
The Game of Destiny: The Tale of Six Tales

"Do you want to play a game?" The angel's voice, gentle yet commanding, echoed in the boundless space. In this vast expanse of the unknown, where white stretched endlessly, a scene unfolded, marked by confusion and curiosity. A serene, angelic figure hovered before six women, each bearing their own mix of emotions. Choi Yuna, the eldest among them, erupted with incredulity. "You have got to be kidding me. I just died and you want to toy with me, are you for real?" Kang Min-ji's voice trembled with uncertainty as she questioned, "Are we really dead?" Meanwhile, Han Seo-yeon's skepticism couldn't be contained. "Wait! So we are like little pawns that you have decided to play with?" The angel, unfazed by their reactions, produced a manual and a map, offering a glimpse into the world they were about to enter. "I'm going to send you to another world, and you will have to conquer a few characters. I'm not really good at explaining all this, but here is a summary of the world and a map." But amidst the chaos of questions and disbelief, Park Hye-jin's voice cut through with a nonchalant tone. "What do we have to do?" Kim Ji-eun's voice, tinged with a hint of sarcasm, added to the mix. "At least I get to live again. Why should I complain?" Lee Soo-yeon, the last to speak, injected a note of excitement into the conversation. "Wow, finally some fun in my life." With a decisive nod, the angel prepared to bid them farewell. "Well, I'll spare you the introductions and move to our farewells. Enjoy!" And with that, the being bestowed upon them a new beginning, reincarnating them into the unknown kingdom of Arcadia. What do you think awaits them on the other side?

MiHea · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

Drama Queen

It's been 5 years and we are in the Arcadian year 810. Lydia and Arabella have both began to attend the Emperian academy. Lydia finally discovered the status window and she was to pursue Ravus Xerxes and gain his trust. The discovery of her status window also slowed her to gain access to the store, where she bought a book about herbs to cure her disease.

Arabella on the other hand, started to help her father in his work. She completed her mission and gained rewards, but she hasn't used anyone yet. Over the course of 5 years, she gained 10 rewards, but has not used either one to make a wish yet.

Octavia and Amelia are on their way to enroll in the Emperian academy after the big summer break. Unfortunately, both of them are yet to find out about their Status window.


"Brother, I heard you just arrived," I announced, banging the door open. The scene that greeted me was unexpected and somewhat disconcerting. My brother, Cassian, the crowned Prince, was reclining on a couch, and a lady was draped over him, their faces inches apart. I had unwittingly interrupted an imminent kiss, but it seemed none of my business, or at least, it shouldn't have been.

I felt a surge of indignation as I strode into the room, my young heart pounding with a mix of outrage and embarrassment. "I feel that you have lost all senses. Who are you to be crawling into the room of the crowned Prince?" I shouted, my hand gripping the girl's gown belt as I pulled her away from my brother. Though my physical age was just six, my mind bore the weight of many more years. The complexities of courtly life demanded a maturity I was forced to exhibit prematurely.

The lady bowed, her demeanor attempting to convey respect, "Greetings, Your Highness."

"Keep your greetings," I retorted sharply, turning my attention back to Cassian. "And you, young man, you are 15 years of age and you are acting like a 30-year-old womanizer. You are the crowned Prince, not some playboy," I lectured, my tone imbued with a mix of sisterly concern and authoritative reprimand.

Cassian rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by my intrusion. He rose from the couch with an air of exaggerated patience. "Sister, you are too young to lecture me. You are just six, right? You are full of drama. How do you even know what a womanizer looks like?"

"Oh my! You have grown wings, big brother. What I read and understand is my business, but I will not allow some vixen, who only wishes to be crown princess, to climb your bed. I won't care who you sleep with or who you marry, but I will only tell you this: If I sense this person is evil, I will bring hell upon them to avoid their contact with you," I declared, my small stature doing little to diminish the force of my conviction. After delivering my impassioned tirade, I turned my attention back to the lady.

"What's your name?" I demanded.

"Am...ber," she stammered, clearly flustered by the confrontation.

"Amber, right?" I said, my tone dripping with skepticism. She nodded hesitantly. I decided to press further, testing her mettle. " Are you crazy?", she yelled in Korean.

She looked at me, utterly confused, and I couldn't help but laugh at her bewilderment. "I'm sorry to tell you, if you didn't understand my simple vocabulary, then you are unfit to lay on the same bed as my brother. OUT!" I commanded, my patience wearing thin.

As Amber scurried out of the room, my frustration turned back to Cassian. "Tell me, Cassian, what's the difference between you and the men that believe women are just tools to be toyed with? I'm quite disappointed. Enjoy the rest of your summer break. I hope you return to school early." With that, I stormed out of his room, my anger still simmering.

The palace corridors seemed unusually quiet as I made my way back to my chambers, my thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. How could he, the brother I adored and respected, behave in such a manner? It seemed that even in this world, reality remained as cruel and unforgiving as ever.

As I turned a corner, I almost collided with my mother, Queen Phoebe. It was rare to cross paths with her during the day, but today was full of surprises. She greeted me with a warm smile, her eyes lighting up as she bent over to hug me. "My little sunshine, it's been a while."

"We met during breakfast," I replied sarcastically, my mood too sour for pleasantries. Normally, I would throw my arms around her and share all the day's grievances, but today was different.

Sensing my distress, she looked concerned. "Is anything wrong? Has Cassian annoyed you?" she asked, her voice gentle and probing.

"I'll never get married. If that's how men treat women in this life, I'd rather die than marry anyone," I declared boldly, my frustration bubbling over. Just then, Cassian appeared, his face flushed as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Matilda, I think there is a misunderstanding. I would like to clear it out", he struggled to speak.

" Dearest brother, I believe we ended our conversation behind the door of your room, bringing it out here would do absolutely nothing, spare yourself the wastage of energy and catch your breath slowly", I coldly replied looking back at my mother who was supposedly talking to me

"You can't say that, my sunshine. Things get complicated as you grow up. I'm sure whoever made you think that way didn't mean it," my mother began, her words an attempt to comfort and soothe.

I knew all these things; my past life had been no different. "I'm sorry, Mum, but until that person can prove to me that he can appreciate my gender, I refuse to change my mind," I said, rolling my eyes as I walked away.

And thus, the cold war between siblings began.