

There was a lot of stuff we had to deal with in the aftermath of the attack on the USJ. Everyone had to get looked over to make sure they weren't injured, but for the most part everyone was okay. Aizawa wasn't anywhere near as injured as he was in canon, so he didn't need to be hauled off immediately.

We were sent home soon after giving our accounts of what happened and told to rest and recover for the day. It didn't take me long to get home and when I walked in the door, I found All Might waiting for me.

"How are you? The first encounter with villains can be difficult to deal with." He asked right away.

"I'm fine and for the most part I think the rest of the class is too. This wasn't that bad of an encounter with villains, no one got seriously hurt besides Thirteen and we managed to capture the two ring leaders of the attack."

"You're right that this wasn't anywhere near as bad as it gets. I'm glad you're alright, you handled yourself well in stalling long enough for me to get there. How did you do that clone thing anyway?" All Might asked.

"The same guy who taught me how to talk silently also taught me how to do that. Essentially I'm creating an illusion through the cadence of my steps. I'm not great at explaining it, but I was the only one who managed to pick it up." I said.

"Well I'm glad you knew it, without being able to use One For All's full power you wouldn't have been able to get through the Nomu's shock absorption and regeneration."

"Yeah me too. I'm tired after everything that happened today so I think I'm going to skip dinner and just rest." I told All MIght.

"Whatever you need, just make sure to eat a lot for breakfast tomorrow. It's not good to miss out on meals."

"I will, thanks Toshinori." I said and went to my room, putting my stuff down and taking a hot shower before getting into bed.

'I want to clear more of the Path. One Piece is only the first world and I don't have any idea what could be next. I need to see if I'll have to fight Aokiji now or later. If it's now, I'm going to be hard stuck until I train a lot.'

Entering the Path, the first opponent to appear in front of me was Foxy. Activating One For All to 20%, I used Rhythm Echo so that he didn't have a good target for his Slow Slow beam. He shot it at a clone and I immediately attacked him, pulling his heart out before he could react.

The next person to appear was Rob Lucci.

'So I'm not fighting the rest of CP-9 then. I'm glad, I don't really want to waste time and if I can beat Lucci I can beat the rest of them.'

Lucci jumped into the air and kicked at me, sending a blade of wind towards me. Dodging it, I pushed off the ground and closed the distance between us, but he kicked off the air, dodging my attack and send a finger into my pack, piercing it similar to a bullet.

[HP: 200/220]

Landing on the ground, Lucci landed opposite of me.

'The air walk is going to be annoying. I need an AOE attack. Let's see if I can end it quickly.'

Dashing towards him again, I watched as he used Soru to dodge me this time. I flipped around and saw him moving to attack me from behind and charged One For All to 100%, sending a fist at him. I hit him in the chest and sent him flying back as my HP took a hit.

[HP: 150/220]

Lucci slowly got up from the ground with his chest a little caved in.

'If it wasn't for Tekkai that would've killed him. One more should do it.'

Lucci activated his devil fruit, taking on the appearance of a Leopard-man and moved to attack me, but I didn't want to give him a chance to use Rokuogan, so I immediately hit him with another 100% punch, killing him before he got a chance.

[HP: 100/220]

[Boss Stage Cleared: Rewards: Choice of one of the Rokushiki]

'One For All 100% is such a cheat if I'm willing to sacrifice the health to use it right away. If they can tank it though, then I'm screwed with how low my health can get. I might need to put some of my points into vitality, so I can use it more often.'

Looking at my reward I thought about which of the Rokushiki would be the most useful. Of the six, the most useful for me would be Geppo, the air walk, and Rankyaku, the wind blade. Of the two, I decided to go with Geppo in case I encountered an enemy that could fly, so I had a way to reach them.

[Skill Gained: Geppo: Allows the users to actually jump off the air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. 1/10]

After Lucci, I decided to leave the Path for the day. I wanted to work on One For All and my other skills, getting them as strong as possible so I could clear most if not the rest of it in one go.

