
The Gamer System

Welcome to The Gamer System where an asshole has all the potential to dictate everyone’s life and now he’s thrown in an ecchi anime (with some spicy mix). Come along, I’m sure you’ll love it here. It can also be considered AU, no major changes though Fast paced Inspired by TheDarkWolfShiro, shiftysword and Peoples_Republic_of_fanfictions Tags: All the dark shit you can think of… other than gay ship This fic has a few Genderbent characters Harem: More than the number of bones in your body Schedule: there’s none Chapters are long 4000-6000 Words since there’s nothing more frustrating than a short chapter *Disclaimer: I own nothing. A few aspects of this story has been taken from inspired fics*

IamSuperflous · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs

Chapter 2: Powering Up (RPG style)

After a blind light flashed over me, I found myself standing in a living room. The place is spacious, and the furniture is lavish. It seems new too. Those 50 CP were well spent, it seems.

As I began to move around, I received a sudden influx of memories. Within three seconds, I understood my status quo. It turns out I am a son of an affluent American businessman, and my mother is Japanese. I've lived in the states for about sixteen years of my life, but due to my mother insistence, I moved here alone to study at a local High School called Kuoh Academy just a few days ago.

I'm fairly certain that the canon has still to start, but I've to testify it tomorrow. I'm starting as a second-year student from tomorrow onwards.

I am still called Levi, by the way. I am quite grateful for my parents… okay, who am I kidding? So long as they don't bother me, I am more than happy to ignore their existence. What? They aren't my parents; my real parents went six feet deep underneath the ground decades ago. I idly wondered if my so-called parents even exists? A quick phone call and 500.000 Yen credit thanks to my overjoyed 'mother' confirm their existence.

My [Multiverse Phone], by the way, is quite lovely. The design is stylish, and the internet is blazing fast. Other than that, it appears to be just another smartphone of today's world. I am not complaining, though.

I flick my eyes towards the wide floor-to-ceiling window and walk towards it. Today is Sunday, and it is about 4 pm. The view outside is stunning; my penthouse is on the 23rd Floor. Still, with the threat of Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels looming over me, I can't afford to waste my time over something like this.

I'm a firm believer in 'early planning and preparation', and I want to be ready for any situation. Although the whole world seems to revolve around boobs in the anime, I wasn't dumb enough to believe that. This world has beings who call squash me like an ant if I say as much as a single wrong word. I am not a protagonist; I don't have plot armour, AKA 'get-out-of-the-jail-free-card'.

Alright, enough brooding, so what happens in the canon anyway? I've only watched two seasons, and I frankly don't remember much of what happens in the second one. No, I wasn't watching breasts… I swear I wasn't!

Let's see; In the start, there was this crazy fallen chick who kills Issei, he gets reincarnated as a devil by Rias, then there's this whole Asia's tidbit, Rating Game… that's… about it, right? Oh, I suddenly remember a bit of the second season; Irina and Xenovia came looking for Excalibur Swords, I believe? That guy called Freed has three of those swords which Heavens want to retrieve. But he steals another Excalibur from Irina (really?) sometime in between and attacks Kuoh Academy with… what was that guy with many wings again? Kukubell? Kokabiel? One of those. Say what you want; I deserve a pat for remembering this much.

Early note to self, it's not a question of 'if' I'll be dragged into this whole Angels, Devils mess but 'when'. That poor guy Issei was chilling around, peeking and leering at chicks boobs when he got doubly deceived (by Fallen chick and Rias) and murdered. So yeah, hiding for long was never an option.

That means I need some objectives.

Long term objectives: get fucking strong and get all the girls. Short term objective: get strong enough to influence events that are about to happen while sweeping in Issei female version and Asia. There. It wasn't so hard.

Obviously, I'll expand on the objectives further, but I need some information before any thorough plan. The most important one is ascertaining others strengths. Thankfully, I've got [Observe] for that purpose.

Then, I walked into my bathroom and stood before a mirror to check how truly fucked I was. Three long inches of fuckery is the answer. I mentally sigh. Seriously, how do my ears protrude that much? Whatever, the multiplier alone are worth the downsides. I'd a feeling I wouldn't be getting any if I'd chosen to be a Human.

On the flip side, I'd have to admit that I was quite handsome. Scratch that, I am very handsome. Just above 6 feet in height with purple-ish short hair and crystal-clear dark-blue eyes. Not to mention the pale skin and lean build stretched all across with no fat in sight whatsoever… other than in crotch… ten inches of solid wood. I nodded to myself. Obviously satisfied.

