuxin didn't lack these, as there were plenty stored in the residence.


If he was to give a gift, it had to be distinctive. Thus, he dispatched several squads overnight to procure this bottle of 'Tears of Fragrance Consort'. The effect proved quite satisfactory. Unexpectedly, these folktales contained such unique advice. In the future, he intended to instruct Muling to acquire more of them for him to study thoroughly.


"General, Madam, it's about time to depart," Qing Que reminded them nearby.


"Let's go," Feng Yao took Su Yuxin's small hand, leading her out.


In reality, he had a lot to attend to at the military camp today, but he had promised to accompany Su Yuxin to the Su residence, and naturally, he wouldn't go back on his word. Unfortunately, this meant his ten chief lieutenants worked tirelessly in the camp, grumbling from the exhaustion.


Feng Yao lifted Su Yuxin into the carriage, Qing Que and Ziyuan boarded the smaller carriage behind, while Jinling, Muling, Chiyi, and Chengyi each rode their horses. Behind them were two more carriages, containing the birthday gifts prepared by the General's residence.


Madam Su was Su Yuxin's biological grandmother, and despite any discontent she might harbor towards her, it was inappropriate to skimp on birthday gifts. Otherwise, it would invite criticism for her lack of manners. However, the adjusted gifts Su Yuxin prepared were conventional, not particularly outstanding, but imperceptible for anyone to pick faults.


In her previous life, every year for Madam Su's birthday, Su Yuxin would include the curious treasures left by her mother in the birthday gifts. However, the outcome was that Madam Su passed these treasures on to Su Yuxiang as part of her dowry, resulting in Su Yuxiang gaining favor among many and soaring to fame in the capital.


Today, she wouldn't be so naive. Although the General's residence and Su residence were separated by two streets, the journey wasn't far and didn't take half an hour. Upon Feng Yao and Su Yuxin's arrival, there were already many carriages parked outside the Secretary's residence, with numerous people coming and going.


The coachman parked the carriage at a distance, and Feng Yao, without using the carriage step, gracefully leaped down and, in a natural manner, lifted Su Yuxin down, taking a moment to adjust her attire. He was exceptionally considerate.


Su Yuxin tugged at Feng Yao's arm, her attractive face turning red. So many people were watching; it was embarrassing.


"What's to fear? You are my lawfully wedded wife, and my kindness toward you is expected," Feng Yao affectionately flicked Su Yuxin's nose.


Upon hearing his words, Su Yuxin's face reddened further, but her eyes revealed pure happiness.


"Mulang, take the gift list and arrange for someone to bring them in for registration," Feng Yao instructed.


"Yes," Mulang nodded and went to carry out the task.


"Let's go inside," Feng Yao held Su Yuxin's small hand intimately, paying no heed to the gazes around them.


"Sure," Su Yuxin smiled sweetly, naturally intertwining her fingers with Feng Yao's, palms meeting each other. As soon as the two entered the Su residence, a maidservant greeted them cheerfully,


 "Madam, you've finally arrived. The Old Madam was just mentioning you."


The maid's voice was resonant, audible to those around. Su Yuxin arched her eyebrows. Su Yuxiang was indeed impatient; she had just arrived, and Su Yuxiang couldn't help asserting her dominance. Yet, this display of authority seemed somewhat juvenile.


A dignified smile appeared at the corner of Su Yuxin's lips, but before she could speak, Feng Yao beside her calmly interjected.