I stayed in bed for a little while, so All Might could think I was resting, before getting up and going to the gym.

'I need my Vitality higher if I want to train One For All up quickly.'

Opening my stat page, I put some of my points into Vitality.

[Name: Shirou Emiya

Age: 14

Title: The Gamer

Level: 11, 12%

HP: 370

MP: 340

STR: 36

AGI: 42

VIT: 39

INT: 34

Stat Points: 35]

I had forgotten to check my stat page after the Lucci fight, so I didn't notice I had gained a level from it. I put 15 points into Vitality, bringing my health up to 370.

Closing my stat page, I began to channel One For All to 20%, before slowly raising it up little by little until I got to 30%.

I held it there, keeping an eye on my HP to make sure it didn't get to low, as I trained my body to handle 30%.

[Skill Leveled: One For All: Allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance all of their physical abilities to a superhuman level. Lvl 4/10 Max Output without Damage: 30%]

My health stopped getting drained when it was used at 30% and I looked at my health.

[HP: 115/390]

My Vitality had gone up by 2 from constantly doing damage to myself. Letting my HP go back up, I began to work out, doing as many weights as I could without One For All. I continued to lift, getting my STR to increase to 40.

By the time I was done, my health had restored itself, so I stopped lifting and went back to One For All training.

Pushing it past 30% and going up to 40%, I held it there and let my health drain as I adapted to 40%. It was taking very much health, so I continued to push it until I reached 60%, where the health drain reached a point that I held it there, eventually gaining a level.

[Skill Leveled: One For All: Allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance all of their physical abilities to a superhuman level. Lvl 5/10 Max Output without Damage: 60%]

Stopping, my health was somewhat low again and it was late, so I walked out of the gym and back to my room to take another shower before I'd go to sleep for the night.

--------------------------------------------------------------The next day I walked into homeroom and sat down, waiting until Aizawa walked in and spoke.

"The first thing I want to say is that you all performed well in the face of your first real experience with villains. We got lucky that everyone got out alright, but your efforts were a big part of that. That said, there's something big we need to talk about."

"Another villain attack?"

"More tests?"

"Another battle trial?"

"The school sports festival is coming up." Aizawa said.

"Don't scare us." A lot of the class yelled.

"Is it such a good idea to hold the sports festival right after the villains attacked?" Momo asked.

"That's exactly why we need to hold the sports festival. To show the world that this villain attack hasn't shaken us. The top pros will be watching this event, looking for people to take on as interns. Do your best to show what you're capable of." Aizawa answered.

After that, homeroom ended and we went to our daily lessons. Everyone was excited and worried for the sports festival, so it was the main topic of conversation during lunch. Eventually, the day ended and we were leaving our homeroom when the way was blocked by a group of students.

"Do you have some business with our class?" Ida asked.

"They're scouting out the competition idiots. We're the class that survived and captured real villains. Move out of the way extras." Bakugo said, walking towards the group.

"So this is class 1-A. I heard you guys were impressive, but I don't see it." A purple haired teenager said, walking to the front of the group.

"You should watch out. If any one of us does well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course. Which means one of you would be transferred out of it. Consider this a declaration of war, we're coming for you class 1-A."

"Hey, I'm from Class 1-B, your neighbors. You don't look all that impressive, but you think you're better than us." A silver haired teen yelled.

Bakugo turned away from him and started to walk away.

"Don't you walk away from me." He yelled.

"Bakugo, you're the reason they're all hating on us, aren't you going to say something?" Kirishima asked.

"No, he's got the right of it. They're all talk, if they're so capable they'll prove it in the sports festival. Until then, get out of our way." I said, following Bakugo out the door and away from the group, with the rest of the class leaving as well.

'Even with this whole declaration of war, pretty much everyone left in the finals were class 1-A before. It could be different now, but we have Ibara and Pony who were two of the most capable 1-B students now.'

