
Chapter iii

The Posey

They deep in the mind shack,as they climb down the ladder, " can see thing of in here, said. Teeno, Jessie held up het hand," bounty of law , if anyone is here,now is your chance to be hear, and turn yourself in, said. Jessie," nom we can't see and there is no one else in but us, " you sand I be heard? Sid the gal, she didn't went to the red devil camp, " yes we are not going to hurt yiu, [ we find the gal, how it going top side?] Said, Jessie, " tell us what happens? Asked. Hank, at the house, will they still looming, and the town marshal show up, * [ we done here we joining you,wolf pack up and we joint your aunt,] said, Jordan, they close their log books and got on their horses, " mommy I hungry, said. Crystal, " yeah mom can we atop it food please? Asked. Dain, "[ is your howling for food, we heading your way,] said, Jordan, " we find her lets get dinner, said. Brett," [ they just startded, we got the gal and heading up in a minutr, wolf clubs take notes we are about to find out what happen and why,after we stop take her to town hold in jail cell, get food discuss what session we do next, said. Jessie, " can we do this later? asked, Cora," no we need to do this now, she started to tell them what happen, " all this time they been closed working, doing this the, going on ships trais, no she not good enough anymore" I die if dad did that to us, said. Chessie," Chess this dad is full pledge dad and grandpa, he always going to there and do stuff with his little ones. Said, Hank. " if not this full pledge mom will make sure he remember family first, said.Jessie, they rode up to the mind shack," [ Jessie,] -[ come him the party be careful coming in guys,] they got off their horses and walked in the mind shack, " Aunt Jessie uncle Hank?" Teeno go essayist them down son, please continue, said, Jessie. Teeno climb up the ladder, " I got hurt, he hurt me bad ma'am I do the only, I can do what should I do?!" They walked down the ladder and up to them, as they were writing it down, " open up your log book wolf clubs start taking down what she say, said, Jordan. They open up their log books and take down what she said,, " so that why you killed him, Jessie the South has there own law, she going to need us , " their marshal is big t hang her,[ dad is there anything we can do, can you trail in a, raw by our judge,and cur the sentence in half?] Asked. Jessie, " [ take her to Boomtown hold her in the cell do not leave or her, I see can Judge bounty can come, and tell her the situation and get reduction off, yu need to let her out the south now before their marshal finds out,heats,] said. Narco, ' you don't with us we are getting you a fair trail without hang, lets go,we got to move now, they climb up the ladder, Jessie wave her to come, she walked up to her, they walked out of the minds, try put her on the horses with Trevino, and put a blanket over here, and they rode way, " where we going and what the plan? Asked,Jacob, " we tell you once we out of the south, we need to get her to a town, she in danger to be hang, he is not going to hear how he was uncaring father,all he seen and know is she killed him she need to paid to it by hanging, said. Jordan, they are half way out of the south when they run into the Marshal and deputies, " let us handle this stay back with yr fathers, evening boys,said. Jessie, " evening what bring you to the soyth? The s my town and my case, he told them," we just giving you a helping hand you gong to need a team that can tack and search, is so wrong ," yes I told you once I don't want or need your blasted help stayed out the south! They ride pass them. " of course we will sorry we didn't man to intrude, move out ,The rode out of the south,the sure up in The Valley heading to Boomtown, with the out looking for the gal, they rode into Boomtown, they got off their horse,' man I was sure we are goers, said.Trent," we not done yet like us t CA leave the south, we had to get to her trail, to bounty prisoners camp, then we are done,he is out of a hanging. Said, Hank, they took her into the jail cell in lock her in," mind we use your cell for the night? [ dad we are here,-[ what you think ?] Asked, Marco. "[ the south don't believe in a fair trail , I on my way we he year sentence,] said.the bounty judge, " [ she on her way stay, ] Said, Marco, *[ we will, ] said. " sure bounty. The family is growing is it?" Yes we got grandkids and new grandkids, and new edition, answered. Jordan, " mommy mommy ,called, Xander, " yes son what is on your mind ? Answered. Jessie, " granddaddy coming?" No, grandpa is not coming he sending, Jessie stopped and saw them out the window, " you think the know we have her? Asked. Jordan, " only one way to find out how I look?" You stopped that you are my wife! Snapped, hank. " get them gal, she know she belong to you, said. Jordan, Jessie walked out of the door and up to them. You are following me boys, asked. Jessie, " d∆mn you fine women', said. The cowboy,, " we have that gal, " what gal that was my child in the blanket, he drink spoil milk, I didn't had the herbs to treat him so we bring him here its my oldest boy," Teeno act like you are dying real loud, said. Jordan, " what why me!? Asked. Teeno," she said oldest you are the first born son, said. Jordan," fine then, he cried and screamed real loud, " Thomas act like the doctor. Said, Hank,

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