Figuring since I was in the bathroom anyway, I should pop into a shower real quick. Apparently, staying in the void for so long makes you appreciate small happiness. I am sure nobody saw that coming.

Stripping out my clothes, I open the shower before dipping and settling into a large jacuzzi. The warm water hitting my face once again confirmed that everything was real. It was happening. I died and was chosen as a Gamer. Though I don't know how or why I was chosen, I don't care… not for the near future anyway.

Reluctantly getting out of the comfortable bath, I slipped into black trousers and a simple grey T-shirt. Making a mental note to buy clothes since I discovered only a couple of spares in the wardrobe, I cooked a simple meal. Nothing too fancy; I had some frozen food and a bit of leftover. After stuffing my face, I was ready to murder some monsters and officially begin my Gaming career—one with life on the line.


<Please select a dungeon!>

[0: An Abandoned Mine]

Stupid Game; there's not much to select. Abandoned Mine it is then.

As soon I tap it, I feel a faint sense of something mystical pulling my guts and the next second, my surroundings change from a beautiful living room to an eerie and narrow tunnel.

I decided against using [Sneak]. In a tunnel, five-to-six feet wide, my only achievement for using [Sneak] would be the waste of SP… I definitely don't want that in my Gamer resume.

Out of curiosity, I touched the surface of the walls. It was cold. Was this place real? Did it exist in reality? I don't know. And frankly, I don't care either as long as I can get stronger.

At that moment, I heard moaning and growling noises coming from not far away. At first, it was low, but its growl intensified as it appeared in my vision and saw me. Luckily for an amateur like me, even when being aggro'd, it was as slow as a snail. I peered at the thing. The closest thing I'd associate it with is Zombie, and it was dressed in a worker's outfit. Without wasting any time, I used [Observe].

Target: Walker

Level: 1

HP: 60

MP: 10

SP: 80

Primary Stat: STR (8)

A bottom feeder. Not that I'm complaining. It makes for a perfect target for me, who has yet to kill a chicken. As long as I don't fuck this up majorly, this should be an easy first kill.

After brandishing my trustee (not) old kitchen knife, I ran at it. My DEX and STR were more than double. As a result, I was swiftly able to dodge its lunge and backstabbed it.

<Dealt Critical Hit!>

I saw its HP quickly deplete to less than half as it wailed and turned around slowly. I did the same thing again. I ran at it, dodged the lunge and backstabbed it. Not critical hit this time. I stabbed it one more time in the same way, and it fell on the ground and disappeared.

<Won first battle!>

<You have levelled up!>

[Drops: 1x Rotten Flesh, 1x Silverleaf]

I picked them up, and a floating window extended out of them, displaying a short description. As it turns out, Rotten Flesh can be eaten at the downside of making your stomach ache. And Silverleaf is one of the ingredients used for making Minor Healing Portions. Cool. Let's move on!

Moving through the narrow tunnel, I soon encountered another Walker. A level 2. I proceeded with the previous strategy and killed it.

-Two Hours Later-

I finally exited the tunnel and found myself at an intersection. This place was enveloped in a thin mist, and I discovered that my HP, MP, and SP were regenerating very quickly. Almost twice the speed. A Safe Room, I presume?

Sitting on a round marble-like table in the middle, I checked my hauls.

<You have reached level 10!>

<Skill Added!>

[Hitmark] (Active) - LVL 1 [0%]

Mark an enemy. [INT / 5] Increased damage to the marked enemy.

[Agile Hunter] (Passive) - LVL 1 [0%]

Increases [DEX] by [LCK / 10] whenever a sneak attack is aimed at you.

[Drops: 10x Rotten Flesh, 7x Silverleaf, 1x Trojan Horse]

Hmm. It seems like I get new skills for reaching levels divisible by 10. [Hitmark] is like focus mode from those samurai games, and it will be quite handy when facing a single enemy. [Agile Hunter] is decent too; I'll gladly take it.

I got quite some loot after killing almost fifteen walkers on the way here. Interestingly enough, the Walkers were already reaching level 7-8.

[Trojan Horse] is a one-time consumable item that can deal anywhere from 1 to 10.000 damage.

[Sneak] has reached level 3. I started using it to creep up on Walkers who hadn't noticed me or looked some other way. I didn't get to use [Eye for Detail] that much, but it also increased by one level.

After regenerating completely, I looked around. There were five exits to get out of this place. One of them was where I came from. Amongst the other four, only one has a clear pathway; the rest were locked. Not being offered much of a choice, I made my way to the apparent exit.

