

I've always enjoyed all those fantastic stories but I never expected that I would become one more person of those stories NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). - WORLDS : Marvel, dc, rwby, mha, demonslayer, kenichi : The Mightiest Disciple, Hsdxd - WORD COUNT : 521.73K WORDS - Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 - ----here link to my patreon https://patreon.com/Xue_fang_1?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare OR THIS https://www.patreon.com/Xue_fang_1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble --- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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237 Chs


I took my mobile out to check and see Peter's number stop and answer the phone.


"Peter tell me what I saw is a lie please."- I said it begging.

"Richard uncle ben left us and nothing could be done he died from a shot in the chest."- He said it with a brittle voice.

"where the hell are you ?"- He cry out in pain.

"I'm close, I'm almost there."

"You are the only one missing here ao please come"- He said it sad.

Richard : "Just Tell me where it is."

Peter : "It is in the area where our parents are buried and we always went with Aunt May there"

**End of call**

I just hung up and ran to a stronger than I could feel my legs burning from forcing them I didn't care.

I arrived at church without caring how people saw me, making my aunt see me sad, I can only hug her while she burst into tears, Peter rubbed my back to calm me down, it only made me cry with more frustration.

'I didn't do anything I just had fun I didn't do anything different I couldn't protect my family.'- I thought frustrated.

'I'm fucking useless.'- I thought about it, angry with me, I have the power and I wasn't there when I needed myself.

I wiped my tears and I could only approach the coffin to gently place my hand. I felt my eyes fill with tears for seeing a loved one in that state and not being able to save him.

"Richard darling come we have to go it's time for ben to rest."- Aunt may said it in a tone that devastated me just hearing it as it was so brittle and sad that I could only clench my hands in frustration.

"Yes Aunt May let's go"- I said it as I approached her to go to the apartment when we entered I was greeted by Mary who hugged me tightly I just collapsed again I couldn't stop this feeling of guilt.

"If I had been there he would be alive, but I had to go on an adventure."- I said it with pain

"nobody expected that to happen Richard don't blame yourself for something you wouldn't know would happen."-;Mary said it herself as she hugged me tighter.

"doesn't that mean that I couldn't do something, Mary."- I said it sad

"I'm just a fucking idiot who can't do anything right."- I said it with self-hate she just kissed me on her lips.

"You are a great person Richard who always thinks of others how to help them or how to cheer them up you are the only one who helped me when me and my mother were in trouble you never ask for anything in return that's why I love you Richard."- She said it to me and she kissed me and her tongue entered and she put her hands on the back of my neck.

"Wait, you're Harry's girlfriend, you shouldn't do this."- I said it remembering that.

"Harry ended up dating me.I told him that I was someone jealous when he flirted with another girl in front of me without any scruples."- She said it angry, I just caressed her cheek to reassure her.

"Mary you know I already have a relationship with Ororo and I don't think you can have more than one relationship."- I said it reminding her that she was already dating someone.

"Richard don't you know that superhumans have the right to have multiple partners, but if they agree to be in a polygamous relationship that is rare, but it has happened."- She said it would be me. I just blanked out from the information she had given me.

'Helpi why didn't you mention that to me.'- I thought about it with surprise.

[Sir, I thought you already knew since you have had multiple relationships with different people and considering that mutants live for about 300 to 400 years thanks to the fact that they have a greater regenerative factor, they sometimes have multiple partners and it makes them easier to accept to other people in your relationship]

'I didn't know, I was just enjoying the beauty of this life.'- I thought about it a little excited.

[Well Sir You're a pervert who sleeps with super human beings]

'helpi that offends me a little, but I accept it because I love them.'- I thought about it with a little indignation.

"well Richard we could make a couple."- She said it affectionately.

"We would have to see that with ororo and when you smoke you smell like a cigarette."- I said it smelling her hair she blushed a little for my action.

"Well I've had some nerve issues and been going through some ways to relax."- She said it nervously.

"well it seems that my aunt and my brother are already inside the apartment if you want you can enter."- In a friendly way, she only nodded happily, we entered the apartment, the aunt was in the kitchen with a dull look, I just approached her to tell her that I would cook, she accepted, she did not feel like cooking very much, she looked very sad.

I just didn't know what to do but to do everything possible to help my family together because we just lost a very loved one.

Three days after the event of uncle ben I prepared some means to protect my family.

I just put my favorite apron on, I hear a knock on the door, I'm just going to open it to see Bárbara and Kori. I just looked at Bárbara with annoyance and I patted Kori's head and let Bárbara pass. I told her to look for someone else to cheat on and use I slammed the door in her face so she just knocked on the door again.

