
The Gamer in the Marvel universe (dropped)

Clark D. Faust a massive fan of Webtoons and comics enters the marvel multiverse with the powers of the gamer. In a world full of powerhouses, how far can he go?

AnimeAura · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 3: Do you have any pride?

The speaker then screeched again.

"Level 3 team leader stand down, this person has become of interest, higher-level personnel will now engage."

The guard, who was apparently the team leader then decided to leave. Giving me the opportunity to test my powers.

"Status Window!" I screamed in my head.


Name: Clark D. Faust

Class: The Gamer

Level: Lv3

Hp: 150

MP: 75

STR: 10

VIT: 10

DEX: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUK: 1

Points: 0

Money: 0$


"Huh, why the fuck is my luck so low, did I use it all getting reincarnated."

"At least my stats are all balanced already, I always did like being a jack of all trades, the only difference is now with the power of the gamer I can also be master of all."

" I wonder how my stats stack up against a normal person, I need a good basis, I don't think I yet hold a candle to Heroes like Cap who can lift nearly 6 tons like in the comics."

Just as I was thinking about marvel and its many different universes, another person came into the interrogation room. Agent Coulson.

Coulson stood in front of me, eyes like an eagle, trying to catch any hint of evil or wrongdoing in my eyes. Windows to the soul.

"So Mr. Faust, what do you suppose we do with you?" Coulson said still staring.

"I really don't know how bout you let me go and I never see your department again" I tried to sound threatening, firstly to make up for my cowardly behavior from before, secondly to make me seem like I still had some knowledge of the law and understood that they couldn't keep me for much longer.

"You're very funny Mr. Faust, our research shows you to be somebody who doesn't exist there are only two logical reasons for that either your a spy or you really weren't in control of your situation. " Coulson started to smile.

"I wish I was a teleporting spy, however, if I was, why would I stay here I could've left already. I smiled.

You do seem rather suspicious but, due to your earlier behavior, here at Shield were willing to give you the benefit of the doubt provided you do some tests and also are under constant surveillance for a couple of weeks hows that sound" Coulson grinned devilishly thinking I was going to start panicking, but I knew better.

"Of course, I would do the same in your situation."

Frowning at the fact I didn't choose the hard way, Coulson then grabbed me by my cuffs, then ordered other agents to move me to the test rooms.

In the test room were two doctors, three agents, and Coulson. First, I was strapped to a chair and given an involuntary scan. after that told to spar with a level 4 agent.

With this being my first fight, I was excited but the gamer's mind soon calmed me down allowing me to think rationally. All of a sudden a quest came up.




Defeat Level 4 Shield Agent

You have fully inherited the power of the gamer, show you're a true gamer by winning the spar.

Time limit: 5 mins

Reward: 500xp

Boost HP and Mp

Increased interest from Shield

Failure: Minus 1 to all stats

Decreased interest from the shield

Do you have any pride?


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