
Breathing Technique

The next day

In the Northern part of the continent, the most desolate wasteland in the continent, two figures, one old and one young, stood facing the other in the entrance of the mansion.

"William, are you sure this is where you want to establish your Guild? This place has an inhospitable nature. Adventurers have deserted this place for over the years," the elderly man said.

"Yes, I'm very certain!" The youth, William, nodded, his eyes firm.

"If that's what you decided. Henceforth, this is your Guild! Now put your blood into your first rank Guild seal and imprint it in the Hall of your Guild. Your registration will then be complete," the Old man, Felix, reminded him.

The first rank was the lowest. Next was the second rank, up to the sixth rank. Above the sixth rank came the legendary Sacred Land!

The Northern part of the continent only had one Sacred Land, which was also the most powerful faction in this place.

With the first rank Guild seal in his possession, one could search for a prosperous land, set up a Guild, and establish a first rank Guild. It was akin to obtaining the approval of the whole of the Northern continent.

On the other hand, if a person set up a Guild without approval–unless the person had heaven-defying strength–the Guild would be surrounded and be mercilessly annihilated by all other Guilds or Adventurers!

William nodded and retrieved the first rank sect seal. He dropped his blood on it and imprinted it onto the formation in the Hall of the mansion.

As the light spread and suffused, the registration ceremony was completed.

This meant that William had now become the official leader and owner of this Guild.

"Aether Guild!"

He imprinted the name he had long thought of onto the formation. Simultaneously, the words "Aether Guild" slowly appeared on the stone tablet outside the newly established Guild.

"Congratulations, Guild leader of the Aether Guild, William Vengeance! After a month and a half, this old man will pick you up for the first round of the academy's examination!" Felix, reminded him once again.

The old man was a notary of The Light of Regulus Academy. His mission was to take charge of the assessment and supervision.

Nonetheless, William was one of the first graduates of the Academy who achieve it by his high grades.

The academy mainly instructed in all kinds of disciplines and theories, including studies on Guild management. At the same time, it also trained and taught successors and outstanding talents from all major powers!

His reputation in the Northern continent was Zero. No one really knew of him or even had heard of him.

Just like William, the top twenty graduates of the Academy had all obtained the grand seal of a first rank Guild bestowed by the Academy and were granted the qualification to establish a Guild.

William and the others then had to undergo a year of examinations. Only by passing through the rounds of examinations and tests would they be qualified to become the leader of the Guild.

If they failed the assessment, then they were naturally denied the Guild seal and would lose their identity as Guild leader.

William smiled as he watched Old man Felix leave.

"I can sign in again!" A new day has begun, and William happily begins to sign in!

[Ding, the host checked in successfully!]

[Sign-in rewards: Total Concentration Breathing Technique!]

[Total Concentration Breathing Technique: is an esoteric breathing technique used by Demon Slayers. This breathing technique involves expanding one's lungs to intake as much air as possible, accelerating one's blood flow and heartbeat while increasing their inner body temperature, resulting in their bones and muscles becoming more excited.]

[Using Total Concentration Breathing essentially enhances the user's physical traits and capabilities while still remaining human. Such traits include superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, endurance, and the mental abilities needed to keep up with their superhuman bodies, such as a faster thought process and reaction time.]

"Looks like I will need to train and get stronger" William said as the techniques information appeared in his head.



After uploading the unfinished homework to the cloud disk, Lucas pushed aside his chair and got up. He went downstairs and go to the nearby convenience store and ordered a spicy chicken with rice , which he enjoyed a lot.

When he wandered back to the dormitory, he saw the cardboard box on the table.

He was dazed. 'Express delivery?'

"Lucas, what did you buy? Such a big thing?" One of his roommates asked curiously, causing the other two also to lean over to take a look.

Although they were curious, all of them respected each other's privacy.

Before Lucas came back to the dormitory, they didn't touch his stuff. Now that he was back, they could finally ask him.

They were very curious about what he bought.

"I didn't buy anything… Who sent this thing?"

