
Chapter v

Mother and son wolf attack

They stop as a cowboy went to pee in the bushes,," you get the kid,I take care of our problem big sister, she pulled out her gun and went to sneak up behind him , Jordan pulled out het knife and ran down to him, and begin to cut him free, " when I say run ,run towers my sister, Jess are you done having fun et? She hit him I the back of his head knocking him out,,she caught him laid him down, " sleep tigbt,"[ sleep tight you have dry sense of humor mom have anyone m] said. Trevino, she Eve them to come , so the ran up,as they whee wrong up," wolf out little sister? Said. Jordan, "[ get the kid home, son you wouldn't know humor if it fall on you, we be right behind you,] sweetheart RN Fast, they pulled out there guns and son them around, Tent rode down pick him up on hi s horses," you Two better made it mom and Aunt Jordan I not trying to lose a mother and Aunt! " nephew get your tail up they hill get moving, ordered. Jordan, " stop worrying about what is not going to happen said. Jessie, he ride up the hill and they and they left, firing at each other they duck behind a tree, " time to wolf up, said. Jordan, " I agree ready when you are Jordan. " lets go. They roll out and fired at them, Preston and Cameron stop, their heart is beating in their ears, " mom!! They called," v boys they are coming come on. Said. Hank, Cameron could breathe, and Preston grip his heart and panickung," dad they are freaking our, " go we get them, they rode on," son looked at me you really think Jessie going to leave us like thst, look at how many times she been shot and got up, mom is coming, he grabhis fsce," Jordan is on her way son she not giving up on us, said. Thomas, they. Put their guns away run and jump up on their horse's left," we have to leave them astray away fro!m the family and homestead, they are p1$$3d , " look on the bright side we got the kid, Mr and Cameron take them for a ride in the wooden , ,we see you back at home," look see boys there their are, said. Hank, "what happens? Asked. Jessie," was he always this way?asked. Hank," yes dear our son cling to hos mother since birth, son you need take control, up we going to have complany soon, said. Jessie,* same with ours plus we safe them from themselves which they decking agian,something we can't break, said. Jordan, " mom just because I decided to leave home I never stop clinging to you, " dare it mom you can do that!cried. Cameron, " sweetheart stop thinking I am ready to leave this earth, that will happened when I old and sick not by outlaws or bulletd, you with me son get your tail on your horse,we see you at ho!e," I want to see you both there, they riding up shooting, " get a move on you four get the kid ho!e,son get front please lets go,they split up a d went in different directions, the * Cowboys* followed after Jessie and Cameron, " faster son, "where ate we going. Asked, Cameron," taking them on a ride, then we going to get them lost, so wait until I said go left, they took the kid home, " mom where is Aunt Jessie? She cut on the camera, " [ WE are going to teach you our famous move call the *Bounty Take down* do not tell your grandfather about this either,] said. Jordan, " wait grandpa do not know of this? Asked. Warner, "[ no he not going to know right Teeno, Heather, Cameron, West, Joshua, Trent, Tiffany, Trevino, Chessie, Warren, Warner, Francesca, Renshaw, Cora, Renskin, Brett, Rico, Dayton, Jayden, Dolton, Levette, and Jessup, that includes Frankie, Preston, Nancy, Devon, Cullen, Tonia, Tanner, Asher, Dain, Porter, Nano, Railey, Clayton, Greyson, Daytona, Kendra, Kendrick, Yonetta, Yohan and Jesse, that goes for grands great grandkids, great nieces] They ride at they fast, " howcfastcthey going Mrs. Garrett? Asked. Chuck, " that high speed that will beconecofcthecfirstvlesson how to ride that fast, said. Jordan, Cameron is right beside her, they are writing it down, they got up on thei horses," stand on your hide legs do not fear, said. Jessie, " se how they embrace getting ready to jump, you have to think like a wolf wolf clubs, said. Jordan, "[ once you master the position you can flip jump from horse to horse,] theyvjump in the air didca complete summer Sault, and land on their horses behind them, they throw them off and they hit a trees, they spin around on the horses punch the other two knocking them off their horses," you ready to jump agian son? Asked. Jessie, " oh yeah mom, said Cameron, they flip off the horses and land obmn theirs kicking them off their horses, "[ and wolf clubs that is our signature move called the Bounty take down, we answered your questions over a hot meal, we will see you at home comecon Cam, they gotcoffctheir horses and got on their and left, " that was so much fun mom, I love this job. Said, Cameron, " I know you do son, they met up with the family. "( dad the kid is found un back home, and Jessie and Cameron is back,) said. Jordan, " ( great work hearts, go getcsome rest see you in your office tomorrow, ) said Marco, "( tomorrow is Saturday day day off plus it lessons time to,) said. Jessie, "( report and file time Jessie, it be quick we can get it done over hot breakfast, I order it from Dodge town, ) said. Marco, "( it be nice if you let us know in advance about this things dad,) complain, Jordan. "( why my children always complain about something , ) said. Marco, "( why our father making up workbwhen hexgive us the day off, not good sir, ) said. Jessie, " ( just reported o am feeding you am?) Said. Marco, " ( find we will be there in the morning, after we get a sleep in. Said, Jordan. "( thank you gals my queens my loves,) said Marco,