
Chapter 1 Meet Matt

Why hello there, my name is Matt. and today, I will be introducing myself.I have a little brother name Alan. And a twin sister named Matty. To be honest, her and Alan are very spoiled. Me, I am most likely a hated child. They get anything they want on the other hand I get nothing at all. But, I'm used to it. One day, I was sleeping on the floor. Summer is over. Yeah, I have to go back to school. But don't get me wrong, I LOVE SCHOOL! I was excited! But a few things.. There's a lot of bullies, and my mom said after summer she is going to kick me out her house. So, I basically got no where to live. So now, it's the part where I'm moving out...

"Matt, wake your ugly behind up!" my mom shouted. I woken up. she says, "Ha, get your stuff and pack up! This is your last da-" "I honestly don't care. You are horrible I'm glad I'm leaving. Your the worst mother in history." I interrupted. I started to pack my stuff then my mother just stares at me. She looked like she wanted to punch me. After I finished she says," Come here!" I walked up to her crossing my arms. Then the next thing you know she punches my face. I screamed, "OW! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YO-" I suddenly stopped. I saw something sharp in her hand. A tear went down my eye. I sobbed, "You don't have to do thi-" She cuts me with the knife on my eye. She said furiously, "Next time, be more careful of what you say. Oh yeah I almost forgot there is no next time. So, get out. NOW!" I immediately ran out the door, slamming it and threw. a rock at the h ouse I went ran down the drive way looking behind me. Making sure nobody was behind me. I turned back to my direction. I walked up to the school. I wasn't ready yet for the teasing and the punching so I ran away from the school, but I wasn't looking in my direction. I was looking behind myself again and then, when I turned around, I accidentally bumped into somebody...