"Hey, Emiya." Bakugo said to me.

"What, no nickname for me?" I asked.

"You'll get one once I've put you in the ground. You think you're so good, just because you helped Aizawa stall till All Might could arrive. I'm going to destroy you, so be ready in the sports festival." Bakugo said and turned, walking away from me.

'We'll see Bakugo.'

Heading home, I opened the door and walked in to find All Might not at home yet.

Heading to my room, I sat down on my bed and thought about the Game.

'I'm almost to the time-skip in One Piece. I don't know if the Path will keep going past where the anime was when I last saw it, but if it doesn't then I'm about halfway there. Once I clear the Path, I'll get access to more worlds to choose from. I can't stay here, there's not going to be any room to grow once I'm able to beat One Piece. I wonder what worlds I'll get next. I've just got to clear the Path as soon as possible and find out.'

Getting up from bed and entering the gym, I walked to an obstacle course All Might had designed back when I was first training. He had made it to work on my cardio and awareness, but now I wanted to use it for something else. Using a piece of fabric, I blindfolded myself.

'I need to improve my Observation Haki. I'll try to clear this course blindfolded.'

Activating the course, I moved forward, but the first step I took I was hit in the side by a swinging bag, knocking me over and back out of the obstacle course.

Shaking it off, I entered again. I could feel the bag when it was right next to me, but by that point I couldn't avoid it.

For the next few hours I devoted myself entirely to working on Observation Haki. I continued to try to make it further and further into the course, slowly but surely expanding my awareness with Observation Haki.

[Skill Leveled: Observation Haki: A form of Haki that grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others. Lvl 2/10]

I got that level up about an hour and a half into my training. After it leveled, I could feel objects coming towards me at a greater radius than before, so that I could avoid them, but at times there were too many objects at once and I couldn't notice all of them in time.

I continued to work in the obstacle course, eventually getting another level to show for my work.

[Skill Leveled: Observation Haki: A form of Haki that grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others. Lvl 3/10]

At that point my Observation Haki expanded enough to be able to sense the entire width of the obstacle course, so I didn't have much trouble with dodging through anything that came towards me. Taking off the blindfold after I managed to clear the course, I realized I would need to find a different way to train it on a larger radius.

"You're doing good work there." All Might's voice said behind me.

Turning around, I could see him standing in the doorway. My Observation Haki couldn't reach all the way to the other end of the large gym, so I didn't notice him.

"Thanks, finished saving people for the day?" I asked.

"Yes, which leads me to something I need to talk to you about." All Might said.

"Alright, let me take a shower and we can talk."

I then got up and walked to my room, taking a quick shower to wash off the sweat from my body before walking back into the living room and sitting down opposite All Might.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"You did well at the USJ and you're progressing faster than any One For All user I've seen before. This sports festival is your chance to show the world you can be the next All Might, the next Symbol of Peace. You need to prove to them that you will be there to save them." All Might said.

'He should have more time than he did in canon, since he didn't hold back during the fight with the Nomu and burn himself out.'

"You're not going anywhere soon right?"

"No, I'll be around for a little while longer, but my time limit shortened again. I can hold it for about 2 hours now before I have to change back, soon it will be gone completely." All Might said.

"Alright, then I'll use the sports festival to prove I'm ready to be a hero." I said.

"Good, I'm sure you'll do well. I'm going to go get dinner started." All Might said and got up, walking to the kitchen.

Sitting on the couch, I thought about what he said.

'I can't be the Symbol of Peace he wants me to be. Soon I'll have to leave this world and move on to the next one. I don't know if the Path will let me come back, or if time will stop here when I leave. The only thing I do know is that I will be leaving, so I can't be the Symbol of Peace he wants me to be. Maybe that's for the best though, instead of everyone relying on one hero they can rely on every hero.'

"Dinner's ready." All Might called out.

Standing up and heading to the kitchen, I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and ate dinner.