After a minute or so of walking, I encountered two Zombies walking alongside; their skin tone was oddly bluish. Additionally, they were armed with leather armour and swords. Armed Zombies… seriously, Game?

Target: Blue Walker

Level: 7

HP: 400

MP: 75

SP: 350

Primary Stat: STR (35)

I had fought with some level 7 Walkers before, but they at most had 250 HP, but these Blue Walkers have 400 and 390 HP, respectively. It seems like these are the advanced versions of Walkers.

The moment they saw me, their feet picked the pace. They were faster than any other Walkers I encountered; nevertheless, I was much faster. Before their sword could come down at me, I kicked one in the guts and dodged the other. Activating [Hitmark] at the one standing in front, I overpowered it and stabbed it in its head.

<Dealt Critical Hit!>

It groaned. After dealing almost 150 damage, I jumped back and stabbed in its neck next speedily.

<Dealt Critical Hit!>

I don't know if this is a bug or an intended feature, but as long as I stab the eyes or the left side of my enemies' neck, a critical hit is a guarantee! And obviously, I've already been abusing it.

After killing it, I fought the other Blue Walker, killing it quickly too. Afterwards, I headed deeper into the tunnel.

-Four Hours Later-

Standing in front of the massive door which most definitely led to the boss room, I pondered long and hard before shaking my head.

[Dungeon Traversal]

I appeared inside my penthouse at the same spot I had left. Without bothering with anything, I entered my bedroom and flopped atop the bed with a tired sigh. Physically, I was fine; mentally, however… As it turns out, doing nothing but killing for six hours straight isn't exactly the definition of a healthy lifestyle.

Having that said, the boons made everything worth it.

<You have reached level 20!>

<Skill Added!>

[Assassinate] (Active) - LVL 2 [17%]

When making a sneak attack, the Critical Hit multiplier increases by 2x. 10% extra damage when using a weapon.

[Psychic Blades (Active)] - LVL 2 [76%]

Cost – 100 SP. Deals Psychic damage equivalent to [WIS]. Range: 5 meters.

<Perk Earned for reaching 100 DEX!>

[Unnatural Grace]

Dodge chance increased by 10%

<Perk Earned for reaching 100 STR!>

[Unnatural Strength]

+10% increased damage to melee attacks.

[Overall Drops: 16x Rotten Flesh, 12x Silverleaf, 1x Trojan Horse, 5x Peacebloom, 3x Swiftthistle, 5x Bronze Short Sword, 3x Bronze Dagger, 2x Bronze Platemail, 100.000 Yen, 2x Gold Bars, 1x Diamond Gem]

Peacebloom is another ingredient I got with healing properties. I can now create [Minor Healing Potion] by combining it with Silverleaf.

Swiftthistle is one of the ingredients that is used to create [Elixir of Minor Agility]. I can now confirm my raising suspicions that the drops indeed depend mainly on my profession from the items I got.

Putting that aside, Bronze Short Sword and Bronze Dagger deal an extra 50 damage each, but the main point is that I was able to equip both of them simultaneously. I can't wait till I get ahold of powerful weapons!

The Bronze Platemail can protect me from 250 damage, just to throw it in there… it's not much, to be honest, but I'll take it.

My stats now look like this.

Levi the Immoral

Race - Elf

Level – 20

Class – Rogue – LVL 20/100 [77%]

Alignment – Neutral Evil

HP – 700 (x2) = 1400 [160 per 30 sec]

MP – 200 (x5) = 1000 [300 per 30 sec]

SP – 200 (x10) = 2000 [400 per 30 sec]

STR – 120

END – 20

DEX – 120

INT – 20

WIS – 25

CHA – 130

LCK – 20

Stat Points – 0

I'm kind of worried. My stats are already going all over the place, something I don't want to deal with. Too much discrepancy isn't ideal. At this rate though, STR and DEX will keep on improving, leaving everything else in the dust. There must be some way to earn Stat Points. Do I get them as drops too? How does that even work? Is there a Quest system or something?

<Hidden Quest Completed!>

Objective – Discover Quest System

Optional Objective – Discover Quest System in less than a day

Reward – 10 Stat Points, [Aura of Arousal] skill

Optional Reward – 15 Stat Points, [Curiosity] trait, Illusion King's Ring

<Skill Added!>

[Aura of Arousal] (Active) - LVL 1 [0%]

Cost: 20 MP/s

Creates an aura that can arouse any target. The effectiveness of the skill and how many people the user can target will depend upon skill level.

<Trait Added!>


You have a natural tendency to get curious. Intelligent people find you interesting. +5 Affection with all intelligent beings.

<Artefact discovered!>

[Illusion King's Ring]

An extremely formidable artefact forged by Illusion King during his prime. It can be used to disguise perfectly. Warning: The user's mana signature can still give away his identity.

…okay? I didn't expect the plight to be solved this easily but hey, come aboard, I see no problem. Just those sweet 25 Stat points would've been enough to please me, but on top of that, I've got [Aura of Arousal] and a remarkable trait, hell yeah. With so many girls to recruit, [Aura of Arousal] is nothing short of a clutch.

I assigned 10 points to END and INT without further ado, and the remaining 5 went to WIS. As a result, my HP/MP quickly rose to 1500 and my SP to 3000! Honestly, those multipliers are utterly broken, and I love it.

I then looked at the [Illusion King's Ring] in my palm, finally, and I paused. I naturally read the description and was instantly overjoyed. However… I don't know why there's this nagging feeling that the Game is deliberately helping me… at least in some aspects. Don't get me wrong; I am not complaining. It's just… unexpected, I should say?

Shaking my head, I slipped the ring on my index finger and imagined how my ears would appear usually. Nothing mystical seemed to occur, but I somehow instinctively knew that it worked. And when I stood on the opposite to the mirror, it turned out to be true. My ears now look no different than an average human. Though, the effectiveness of this illusion has yet to be determined. According to the Game, I understand that it's perfect, but I am not buying that vague description.

After looking at my reflection once more, I nodded and jumped onto my bed straight away, again. I rested for about an hour while idly watching stock market prices. It was my habit from the past life to look for any potential ways to expand my assets. I don't really need to do it anymore, though. Forcing myself to put down the smartphone, I groaned and got off. Throwing the (unsurprisingly) torn clothes, I entered the bath. Fighting actual monsters and expecting your clothes to be torn and ruined, who would have seen that coming? Certainly not the dumb me.

Following a short bath, I wore a gown, headed to the kitchen, ate some food and retired for the night. I thought about practising Alchemy, but I needed Vials for storing Potions, and obviously, I don't have it. I ordered a hundred high-quality ones online, and they will be delivered tomorrow. Only then I can start practising.

-Monday 7:40 am-

Standing a few meters away from Kuoh Academy's front gate, I sigh. School, huh? I don't have much memory of school life from the past, but I cannot forget how stale and repetitive it was. Hopefully, I'll have some fun here. This is an ecchi anime world; it can't be too boring, right?

"You must be Levi, I presume?"

As I step through the front gate, I find a short-haired girl wearing stern spectacles looking at me. For the briefest moment, I caught a flash of comprehension and surprise in her intellectual eyes. My charm stat wasn't high, but I was still very handsome, except that didn't seem to be the cause of the shift of her emotions… not entirely anyway.

Wait… my Magic. I am an idiot! Of course, she'd notice my unnatural amount of mana. I don't think it is high even when compared to Low-Class Devil, an average human shouldn't possess this much either.

Realistically speaking, however, what can I even do? I can't just stay holed up in the house and increase my prowess day and night as much as I want to. At the very least, I now know that they know about a little bit of my abnormality.

"That's right, I am Levi. A pleasure to meet you. Who might you be?" I ask easily, flashing a small smile. Perhaps due to my elf race, my voice sounded soothing and it held a faint tone of nobility.

[+5 Affection with Sona Sitri under the effect of <Curiosity> Trait]

With folded arms, she greets me with a nod, "Souna Shitori, a pleasure too. I am the Student Council President. If you follow me to the Council room, we can get you set up."

"Sounds good," I reply and she nods again, moving towards the buildings first. I follow after a short peek at her smooth and supple legs. I really appreciate the thought author put for creating these clothes. Short and sexy, revealing just the right amount to get your libido working. Its perfect.

Having said that, I have my priorities straight. [Observe]

Target – Sona Sitri, The Genius Heiress

Race – Pure Devil

Level – 127

HP – 11800

MP – 15600

SP – 11800

STR – 129

END – 125

DEX – 99

INT – 312

WIS – 265

CHA – 310

LCK – 290

Thoughts about you – Mild Interest

Okay. Seems like I still have a way to go. Her stats are distributed in a way I thought it would be, mostly intellectual. Additionally, judging from her stats, I can make a safe assumption that Devil Class multipliers are 10x HP, 10x SP, and 5x MP. Not perfectly, but nearly. Interesting.

