
The Game of Destiny: The Tale of Six Tales

"Do you want to play a game?" The angel's voice, gentle yet commanding, echoed in the boundless space. In this vast expanse of the unknown, where white stretched endlessly, a scene unfolded, marked by confusion and curiosity. A serene, angelic figure hovered before six women, each bearing their own mix of emotions. Choi Yuna, the eldest among them, erupted with incredulity. "You have got to be kidding me. I just died and you want to toy with me, are you for real?" Kang Min-ji's voice trembled with uncertainty as she questioned, "Are we really dead?" Meanwhile, Han Seo-yeon's skepticism couldn't be contained. "Wait! So we are like little pawns that you have decided to play with?" The angel, unfazed by their reactions, produced a manual and a map, offering a glimpse into the world they were about to enter. "I'm going to send you to another world, and you will have to conquer a few characters. I'm not really good at explaining all this, but here is a summary of the world and a map." But amidst the chaos of questions and disbelief, Park Hye-jin's voice cut through with a nonchalant tone. "What do we have to do?" Kim Ji-eun's voice, tinged with a hint of sarcasm, added to the mix. "At least I get to live again. Why should I complain?" Lee Soo-yeon, the last to speak, injected a note of excitement into the conversation. "Wow, finally some fun in my life." With a decisive nod, the angel prepared to bid them farewell. "Well, I'll spare you the introductions and move to our farewells. Enjoy!" And with that, the being bestowed upon them a new beginning, reincarnating them into the unknown kingdom of Arcadia. What do you think awaits them on the other side?

MiHea · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

Isadora Yeri Ashford

Countess Maya stood at the edge of the hallway, her heart pounding in her chest. Her husband's harsh words echoed through her mind like a relentless drumbeat.

"Wasn't our marriage purely for the political purpose? If I wish to have a mistress, so be it. It's not for you to decide."

The pain in his voice was palpable, but it did nothing to alleviate the sting of his rejection. He had pushed her to the ground, leaving her to grapple with her humiliation alone. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she fought them back, determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

For years, she had hoped that their marriage would evolve into something more than a political alliance. She had believed that they were building a connection, a bond that went beyond mere convenience. But his words had shattered that illusion, leaving her feeling disheartened and utterly alone.

A month passed in a haze of sorrow and confusion. Maya avoided her husband and his mistress, Diana, as much as possible, retreating to the farthest corners of their home. She couldn't bring herself to face Ashford, not after his cruel declaration. She spent her days wandering the estate, trying to find solace in the gardens and the quiet corners of their opulent mansion.

One day, as she was walking past the hallway that led to their private chambers, she overheard a conversation that stopped her in her tracks. Her father-in-law had passed away recently, and the reading of his will had been the talk of the household. Maya had expected Ashford to inherit everything, but what she heard sent a chill down her spine.

"...left all his properties to her," Ashford's voice was low and angry. "How could he do this to me?"

Diana's voice, sickly sweet and filled with feigned concern, replied, "It's outrageous, my love. But we'll find a way to fix this."

Maya's blood ran cold. She didn't need to hear any more to understand what they were planning. Fear and adrenaline surged through her veins as she realized she was in grave danger. Her husband and his mistress were plotting to dispose of her, to take everything that rightfully belonged to her.

With a pounding heart, Maya made a decision. She couldn't stay here any longer. She had to run, to escape before they could carry out their sinister plan. She packed a few belongings and fled into the night, leaving behind the life she had known and the man she had once loved.


Driven by the instinct to survive, she gathered what little she could carry and fled under the cover of darkness, her feet carrying her as far away as possible from the treacherous estate that had been her home.

For days, she traveled without rest, haunted by the echoes of their sinister whispers. Her body ached, and her spirit was nearly broken, but her will to live pushed her forward. Finally, she stumbled upon an abandoned village near the borders of Arcadia. The village, Kias, was a forgotten place, where time seemed to stand still. The sight of the empty, quiet houses brought a sense of peace to Maya's troubled heart. Here, she could start anew, far from Ashford and Diana.

As Maya settled into her new life in Kias, she discovered she was with child. The revelation was both a source of immense joy and profound fear. The thought of her unborn child falling into the hands of her cruel husband was unbearable. Determined to protect her baby, Maya decided to change her name and conceal her identity. She became a new woman, shedding the title and the past that had nearly destroyed her.

In the tranquil village of Kias, Maya found more than just a safe haven. She found Nathaniel, a kind and gentle soul who had also sought refuge in the quiet corners of the world. Nathaniel was a carpenter, skilled with his hands and patient by nature. He had his own scars and stories, but he never pressed Maya for details about her past. Instead, he offered her companionship and support, slowly helping her heal from her wounds.

Their bond grew over the next six months. Nathaniel's presence was a balm to Maya's troubled heart. His quiet strength and unwavering kindness made her feel safe for the first time in months. It took time, but Maya eventually realized that Nathaniel was not just a friend; he was the man she needed in her life. With him, she found the courage to envision a future filled with love and happiness.

The villagers of Kias soon noticed the blossoming relationship between Maya and Nathaniel. They became known as the most loving couple in the village, their affection for each other evident to all. Nathaniel knew of Maya's painful past, but it did not deter him. He embraced her fully, ready to face the future together.

When Maya gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, their joy was complete. They named her Isadora Yeri. Although Isadora was her given name, she quickly became known as Yeri. The name spread through the village, and soon everyone referred to the baby girl as Yeri, a symbol of new beginnings and a bright future.

Life in Kias was simple but filled with genuine happiness. Maya and Nathaniel's home became a haven of love and laughter. Nathaniel's carpentry business thrived, and Maya dedicated herself to raising Yeri, her heart swelling with love every time she looked at her daughter. She often marveled at how much her life had changed. The fear and betrayal that once defined her existence were now distant memories, replaced by the warmth of true love and family.

It took approximately 5 years and 9 months for all six souls to descend in the kingdom of Arcadia. It has been a year and two months since Princess Matilda was born but now the last of them was born as Isadora Yeri.


" Looks like finally the journey can begin. What will my precious children do to embark on their respective journeys. "....