
Jackrixis and Demonic hound war 4

A strange thing happens when you look at a battle from above, which is that it seems as though the blood is trying to escape the chaos as it tries to find any way of escaping.

On the blackened branches flocks of purple feathered birds with razor-sharp beaks and 2 large talented feet watched the battle. It doesn't matter who wins this fight because either way, these birds would get a meal.

Some would glide over the battle with the more risk-taking birds even flying through the battle, hoping to get an early dinner.

So far, Cracked claw was battling his way towards the alpha, who was 7 feet tall and 3 meters long with large muscles and scales all along its body.

The alphas scales were a dark blue with a turtle shell like patern all across its armour with the only place not protected being its belly,eyes, and mouth.Its eyes glowed a bright crimson red while it's mouth opened to reavel hundreds of knife size fangs and teeth.

If this beast couldn't get any more dangerous, it had 4 black tentacles, with 2 acting almost like tails as they swayed together. While another 2 was further up its back with sharp protruding bones on their tips.

Cracked claw didn't take his eyes off the alpha even as it was slaves trying to stop him, but after managing to kill 3 more hounds, the alpha roared, and it hounds stopped their attacks and slowly moved back or went to fight other rixis.

Cracked claw gripped his broze sword and gave it a quick, twirled in his hands, then made sure his grip was strong on its handle.

"I will delight in sending you to the depths of deaths embrace you vile beast!"-Cracked claw

The alpha hound slowly swerved and moved towards the elder jackrixis, not focusing on anything else but the enemy in front of it. Claws 6 inches long pierced the dirt and created a small trail behind it as the alpha circled Cracked claw and tried to find a chance to pounce.

Cracked claw used his over a decade of hunting and fighting to calm his mind and prepare as he closed his eyes and no longer followed the alphas moves. Seeing this, the alpha roared as it commanded one of the pack members to attack him from behind.

Claw focused on listening to his surroundings while trying to block out the nearby battle as he heard the hound behind him charge.The hounds claws and mouth moved towards him, but before they met their mark, he contorted his body and as fast as thunder turned and stabbed the hound in its head.

The alpha then took its chance charging at the vulnerable rixis, who barely managed to block its claw from slicing his face with his sword.

Claws pressed on scrapping against the sword, and sparks came off the sword as the alpha tried to rip his throat out or rip his face off. Claw held on, but he soon realised the alpha had still got him managing to stab his upper thigh with the bones spurred tentacle.

Both backed off and exchanged some more blows as Cracked claw managed to cut off the 2 bone spurred tentacles got sliced off. The alphas voice boomed as pink blood dripped from the tentacles.

Cracked claw quickly took this time to think, and he realised he already had his arm sliced and thighs punctured, and he thought to himself.

"All that matters is destroying the nest. This beast is just a distraction, but a deadly one at that, and I know how this ends"-Cracked claw

He started to move forward as the alpha was surprised at this turn slowly backed away before continuing to attack.Cracked claws strategy changed, and he no longer wanted to defend against attack. All that mattered was protecting his bag of materials. This did allow him to hurt the alpha even more, and now they both had wounds overthrew bodies as the alpha used its two tails to smack the rixis, causing his rib to cracks.

This didn't slow him down, though, as he managed to puncture the alphas left eye and cut off one of its last 2 tails. He also aimed for the alphas joints and tendons when he could and aimed for the weaker parts of the armour.

He didn't want to break his sword but had managed to puncture some of the armour, but they weren't his main goal.The fight went on as they both danced to the sound of death around them as they fought on.

The alpha couldn't understand what the enemy was trying to do until it realised how far it was from the battle and how close they were to the nest. Cracked claw realised his enemy found out, so he quickly sprinted towards the nest using every ounce of energy to get to his target.

The alpha for once had fear in its soul as it dug in and bolted after Cracked claw its muscles stretching to the max and blasted it forward. In his time worn eyes, the nest was in front of him as its blackened veins plused within the mud cave that sheltered the blood pool.

He quickly got his bag and got closer to the nest, making sure not to fall in and threw the bag in the pool. As he did, the alpha slammed its jaws around his leg and started to drag him away.

Cracked claw kicked the alpha in the face as he slowly crawled towards the nest as he turned towards the alpha and laid on his back.

"Ahh..I've not had a rest in a long time now, but at least in the end, i can rest"-Cracked claw

As the bag sunk into the viscious blood pool behind him, the alpha strutted towards him as saliva dripped from its mouth so much that it foamed.

Cracked claw grinned as he looked at the alpha come up to his face, but unlike the alpha, he had no fear.

"I hope you like fire, you filthy monster the rixis race will now prospure!"-Cracked claw

Once he finished speaking and the alpha went to rip his throat out, a brown mist came out of the pool before a large explosion fired out.

The entire nest and its two nearby fighters were engulfed in the explosion as the ground shook and the air rippled, causing the birds to fly away.

The fight stopped as both sides looked at the ending of the war. The jackrixis were happy and wanted to celebrate, but they had just lost a good friend.

As for the 2 betas and those who fought them, half of the attacking team had died along with its leader. The betas didn't have the armour of their leader, with one having ice magic and ashy wings it used to fly around and cast frozen attacks.

The other was a perfect image of a demonic hound as it raged with fire, and Ash, it wasn't using magic but was harnessing it and gained some minor benefits.

The rixis knew this was the time to run as they all gave a quick chest thumped with the fist and started to run back to the forest.

As for the hounds which their was still hundreds as more came to help their pack they for a few seconds shook and roared as they started to lose all sense of stability.

Now that they didn't have their alpha or betas, and most likely, their creator would soon die, but they were no longer chained.

As the rixis ran back, the savaged growls of the hounds shot out and started to attack anything around them like they used to do. Soon, they chased after the rixis crashing into each other to be the first to get the prey as they bulldozed over the landscape.

The defence team came I to view as they also were still battling some hounds, and they cheered when they saw the attacking team.

This changed when a sea of hounds charged towards them, and they quickly finished their attackers.They waited until the attacking team was behind them, then they also ran knowing the couldn't hold of this horde and would have a stronger chance near the border tribes.

Thankfully, the terrain of the forest helped the rixis get further away from the hounds as they could dodge the branches and roots.While the hounds would smash into the trunks and tripped over the roots and slammed Into the ground.

Those rixis that were injured had help from their brothers and sister as Naga made sure they all made it back the border tribes. They all quickly got into a defensive formation while also getting more warriors from the tribes who saw them come back.

It was strange that after an hour, the tribes learned the teams were back and could send reinforcements, but the hounds still hadn't come.

"Where are they?"-Naga far seer

A fight between the 2 leaders and the suicide bombing of the nest.

Hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading.

MRgold1creators' thoughts