While leading the way, Sona gives a small tour, nothing detailed, just touching the main attractions before we arrive by the Student Council room. She opens the door and we entered inside.

A colourful cast of characters sits at their desks, working away, including a dark-blonde haired girl who immediately gave me an interesting look. I can only assume she is Genshirou Saji's female version. Honestly, her facial features are pretty cute.

A quick [Observe] reveals that apart from Tsubaki who was Level 108, and Genderbent Saji, who is Level 33, everyone was between Level 60-85.

[+15 Affection with Genshirou Sanju for being handsome as fuck]

[+5 Affection with Tsubaki Shinra under the effect of <Curiosity> Trait]

[+5 Affection with Momo Hanakai under the effect of <Curiosity> Trait]

All of them gave me a brief look before going back to whatever they were doing. I didn't mind. Sona gestured me to take a seat on the couch and after I did, she took out a few stacks of papers and some other items. "Levi, could you sign these papers? They are the last of formalities since you are an international transfer student."

I nodded and looked at the papers. They were nothing important, just some undertaking and stuff. I signed after taking a peek and passed the papers back.

"Good, now we are done. Here are the few items that'll aid you; your student handbook, a school map, and your class schedules," she says, smiling slightly.

"Alright, thanks. By the way, what should I call you, Student Council President or Souna?"

"I've got no real preference, you can call me whatever you want," she replied easily and then continued after taking a glance at watch, "Unfortunately, we don't have time for a full tour, but I am sure someone from the class must be willing. Do you have any more questions?"

"Not really. I think you've set up everything. But… shouldn't these things be handled by teachers normally? Is it different for Japanese schools?" I ask, shooting a curious glance at her.

"It's not that. Our school is a bit… different." She responds dismissively. Getting the hint, I began preparing to leave.

"Sanju, can you show him the way to the classroom?"

Hearing Sona, Sanju stood up from her seat and approached me. "Okay President. Levi, follow me. Ah, by the way, I am Sanju, Ganshirou Sanju. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." I smiled at her and rose from the comfortable couch. Giving a nod to Sona, I left the Student Council room.

-Student Council Room-

Looking at the leaving silhouette of the new transfer student, Sona eyes narrowed slightly. She turned towards her trusted Queen, Tsubaki Shinra and questioned, "Tusbaki, what do you think of him?"

Tsubaki already knew that this question was coming. Putting down the pen, she lifted her face and answered with a slight shift of rectangle spectacles resting on her fair nose. "Throughout the conversation, he appeared easygoing and worked with poise. Although he hid it well, he is lustful too. However I doubt that what's you want to hear. He… doesn't seem to be aware that he's broadcasting his Magical Power to the world. A novice maybe or maybe, he has no idea about Magic?"

"That's what I thought too. Maybe his Sacred Gear has only started to awaken? I did some background checks on him yesterday but there were no traces of supernaturals, maybe he really has no idea about it." Sona donned a thoughtful face.

"In any case, since we have another transfer student… honestly, how many does that make, four?"

"Yes, he's the fourth one," Tusbaki confirmed with a strange expression of her own. "One from Hero Clan, two estranged devils from Old Satan faction and now a human. Albeit the weakest one, he shows promise and thus, can be recruited. Are you thinking of giving him to Heiress Rias?"

Sona stayed silent for a moment before replying, "I can't decide this quickly. If he has weak Sacred Gear, then's he'd be of no use to her. In that case, I'll pawn him up."

Tusbaki teased, "Behind all that tough look, you really do care about Heiress Rias."

Sona scowled slightly and was about to put her Queen to her place when a grinning Sanju in a jolly mood barged in. Finding a new target, Sona chided, "Sanju, I am aware that you prefer handsome boys but that look is unsightly."

Sanju was taken aback. She muttered to herself jokingly, "It isn't just boys I like…"

"What did you say?" Sona eyebrows knitted tightly.

"Nothing! I'll start my work!" She replied quickly and sat on her desk, worried that Sona might snap. Her walk with Levi has been pretty… interesting. The new transfer student looked much more fun than the last one.

Sighing to the slightly laughing Tusbaki, Sona said, "For now, we keep an eye on him. Let's determine his personality and potential before trying to recruit him."

"As you say." Tsubaki nodded.


"Levi, what kind of girls do you prefer?" During our silent walk to the classroom, Sanju questioned me most suddenly.

I glanced at her and replied truthfully, "Girls with a narrow waist and full butt."

