
The Gamer of DxD

This is my First Fanfic Serious. Fujitora Akira is a boy who has not done well in life, but for an unknown being he has been given something that would turn everyone upside down.

AstolfoTheFemboy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chap 2: Reincarnate Demon and a New Destiny

Chapter 1: Reincarnated Demon and a New Destiny.

You could see how Fujitora Akira looked at his statistics which were like that since he had placed his points in his statistics.

[Akira State]

Level 1. (Experience: 000/010)

Race: Human/Undead.

Class: Necromancer.

Hp: 220/220

Mp: 270/270

Power: 230/230

Strength: 11

Dexterity: 13

Constitution: 12

Intelligence: 17

Wisdom: 14

Charisma: 13

Points for Statistics: 0.

Money: $20]

In addition to seeing his Abilities he was able to create a new call Observe which said the following.

Name: Observe

Description: This ability allows the user to better perceive and analyze their environment, allowing them to detect hidden objects, traps, camouflaged enemies, and other details that might have gone unnoticed. The skill can also improve the user's ability to interpret the information collected, allowing them to better deduce the intentions and weaknesses of their enemies.

Level 1 – Analysis: The user can analyze the skills, Races, Levels, Intentions, Objects and techniques of their enemies, allowing them to deduce their effectiveness and weaknesses. In addition, the ability also allows them to discover the attack patterns of their enemies and gaps in their defense.

But while he was going to see his Inventory his mother's voice took him out of her thoughts and for some strange reason he could feel that something was not right.

Akira's mother: "Son! Come down and come and someone is looking for you."

He said while slowly sighing to pluck up courage while preparing with his iconic ability the Mark of Death, so he hoped they were not bad people, when he went down he saw a girl with long crimson hair and several more, but he was remembering who she was, but in that while he was remembering she said with a smile.

Rias: "Are you Fujitora Akira-kun true?"

So he remembered who she was because they were in the same academy, so he said something nervous.

Akira: "S-si Rias-senpai, something happened at school?"

He said while lightly using his ability [Observe] in them since it seems the sensation he felt came from them so that by using [Observe] he could observe their intentions while Rias said with a smile while shaking her head.

Rias: "No, I just want to ask you some Akira-kun questions."

[Rias Gremory

Level: 25

Intentions for you: Chat.

Race: Demon.

Skills: Magic, Power of Destruction.

Chess Piece: King.]

[Akeno Himejima

Level: 23

Intentions: Protect your Friend and King.

Race: Hybrid Fallen Angel/Demon.

Skills: Elemental Magic, Holy Ray.

Chess Piece: Queen.]

[Koneko Toujo

Level: 21

Intentions: To know why you have an aroma of Death.

Breed: Hybrid Nekomata/Demon.

Skills: Super Strength, Senjutsu.

Chess Piece: Tower.]

[Kiba Yuuto

Level: 22

Intentions: Protect your friends.

Race: Demon.

Skills: Speed, Sword Birth.

Chess Piece: Horse.]

In that he worried a lot about his parents so he told the Gremory group if they better go elsewhere to talk since it was not safe there, so they agreed so they went to Akira's room and when they entered they saw a normal room so in that Akira and more serious asked Rias since she was the president of the other.

Akira: "Rias-senpai, what do you really want with me?"

He said while she also got serious but before saying anything Akeno put a seal of silence in the room, so he could talk to Akira better, so he told her.

Rias: "I came to know what you are and why you are in my territory, Koneko told me that you smell like someone who has died."

He said while Koneko nodded to the words of his President and King, so Akira would sigh and then look at the window and tell her with a somewhat melancholy smile, since from today began that life where everything supernatural began to be real.

Akira: "I am a hybrid between human and undead, I do not know how I became Undead but it comes with a series of disadvantages and advantages which I will not say just in case they want to betray me."

He said while looking at himself with the ability [Observe] to observe his weaknesses which were quite a lot.

Fire: The undead are often vulnerable to fire, which can do them extra damage or even destroy them altogether.

Light: Many undead are sensitive to bright light, which can weaken or harm them.

Sacred magic: The undead are often vulnerable to sacred or divine magic, such as healing spells or sacred symbols.

Despite their resistance to disease and poison, the undead are often vulnerable to physical harm, such as sharp or blunt weapons.

Mind control: Some undead may be controlled or exorcised by skills or spells that manipulate the mind or will.

Desecration: In some role-playing games, desecration of tombs or sacred places can infuriate the undead and make them more dangerous.

So she looked at him with a sad smile because she knew she was telling the truth because her expression was one of sadness and bitterness for what she said to Akira.

Rias: "I'm sorry for that, but we'll find a way to help you stop being an Undead."

He said while he only thanked him for that for what she said to him while he extended a pawn piece to this one who looked at him strangely.

(Sorry for this cliché but it's necessary for the plot)

Rias: "I can help you but you would have to be of my nobility to help you more easily."

He said while he was just reviewing his options for what he said while taking the piece which to contact the hand of this change to a darker tone without anyone knowing about this.

Akira: "Very good, but I hope you take care of my parents, please."

He said while he introduced the piece by himself leaving Rias confused since he had never seen anything like that but in that he felt a great increase of magical power in the area so when he saw that it was Akira he looked at his hands, so mentally he thought [State].

[Akira State]

Level 1. (Experience: 000/010)

Race: Demon/Undead.

Class: Necromancer.

Hp: 660/660

MP: 810/810

Power: 690/690

Strength: 33

Dexterity: 39

Constitution: 36

Intelligence: 51

Wisdom: 42

Charisma: 39

Stat Points: 0.

Money: $20]

Also being Akira Demon gained more skills so he obtained more beneficial things.

[New Skills]

Mind control: Demons often have the ability to manipulate and control the minds of others, allowing them to influence their actions and decisions.

Elemental Powers: Many demons have abilities related to the elements, such as fire, ice, darkness, or lightning.

Regeneration: Some demons can regenerate their wounds or even heal themselves from diseases and poisons.

Magical immunity: Demons are often immune to certain types of magic or effects, allowing them to resist spells that would weaken other beings.

Demonic Power: All demons possess Demonic Power, which allows them to increase their strength and speed in combat.

Shadow Manipulation: This ability allows the demon to control and manipulate shadows, even turning them into physical objects.

Teleportation: Some demons can teleport themselves or others over short distances.

Demon Energy Control: Demons can control the demonic energy around them, allowing them to manipulate their environment and increase their strength.

Transformation: Demons can change their shape, allowing them to become larger and more powerful creatures.

Demonic Summoning: Demons can summon other demons to help them in battle.

Flight: Demons have wings to fly so you will not need energy platforms (augmented x2 by two pairs of wings).

So in that Rias said since it was rare for just one pawn piece to increase people's powers so much, so he wanted to ask Akira if he was okay.

Rias: "Akira, are you feeling fine?"

In that Akira only nodded with a smile so that day changed the destiny of all, because the undead king has been born.

End of Chapter.