
Freind request

The Games We Play

Friend Request

As the world shifted around us, Raven tensed suddenly. I couldn't blame her, even if I wasn't entirely certain what made her react that way—Naraka was an eerie place. The thousands upon thousands of sounds that people took for granted—distant voices, sounds of motion, all the signs that we weren't alone in an empty world, however fait—just vanished the instant we crossed between worlds, fading in the blink of an eye.

Because we were alone and the world was empty. Or at least, we would be for a few seconds, until those sounds returned—though what that return signified wouldn't be much better, honestly. Then we'd just be surrounded on all sides in an endlessly hostile world, instead.

"Where are we?" She asked, a sudden edge to her tone. It wasn't fear, though; it was almost…

"Didn't I just tell you, Raven?" I replied. "We are in Naraka—a dimensional space crafted by a barrier technique that we believe to have originated in Babel. It's a very interesting technique, layering an empty copy of the world over reality in such a way that they are at once separated and intertwined. But perhaps what is most interesting about it is what occurs within the space created."

Raven's mask turned and I felt her attention leave me like I was shrugging off a great weight. I could imagine what she was doing, using her power to sift through the world around us, to see the empty world as she searched for what I spoke of. It wouldn't take her long to find them, I was sure.

I saw her stiffen again and assume she'd seen it.

"The Grimm," She confirmed. "This place…it's creating Grimm."

"Yes," I replied. "Within this space, they will spawn without end—it's a breeding ground for monsters. At present, it creates only Beowolves, but given time I feel that will change. Already, you can see it somewhat, can you not? They've gotten larger since my first barrier, growing spines of bones and showing other signs of growth. I think they may be getting smarter, as well, since I've seen them work together better than before…I can interfere with the process, keep them weaker, but left alone this skill will make stronger and stronger Grimm as it improves."

"Why would anyone create such a thing?" Raven whispered. "A world that's desolate but for monsters, with enough of civilization left behind to show how empty it truly is. What were they trying to do?"

"Probably not this," I said, drawing her attention back to me. "It's strange and I admit I don't understand most of it—but as someone who learned to use this technique, I'm all but certain this is something they didn't plan for. The manuscript I learned this from painted a very different picture for what this technique would create, something…it's hard to even put into words, truly. I was lucky I understood enough to mimic the procedure, but much of the science behind it is still lost on me. And there was a science to this, I can assure you of that, just as I can tell you that this barrier feels wrong, as though something is making it behave erratically."


"I haven't the slightest idea, I'm afraid," I answered. "There's too much I don't understand for me to even begin to say I know what's actually going on. And yet, I'm sure the possibilities are not lost on you."

"They created the Grimm," She replied. "That's what you're saying, isn't it?"

I hummed considering.

"Created," I said. "Summoned. Discovered. Perhaps were even discovered by. There's no way of really knowing and too many possibilities to count. Whatever the case, it's obvious they were tied to them somehow and it's likely they knew a great deal more about the Grimm then we do—possibly even where they came from. But if we can learn what they knew…"

There was the sound of claws scraping away at steel, a ground at the door to the server room that drew both of our attentions. It was soon followed by more noises as the Grimm outside began to mass at our doorstep and try to force their way inside.

I called upon Suryasta's power silently and watched them burn before turning to face Raven once more.

"There's a possibility," I continued. "A chance, even, that this might be what we're looking for—what all of us have been looking for, for as long as we can remember. Even if the odds might seem slim, if we can learn more about what led to the Grimm or figure out what is causing the problem…it's possible we might also be able to find a solution. We might be able to end this conflict, once and for all."

"End it," She said in a tone I recognize and understood completely. She said the words slowly, sounding them out like she could believe they were really, much less that they represented something possible—and yet, as if they were fascinating beyond measure. "Do you honestly believe that's possible?"

"I don't think it's impossible," I said. "In my eyes, that makes it worth trying. For all the people who have died…this world has lost too much for us not to try now. Will you help me?"

She was silent for a long minute, watching silently as more Grimm amassed. Or perhaps she wasn't. Perhaps it was the world she was looking at—a world barren of life, of Humans and Faunus alike, left empty of anything but the hunger of the Grimm. Perhaps she was looking at what awaited if we couldn't stop the Grimm. Not today, perhaps, maybe not even for a hundred or a thousand years, but some day in the future when our last hopes ran out and there was nowhere left to run and the last of us left this World with nothing but desolate ruins as sign of our passing.