"Woah, you're pretty straightforward, but aren't your preferences quite generic? Don't you maybe like intellectual girls or even sluttier girls?" She bent over slightly, briefly flashing the white flesh of her tits before continuing, "I've heard Americans are pretty open about sexual matters."

I took a peek at her chest without courtesy and replied with a smirk. "Not as open as you. And yeah, I won't deny that I've got a thing for sluttier girls."

"Can I ask why you like them?" She asked, genuinely curious. Her steps slowed down to keep the conversation going longer.

"I never said I like them in particular. I like the feeling that comes after conquering them." I shrug.

"Wow, dude. Showing off your sexual powers? Seems like I've got try you out myself to see if that arrogant claim is just a boast or not." Sanju chuckles seductively and suddenly grabs my ass, groping it twice before letting go.

"Quite eager, aren't you?" I didn't stop her.

"Hehe, my bad. Unfortunately, the fun ends here. This is your classroom." She halts a couple of meters away and gestures.

After that she turned around with a wink, waving her hand as she leaves. But not before I grope her ass and pinch it tightly. She yelps in response, rightfully astounded.

"And now it's my bad. Karma's a bitch." 'With a ten-inch cock,' I added to myself. "Later, sweetie."

[+10 Affection with Genshirou Sanju for showing a backbone]

She nodded, somewhat dumbly and went away. Interesting. Seems like she has a thing for alphas. At the same time, I looked forward to meeting Genderbent Issei, wondering how hi- her personality will now be.

I slid the classroom's door, and the first thing I saw was a stunning and voluptuous woman with hip-length black hair and green eyes. Her outfit consists of a green knitted turtleneck, a tight black mini-skirt along with cross garter motif stockings, and a white lab coat.


Target – Chisato Hasegawa, Archangel Afureia

Race – Pure Angel (Sealed)

Level – 2166

HP – 222000

MP – 575000

SP – 223100

STR – 3110 (200)

END – 2700 (200)

DEX – 2910 (200)

INT – 3770

WIS – 3400

CHA – 4100

LCK – 3010

Thoughts about you – Doesn't care about your existence

…holy shit.

If I'm not wrong then she's that Goddess doctor from 'The Testament of Sister New Devil'. But isn't she a damn Angel, what the fuck is she doing in a Devil controlled town? I am so confused. At the same time filled with dread. My biggest weapon and cheat, the prior knowledge of the canon doesn't seem all that powerful anymore.

[+5 Affection with Chisato Hasegawa under the effect of <Curiosity> Trait]

"You must be a new transfer student Levi, right? You can come inside and introduce yourself." Chisato instructed in a calm tone.

Taking a deep breath internally, I entered inside and stood beside the podium where Chisato was standing. There were all sorts of murmurs and gasps inside the class due to my noble-like appearance.

"I am Levi, a pleasure to meet you'll." I said simply before realising that it may be too short, so I continued, "I am new in this country so I may trouble you, but I hope we can get along."

[+40 Affection with Aika Kiryuu for having a massive Schlong]

[+10 Affection with Maria Naruse for calming her lewd urges with your race's calming aura unintentionally]

[+10 Affection with Mio Naruse for looking cool and charming]

Why am I not surprised Maria and Mio are here and oh look at that, isn't that Toujou Basara? I can just tell, not at all obvious thanks to that protagonist seat he has taken.


Target – Toujou Basara, Son of War God

Race – Human (Hero/Devil/Angel Hybrid)

Level – 166

HP – 12000

MP – 19000

SP – 13000

STR – 220

END – 250

DEX – 227

INT – 175

WIS – 126

CHA – 172

LCK – 500

Thoughts about you – Annoyance

This fucking chimaera. Somehow I am not surprised that LCK is his highest stat. There are no protagonists without protagonist luck. Or rather, protagonists luck makes a protagonist—protagonist. Also, annoyance? The feeling's mutual, dumb fuck.

While I was brooding, Chisato nodded and pointed at an open sit. "Thank you, Levi, you can sit beside Aika." Following her gesture, I approached the seat as Aika gave me a dirty look.

<Quest Available!>

Objective – Screw a woman

Optional Objective – Have a threesome

Optional Objective – Have sex only with the characters from the cast and before midnight

Reward – 10 Stat Point, Charm Crystal, ???

Optional Reward – 15 Stat Points, Big Charm Crystal, ???

Optional Reward – 2x Lottery Token, ???, [???] Trait

…apparently, I am playing a porn game now. No matter, challenge accepted!