The three roommates looked at each other.

"I did not notice..."

"I didn't pay attention either."

"I don't know, I just went to get takeaway."

'Huh? That's creepy.'

Usually express delivery would be sent to the express station downstairs in the dormitory, but today it was delivered to his room.

What was even creepier was that he never wrote down his room number in any of the online shopping sites he visited.

'Are all delivery drivers this incredible nowadays?'

He opened the cardboard box, seeing a helmet inside.

The shape of this thing was very similar to that of a motorcycle helmet.

The only special thing about it was that it did not have a visor. His whole head would be covered if he wore it.

"What is this?"

"How would I know?" Lucas replied.

The guy at the next table picked up the helmet and fiddled with it. He put it on his head, took it off, and returned it to Lucas confused.

Lucas also tried to put it on his head with a dazed expression.

It was pitch black.

However, just as he was about to take it off, a light blue light suddenly penetrated the darkness and reflected into his retina.

[Waiting for game activation: 39 hours and 19 minutes]

'This… Is this the gaming helmet?!'

'Holy shit.'

'How did it get here so fast?'

Lucas was stunned.

"Can you not see anything?"

Taking off the helmet, Lucas looked at the roommate who was wearing the helmet just now.

However, that roommate looked at him with a dazed expression.

"See what?"

Lucas hurriedly said "That countdown! It says 'waiting for the game activation!'"

"Huh? This thing is a VR helmet?"

"Move, move, Arthur has bad eyes, let me have a look."

Another roommate took the helmet and put it on, but after a while, just like the previous person, he took off the helmet in confusion.


"Let me try it."

All three roommates tried it now, and without exception, none of them saw anything.

Glancing at each other, they all looked at Lucas in unison with a strange expression.



"Do you… want to go to the hospital to check your head?"

"Get lost!"

Lucas snatched the helmet angrily and put it on again.

The small light blue prints arrived as scheduled.

[Waiting for game activation: 39 hours and 17 minutes]

The countdown was reduced by 2 minutes.

Not only that...

At this moment, he suddenly realized that no matter which way he turned his helmet, the countdown would always appear in the center of his field of vision.

Even if he closed his eyes.

When Lucas took off his helmet, his face was filled with disbelief.

'Am I seeing things?'


Ubuyashiki Mansion

William stood still for a moment. He took a deep breath, focusing on the Total Concentration Breathing Technique he had learned through the system. As he inhaled, he felt his chest expand and his muscles tighten. He felt the immense energy and strength that's coursing through his whole body.

"Haaah," With a shout William unleashed a punch. The force of the blow was immense, sending gales of wind rushing forward. The sheer power of the punch was astounding, creating a gust that rippled through the air, scattering leaves and debris in its path.

"This is incredible"

He took another deep breath, feeling the strength build within him once more. With a sharp "haaah," he unleashed another powerful punch, sending another gust of wind tearing through the air. The exhilaration of the power coursing through him was intoxicating.

He quickly shifted his stance, executing a series of punches and kicks. Each movement was precise, powerful, and fluid. He threw a side kick that cracked like a whip, followed by a spinning back fist that seemed to slice the air. The gales produced by his strikes rustled the leaves around him, creating a symphony of movement and sound.

With each breath and every strike, he felt more connected to the techniques embedded in his mind. He transitioned smoothly from one stance to another, combining high kicks with rapid punches. His body moved with perfect coordination, as if the techniques had always been a part of him.

"The power that can be unleash with the use of Total Concentration Breathing Technique can be considered as Tier 2 low stage even though it's only temporary"

William couldn't help but smile. He then continued to practice. He performed a jumping roundhouse kick, the force of which created a small whirlwind upon landing. Another deep breath, another powerful punch, each strike demonstrating the incredible benefits of the knowledge he had gained through the system.

"The benefit of getting the knowledge through the system is incredible," he repeated to himself, marveling at the ease with which he executed each technique. "You don't need to train the technique; it's already inside you. You just need to unleash it."

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