"Yes," She finally answered. "I will help you. Even if it's just a tiny hope…"

"The difference between zero and one is as large as between one and infinity," I answered. "So this is far, far better than nothing, yes."

"Then what do we do next, Jian?" She asked, still looking away from me.

"Well, first…" I snapped my fingers and the dimension around us shattered, leaving us back in normal reality. "Let's finish up here, shall we?"

She looked at the computer screen and the information upon it, nodding once.

"I'll get a flash drive—"

I held one up, drawn from my Inventory. She looked at me for a moment, either surprised or annoyed, but nodded as I plugged it in and began copying files.

"Now then," I said, righting myself as the load bar began making progress. "We'll need to contact Mrs. Roma soon. Once we have her on our side, we'll have everything we need to truly begin. I don't foresee any problems on that front except one—her daughter. She seems to have been absent for quite some time. Do you happen to know what she's been up to?"

"Yes," She said. "She has not been harmed, merely…preoccupied. I wouldn't risk relations with the Families at this juncture, but I couldn't risk Ozpin interfering, either."

I chuckled.

"A wise decision. Still, there should be little need to worry about that now, I think," I answered. "Once the Roma family is on our side, the others will follow, so release her once we've finished negotiations. Her business trip will come to an end soon enough; until then we'll simply have her mother keep her out of our hair. We can afford to play nice and lay low until she's gone—though it had its uses, we don't need to rely on the festival any longer."

"Very well," Raven said. "Once our business has been completed, I'll send her back home."

"Wonderful," I replied, removing the flash drive after it finished its work. "We'll look over this, as well, and see what else we can find. With her connections, Mrs. Roma should be able to get us access to more recent files, as well. We'll have access to the copies of Babel within Alexandria's library soon and then it's simply a matter of examining the many ruins until we find something. I have no doubt that there's a record of known sites that Mrs. Roma can get us access to, but if that's not enough, we'll need to do some leg work."

"That's our next stop, then?" She murmured. "The Roma estate?"

"Yes," I said. "Although given your…history with her, it might be best if you allow me to speak to her first, however."

Raven grunted, probably remembering the incidents my grandmother had mentioned.

"Fine," She said, turning as shades of red and black gathered before her. "Let's go, then. It won't be too long before someone notices the guard upstairs. If we have what we need, there's no point in staying her any longer. Unless there's anything else…?"

I cleared the computer and put everything back in order before nodding at her and moving to her side. I raised my hand to stop her when she moved to go, however.

"One last thing," I said. "We should discuss who to tell."

She was silent for a moment, head tilting down.

"You know we can't tell everyone," I added after a moment of silence. "Even with your opinion of the Council, you know they did the right thing on that front; this situation will not be improved by thousands of panicked or outraged people. More than that, I think we of all people know the importance of keeping secrets, don't we?"

"I had no intention of telling anyone," She said after a moment. "The more people who know, the greater the chance that word will get out. Once that happens…I know. It's just that the Council…"

She fell silent for a moment. I couldn't see her expression or where she was looking, but her Aura curled around her as she stood.

"I got so tired of being sent to fight or die just so someone else could say they'd won," She continued after a moment of silence. "Of being lied to and used and watching others fall around me for things it turned out didn't even matter. Of being used so—"

She cut herself off and went quiet. I looked at her for a moment, considering her words. I had no idea what events she was referring to, of course, but…

"And look at me now," She sounded bitter. "At the wonders I left it all behind to create. I saw what they did and I had to correct it—and once I learnt the truth, I could never stop, no matter how much was lost and how many died. And it was all for nothing, in the end. How pitiful; I really am exactly the same as them."

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, lifting a hand to remove my mask after a moment of hesitation. It felt a bit odd to do so, but it wasn't my face beneath it, anymore; I didn't need to hide who I was with masks or makeup or even Lenore's power any longer, thanks to my new title. I wore the mask because of its power, not any actual need. So…this was fine.

"I don't believe that's true," I said, facing her. "All those years of belief, all the lives that flocked to it, all the things we've done…I don't think it meant nothing. I won't allow it to mean nothing. We're going to save the world, Raven."

She took a breath, looking into my eyes. After a moment, she raised her hands to her own mask and slowly lifted it from her face, revealing a surprisingly young looking face and bright red eyes.

"When you say it like that, it sounds even more ridiculous," She said. "Let's just leave."

I chuckled again, brushing my hair from my eyes before nodding to her, replacing my mask and walking through the portal.