Once I was done, I said "Good Night" to All Might and went to my room. Laying down on my bed, I entered the Path.

The next opponent I had to face was Gecko Moria. When he appeared, his shadow lifted up from behind him and formed a duplicate of him.

'He doesn't have all of his minions, so he shouldn't be anywhere near as hard as he would be normally.'

I wanted to clear these enemies as fast as possible, so I didn't waste time. Activating One For All to 60%, I appeared in front of Moriah and hit him with a full 100% punch, killing him.

'No time wasting, I want to get to the end.'

I thought Kuma might be my next enemy, but instead of him, Sentomaru was my next fight.

He tried to hit me with his Ashigara Dokkkoi, but I was too fast for it to work and blitzed him before he could hit me with it, even if it was mid ranged.

After Sentomaru came Kuma. He crouched and began to rapidly push his arms out, creating air bullets that flew towards me. Using Observation Haki, I dodged around all of the bullets and closed the distance between us. He tried to hit me with his palms, but I continued to dodge his attacks until he pushed a palm behind him, pushing himself causing him to instantly move behind me.

Leaning back, I managed to avoid the palm he sent at me and delivered a 100% punch upwards, but he blocked it with his paw pads, negating the damage. He then opened his mouth and fire a laser point blank. I tried to get up and dodge, but I was too close and he hit me in the chest, sending me crashing into the ground.

[HP: 340/410]

Using Geppo, I kicked out and propelled myself out from under Kuma to gain some distance. Standing up, I used Geppo to kick myself into the air and get over Kuma. He opened his mouth to shoot a laser, but I sent a 100% punch down before he could get it off, slamming Kuma into the ground and destroying half of his body.

He still managed to get the laser off, though, even with half his body destroyed, hitting me.

[HP: 210/410]

I sent two more 100% punches down towards him before he could get up to make sure I ended it.

[HP: 110/410]

[Boss Stage Cleared: Rewards: Pacifista Modification Card]

'What is that?'

Looking in my inventory, I read the description.

'A card that gives the user the modifications of a Pacifista.'

I put that back in my inventory, not even thinking about using it. I didn't feel like being part metal, so I'd get stronger a different way. It wasn't like I didn't have a ton of other options anyways.

I knew I was getting to the really strong opponents now. The Admirals, Warlords, and Yonko would soon be my opponents. Before I fought them I wanted to get One For All to 100% because I didn't want to lose a fight I could win by being better prepared.

Looking at my stats page, I saw how much experience I got from beating Kuma.

[Name: Shirou Emiya

Age: 14

Title: The Gamer

Level: 11, 79%

HP: 410

MP: 340

STR: 40

AGI: 42

VIT: 41

INT: 34

Stat Points: 35]

'I didn't even get a level from this one. The experience drop off is insane, but I guess it makes sense. One Piece isn't anywhere near one of the strongest worlds. I'll probably end up somewhere in the 20s at the end of it. It won't be too much longer now until I move on. I wonder what the next worlds will be.'

--------------------------------------------------------------Author's Note

So honestly, I don't actually like MHA all that much. It was a nice starter world, and I might come back to it eventually, but I want to wrap it up and move on to another world with more to explore. There's a few options for what I want the next world to be, and I'm not sticking super rigidly to a tiering structure because it's always debatable, just a general sense of strength. I'm like 90% sure I'm going to do Fairy Tail as the adventure world. Which leaves the Path world. I'm considering these:

Black Clover

Seven Deadly Sins

Kaze No Stigma

Frankly, Black Clover has so much hax that it would take a long ass time to clear, so that might not be a good option. Seven Deadly Sins is comparatively simpler, so it's a potential option. Kaze No Stigma's magic is simple, and there's not a ton of people to fight so it wouldn't take forever. Let me know what you think and if you want, recommend another magic anime.

Leave a review and comment. I finally hit the 15k word count, so that's cool. I know a lot of people like MHA, so I'm open to coming back to it I just want somewhere with more freedom to write.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts