
Chapter 41: A Time to Clear Things Up

Having settled on her decision, Su Yuxin gracefully took her leave. Dr. Sun courteously escorted her outside.


"Today, I extend my gratitude for your kind words, Dr. Sun," Su Yuxin spoke as she walked.


"Madam is too kind. It was merely a few words," Dr. Sun chuckled. "It's a pity my medical skills are not precise; otherwise, I truly would have wanted to accept this apprentice."


"Please do not be so modest, Dr. Sun," Su Yuxin paused, speaking with courtesy. "I shall not detain you from your medical practice any longer."


"Farewell, Madam," Dr. Sun nodded in farewell, watching Su Yuxin leave the Ren'an Hall.


Ignoring the gazes of onlookers and putting aside his patient consultations, Dr. Sun hurried to the backyard's library to search for medical texts. He faintly recalled the method Xia Zhi used to craft the medicine pouch from an ancient book.


The process was intricate and arduous; any slight mistake in any step would render all previous efforts futile. Though he had only glanced at it before and never attempted it, seeing a child achieve this made him feel embarrassed.


At forty years old, he felt hesitant and restrained in many matters, lacking the courage of a child. As the saying goes, "One is never too old to learn." Despite reading numerous books, the vastness of knowledge became apparent; there was still much to grasp.


After departing from the Ren'an Hall, Su Yuxin intended to visit a bookstore. She had decided to engage a tutor to teach Xia Zhi how to read and write at the residence before the General slowly searched for the whereabouts of the peculiar physician.


However, she was uncertain where to find a suitable tutor. Considering the bookstore likely attracted knowledgeable individuals, she planned to inquire there. If she found a fitting tutor, she would immediately invite them.


Upon arriving at the bookstore's entrance, unexpectedly, someone blocked her way.


Looking up, Su Yuxin said with displeasure, "You're persistent, aren't you? They say a good dog doesn't block the way. Can't you understand human speech?"


Lü Mingxia first glared at Su Yuxin, then with a somewhat pitiful expression, turned to the side and said, "Brother, do you hear what Cousin is saying?"


Only then did Su Yuxin notice Lü Jingwei standing nearby, clad in a moon-white robe, possessing a tall figure. His jet-black hair was coiled high with a white jade hairpin, and his features were refined, often wearing a gentle smile. Even with a frown now, he remained pleasing to the eye. However, Su Yuxin harbored no goodwill toward him. Memories from her past life surged forth like a raging wave, reminding her of her tragic death and his overwhelming role in it. She clenched her fists, her thoughts drifting toward using her abilities to end this deceitful individual's existence.


Taking a deep breath, Su Yuxin struggled to control her emotions. Then, Lü Jingwei spoke with a mild reprimand in his warm voice.


"Cousin is a young lady from a respected family; how can she use such crude words? This is unbecoming."


"If you dislike it, don't listen. No one is forcing you," Su Yuxin glanced at Lü Jingwei, her tone icy. "Besides, I am now married to the General and am his wife, not a young lady from a noble family. Cousin seems incapable of understanding even such simple words; it's a waste to read books."


Lü Jingwei had always lived amid endless praises. No one had ever spoken to him in such a manner, especially not Su Yuxin, who used to cling to him every time she saw him. In a moment, Lü Jingwei's face alternated between pale and red, rendering him speechless.


Seeing his extreme discomfort brought satisfaction to Su Yuxin. She continued speaking, not holding back her words, "Moreover, what's wrong with being a laborer? Without their toil, where would you find your clothes and food? If you truly pride yourself on being noble, then refrain from dressing and eating. What you should wear, eat, and use, yet sporting such a demeanor, is truly a disgrace despite all your readings of sage books."


Watching Lü Jingwei being rebuked, Lü Mingxia couldn't bear it. In her heart, Lü Jingwei was a towering mountain, unworthy of anyone's reproach.


"Su Yuxin, what kind of language is that?" Lü Mingxia scowled, hands on her waist, her voice sharp and grating. "You are just a worthless nobody, what right do you have to scold my brother?"


"It seems Cousin should first instruct her own sister before blaming others. Such a shrewish behavior truly degrades one's refinement," Su Yuxin raised an eyebrow, speaking with a cold smirk.


"You..." Lü Mingxia seethed, rolling up her sleeves, ready to confront her. "I'll shut your mouth for you."


"Stay put, Mingxia," Lü Jingwei held Lü Mingxia back, speaking with a stern face.


Lü Mingxia's actions were akin to a slap on his face, indeed more vulgar and unpleasant than anything else.


"I won't hinder you from educating Mingxia," Su Yuxin's lips curled into a mocking smile. "But remember, airing dirty laundry in public is unseemly. Brother, why not return home and educate her there properly? Otherwise, won't it be a laughingstock?"


People around them began to whisper and point.


Lü Jingwei's face turned crimson, as if it were on fire. 


"What are you? You..." 


"Enough!" Lü Jingwei's expression darkened completely, giving Lü Mingxia a glare. "At such a young age, why have you learned such vulgar language? Hurry back home and don't embarrass us here."


Lü Mingxia dared not retort, looking upset. "Brother, I'll go back now."


Once spoken, she turned and ran off, seething with hatred for Su Yuxin.


After this commotion, Lü Jingwei felt too embarrassed to continue browsing the bookstore. He exchanged a few words with his classmates and intended to leave. But before departing, he approached Su Yuxin, attempting to advise her sincerely.


"Remember, when dealing with others in the future, do not act so domineering and irrational. The General won't be pleased if he hears about it."


"I have been speaking nothing but reason. Why does Cousin accuse me of being unreasonable? If Cousin has any grievances, let them be known so everyone can judge," Su Yuxin gazed at Lü Jingwei with a half-smile, seemingly amused. "Moreover, how the General treats me is a matter between us as husband and wife. It seems irrelevant to Cousin."


"You..." Lü Jingwei's chest heaved in anger. "You were never like this before."


"The past is the past, and the present is now. In the past, I was blinded by delusion, but now, after clearing away the obscurities, it is time for clarity," Su Yuxin spoke in a leisurely manner.




, these words were particularly grating to Lü Jingwei's ears. Her words seemed to insinuate that she admired him before only because she was deceived.


"I merely offered advice; since you can't appreciate it, then consider it as if I said nothing at all." With a wave of his sleeves, Lü Jingwei's expression turned exceedingly unpleasant.


"It's because I now discern between good and bad, distinguishing true feelings from deceitful ones," Su Yuxin's smile seemed gentle, but Lü Jingwei felt a chilling sensation creeping up his neck, making him uneasy.