
Chapter i

they finally together

Sam and Jayla sit in talk for nineteen months before they can count, Jessie and Hank, promise to build them a house day of the their wedding day, while the family is out after the cowboy, Sam is in cattle County with his boss and help to get to stir a herd of cows, This is a busy year for the family, as they are in pursue of the Cowboy he kidnaps, tortures, and kids boys Especially. hey have to get them before they cross lands, it is high noon, the family is on the trail of the cowboy who just kidnaps a kid, a boy. He plans to torture and kill, " we got a kid to get back. Speed up Wolf clubs, said. Jessie, ' granny who is the cowboy? Asked. Jack, " no one knows his real name or where he comes from. Said, Hank, "( no matter what we have to get the kid,) said. Thomas " What the plan I know you got one mom and Aunt Jordan, said. Hank," son-in-law, we do we going to cut his exit off, you ready to push him to us? Asked. Jessie, " you got to get ahead of him Jessie, you all have to ride hard, said. Jordan, "Oh we will when I said get in front of us get in front ride hard keep going, do not stop or look back, see you at the top, move out wolf clubs get in front and stay in front, they got in front, they riding up trying to get ahead of * The Cowboy* to cut him off, as the sun is beating down on them making them out, they pass him, confusing him. He didn't know where they were going. " Mom we just pass him." Good we are him to get away, said. Jessie, :what if he turns around grandma? Asked. Hank iii, " son he run smack in to Aunt Jordan and uncle Thomas, said. Chessie, " dag talk about your double trouble, said. Bob, meanwhile Rayne, Isabella, Martina,and Rosen and Jestina is West, while Joseph and Randolph are East, they just rode into Baker town. " our moms and dads be pleased that we are settling down here, what you think Ran? Asked. Joseph. " we might have enough for a night but not food, said. Randolph, " they going to be tick that we spend up our money, we should call them. Said Joseph, the Mayor walked out of the office, spot on she realised that Joseph and Randolph are Thomas and Hank sons, meaning they married someone else and not her, that p!seed her off, so she gold then do not wait or help them. Freddy shakes his head, * the cowboy* ran into Jessie and Hank, as Jordan and Thomas rode up behind his, "( mom and dad are you budy, can we come back home?) Asked. Rosen," ( please mom dad, we are done seeing Houston,) ssid. Rayne. "( in way we are Rosen yes baby gal come home, ) said. Jessie," ( Rose is Joseph with you?) Asked. Hank,"( him and Ran went East, we see you at home nom and dad,) said. Jestina, " ( yea gals come back home, ) said, Jordan, " this is the nd of t line " Cowboy* " hand over th kid and put your hands up ( I Peter they stay with yo gals, instead go there own way,) said. Thomas, Nancy take the kid from hm, and Reed shackled him. " Clay Jordan, Said. Jessie, "( we be there soon gals be safe ,) " ( we not to far away,) clay Jessie, Said. Jordan, they ride for Clay prison camp, they rode up to the inn got off their horses, "( we know mom but we have a dream, how far are you guys?) Asked. Joseph," ( what dream is that son whatever it is we back you in it,) Said. Hank, "( far thirty miles son, its okay .) they walked in the inn," we like two rooms with a bath, how much ?( first we going to get jobs safe up money and by a deed, mom for that do we need to go to grandpa or the Mayor?) Said. Randolph, " six gold dollars and there is no rooms left, she told him," there is a sign in the window that said two rooms left, we have the money for it, "( good plan what wrong Joseph?) Asked. Jessie," you can't believe everything you see I just forgot to take it down. She, said. " we low on cash and have no wee to sleep, I say we go home forget this, "( if you have a dream and plan never turn around tell us what happened.) Said. Jordan " ( she lying mom she Saida she got no rooms free.) You can change your mind or deal with our mothers, said. Joseph, " you do not know who we are our grandparents own this state snap of his finger your inn be closed down , you be thrown out of Houston, said. Randolph. She looked at him, "( we on our way boys stay were you are.) Said. Jessie, they turn their horses around and ride to Baker, they walked out of the inn," I getting hungry to. Said. Joseph, finally their mothers rode into Town, " mom I hungry. " I can see you are how much you have? Take it back you spend your earnings on place, first we handle getting you in a inn, " then we give you money, to get food o you like for your mothers to bring you plates? Asked. Jordan, " cold you mom and Aunt Jessie? Asked. Randolph, " please mommy, said. Joseph, " yes son we bring you plates, Jordan you picking up what I picked up on,( Mr. Garrett I believed that a ex of yours running this town,)-(* we do not have exes Jessie you and Jordan is that only women in our life, said. Hank, "( we pickup someone is tick that you married to us and have kitschy us, , we got a problem here, we can get them a room job but that not going to clear the fire up, you boys need to put this out or you want us to.)-(" son alk the town why you had to pick gets, Jordan hear me this is your husband! Love you, she was a person we just talk to, ) said. Thomas, "( Jes my love I never had feelings for her, sizes I see you upset so I handle it, get him in a in, either lets go. So they head to Baker town to, " ( Teeno ad Frankie get to Clay transfer the prison over and stay after we help your brothers out, we up the way, ) said. , Jessie. "( who messing with my kid brother!) Said. Yohan and Jessup" ( we got this boys, your fathers is on the way to get their X love straight, Pres mom see you in a minute, you be fine sweetheart, ) said, Jordan." ( dad you were unfaithful to mom?) Said, Preston, "( no,I happily and love with mom, I would never crossed that line,) said. Thomas, they walked in the inn, Jessie rung the bell,as Thomas and Hank rode up to the office, they got off their horses and banged on he door, , she open the door," why are yo attacking or sons they have a right to be here, stated, Thomas, " just like we have a right to pick as wives,which is here you do not want to come across if you where smart you fell this people to help them as possible, you are wise to stay away from, we can strip your office from you and sentence you for burglar the town, said. Hank, the innkeeper walk up and snap out," I told you no rons,the raise their eyebrows, " first correct your time towards me in my son, said Jessie with the voice, Joseph smiled," second you don't have w the right to turn down customers, two rooms without shave and bsth, said. Jordan, " hut a bath be nice. Said, Randolph, " yeah mom," son you got whiskers, son you need to shave, said. Jessie, " I got your favorite cigar and cigars boy, won't you come in," this was a lower Tank attack on the boys gear us we love our families very much, they are mean the world to s, not in decades you could never be that woman, " we love our wives,you would never come close to them, " you don't I I have them arrested and hang, " try it it I have this town burn down,and you send to Gator to be use as a toy!! Said Thomas and Hank, . that send Chill up her spine, she fall back on the ground, you will give them a rooms for a months, is that clear!? Snapped, Jordan. " son what the last time yo shaved? " we pay the feed give them the date rooms now, tell us the price! Said. Jessie, " six silver dollars, she hand them the keys, and Jessie wrote a check and hand it to her, " thank yo mommy, said. Joseph and Randolph, " you are welcome our sons, they said. " how's clothes and supplies holding up,said,, Jessie.

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