
Mana forging pill

"Wait for me to eat some meat and drink some water!" Roronoa Zero called out, unperturbed, as he sat down to rest.

"Boss, here, have some cooked meat!"

"Boss, drink some water!"

"Boss, let me massage your shoulders!"

One player after another provided him with various services, treating him like a star.

After having his fill of food, drink, and all the pampering, Roronoa Zero got up and headed straight down the mountain path. A crowd of players, including William, followed.

"There! An Earth Boar Beast!" a sharp-eyed player shouted.

"Well, the terrain here is suitable for a fight," Roronoa Zero observed, surveying the area. Only then did he start moving his body.

After warming up his muscles and bones, he advanced with one of his wooden swords.

"Come on, big boss," the players whispered.

"I want to see how he kills it!" William's eyes were fixed on Roronoa Zero.

And so the battle began!


The Earth Boar Beast quickly discovered its opponent, Roronoa Zero, and charged with a roar.

Zero did not rush; instead, he retreated to avoid the blow.

In the next moment, Roronoa Zero stood and place his wooden sword wrapped in a sheet upright and staring directly at the Earth Boar Beast.

"What does this action signify?"

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Shhh! Don't talk. Don't disturb the boss when he's performing!"

The players were all taken aback but quickly settled down.


The Earth Boar Beast roared and leaped, intent on trampling its opponent.

They saw Roronoa Zero roll over and jump atop the beast!

"Ittoryu Iai: Accumulating Strike." Roronoa Zero let out a low growl.

As he jumped, Roronoa Zero firmly grasped the moment he was suspended in the air. Holding his wooden sword, he began to gather energy, then rapidly unsheathed and attacked, landing a strike on the beast's upper back before resheathing his sword.

With Roronoa Zero's powerful blow, the Earth Boar Beast let out a painful yowl.

William knew that this strike had wounded the Earth Boar Beast.

Theoretically, a strong physical impact on its upper back—its sole weakness—could indeed injure the beast.

But, what of it?

It was one thing to slightly injure it, but killing it was another matter. At the least, it would require a hundred similar strikes to gravely injure it.

Under everyone's gazes, Roronoa Zero began to attack tirelessly, predicting the Earth Boar Beast's attack patterns and successfully deflecting all its moves.


When the Earth Boar Beast used its ultimate trampling move, Roronoa Zero always managed to predict and avoid it in the nick of time. Once, he even ducked under the beast's trample.

Everyone thought he was done for. But subverting all expectations, he used his elbows as a fulcrum, his weight to build momentum, and pushed himself out of harm's way as if he were street dancing!

The battle continued…

An hour later, the Earth Boar Beast was finally grievously injured by the relentless attacks. It fell heavily to the ground, panting before finally breathing its last.

"Success!" Roronoa Zero slowly stood up and stepped on the Earth Boar Beast's corpse, declaring his victory!

"Fuuuuck, he did it!"

"Big Boss!"

"Motherfucker, we can actually fight like this! My eyes are finally open!"

The players cheered excitedly.

"A Tier 1 Low stage can kill a Tier 2 Mid stage?"

William was the most shocked.

"Just who is this person?"

"Everyone, where did this outstanding person come from? Who can tell me?" William suppressed his shock and immediately asked the players around him.

"Guild Leader, he's a god-tier speedrunner! A world record holder for three consecutive years!"

"Not only that, he's the first man to clear the Dark Souls VR game without any injuries!"

"Fuck! Why are you telling an NPC all of this? Do you think he'll understand any of this?"

William finally understood.

"So it turned out to be a god-tier speedrunner from Earth! A top player at that, no wonder…" William nodded.

Although his cultivation was only at Tier 1 Low stage, this man had clearly experienced countless games and difficult challenges, long used to fighting in situations where the weak face the strong.

Although the Earth Boar Beast was very strong, in the end, it was a dumb magi beast. Once its weaknesses and attack patterns were fully grasped, it was reasonable for it to be taken down by a top player like Roronoa Zero.

"Congratulations, Roronoa Zero! As your first-kill reward, I will bestow you with a Mana Forging Pill!" William announced, then raised his hand and threw a crystal-clear pill to Roronoa Zero.

Mana Forging Pills were the main medicinal pills consumed by Tier 1 cultivators. The pill wasn't expensive, but it could increase the strength of the body and cultivation!

"Thank you, Guild Leader!" Roronoa Zero was overjoyed after receiving the pill and directly swallowed it.


Instantly, the aura surrounding him erupted, and he directly broke through, entering the Tier 1 Mid stage.

The powerful medicinal pill's effect didn't stop there but continued to circulate within his body, pushing him to break through a second time!

He charged straight into the Tier 1 High stage.

"This… He broke through?" Many players were shocked.

"The pill is so powerful! My speed, strength, and reaction time have all been upgraded?" Roronoa Zero felt his strength surge and was extremely excited.

Making a conservative assessment, all his base stats had almost doubled!

William wasn't surprised. That was a high-grade Mana Forging Pill.

William had originally kept it for himself, intending to forcefully break into Tier 2 Low stage if he couldn't find a Mana Ascension Pill. He only had three of them.

However, he only needed to eat one Mana Ascension Pill to break through to Tier 2 Mid stage. This Mana Forging Pill was useless to him! So, why not take it out as a first-kill reward?

"Damn it, it's the first-kill reward! Fuck!"

"The heck! He's still showing no signs of stopping, how envious!"

"Sigh. There's nothing I can do about it. There's no way I'll get that reward with my current strength."

All the players were extremely envious and immediately became excited.

They'd seen the demo, so why not try it out themselves?

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