"Miss Gordon has nothing to do but pester me."- I said it annoyed she circled the ground sadly.

"I know I said things I didn't mean to and we got into a fight because you hurt someone important to me, so I want to start over without anything happening there."- She said so herself with a doubtful look.

"Miss Gordon has already shown that for you I am an unreliable and highly volatile person. I think it is better that we do not see each other again and continue with our lives. I know that it is better for you."- I said it seriously and I approached the microphone that I had hidden in her ear.

"and if Batman get into my life again and not even Superman will save him with all his power because I'll stick a piece of kryptonite up his ass that will even make him doubt his sexuality."- I said it furiously only to then destroy the microphone and give Barbara a blank look at her nervously.

"Richard I really want to make friends with you again."- I just put my hand on her cheek and looked at her sadly.

"Miss Gordon you are just my neighbor and a possible threat to my family so I ask you to never come near me again until you really want me back in your life while idolizing Batman will never happen and I think you are right about something I am impulsive , but whenever I can cheer someone up or help them and they no longer trust you."- I said it closing the door while I only saw her as her eyes that always looked at me seriously or mockingly filled with tears.

"Richard we can't fix it you're my only friend I have in new york."- She said it desperately.

"Take care Miss Gordon."- I said it finally closing the door.

'What I did was correct.'- She thought about it as she sat in the doorway of my apartment as her tears overflowed from her eyes.

"Because I feel like I've lost something important by being an idiot."- She whispered to herself letting out all of her pain that she felt in her chest.

I return to the kitchen where Mary and Kori are talking in a friendly way mentioning one or another prank they did when they were younger while they continued talking I finished making dinner.

"Girls could you call my aunt and peter"- I asked them Mary went to look for them kori approached nervously.

"Richard what did Barbara say"- kori said it nervously.

"She was just checking me out for the bat and she told me to my face without any reproach."- I said it calmly on the outside, but inside it hurt that she only saw me like this.

"For that reason she wanted me to bring a hidden microphone."- She said it innocently making him look at her with concern.

"kori you don't bring any of that right."-I asked worried she just nodded negatively I just sighed to calm down.

"They didn't tell you anything for not using it."-I said it seriously.

"Yes, Batman mentioned to me that he found information about you and he wanted me to give it to him, I refused because you are my husband and I cannot betray you since I love you."- She said it lovingly.

"Thanks Kori."- I said it while I hugged her she reciprocated in the same way she went out to look for Aunt May and Mary settled at the table.

"It seems that we arrived at a bad time."- Peter said it in a tired way.

"It's not that, they only told me about Liz, sorry, but I told you to find a better girl."- He just sighed and nodded with a downcast look.

"And how is Gwen?"- I Asked.

"She is somewhat more paid to me and she behaves more nervous than usual."- Peter said it in a curious way.

'Sometimes I think he's stupid and sometimes I think it's done.'-I thought about it with annoyance.

"how do I put this in a way that you can understand she loves you asshole."- I said it almost in a scream.

"yes as friends"- He said it calmly.

"No, she loves you and I can see herself for miles."-I said it angry he looked at me surprised.

"W-Wait Gwen liked me and why didn't she tell me."- I just hit my forehead in exasperation.

"She seems to have been in love with you from the beginning that I saw her and she almost always follows you like a lost puppy."- I told him...

"Why don't you talk to her and keep it, I already have another one."- I threw my old phone at him since he created a better model he just looked at me and left to talk to her.

'Classes resume tomorrow and bye-bye to my self-made vacation.'- I thought about it with annoyance.

"what are you thinking brother."- He wonder at my annoyed look.

"Nothing major, I'm just a little sad."- I said it a little thoughtfully.

"Well the food is ready."- I said it serving the food and placing it on the table I see that Aunt May enters, Kori just smiled at them until I see Barbara Gordon and my smile disappears to put on a serious face that showed nothing.

"Good morning Miss Gordon who let you in."- I said it in a tone without feeling she just shuddered at my tone my aunt half a serious look.

"what's with that tone Richard?"- Aunt may said it she was serious since the only time I used that tone was when Peter was ripped off and sent to boot camp.

"Don't worry Aunt May it's personal."- I said it quietly she just looked at me and she sat down to eat.

"you can sit Miss Gordon since you're here you can eat with us."- She said it herself in the same blank tone she just nodded.

"Well I'm leaving I have to check some things and Peter you haven't found anything interesting."- I asked him about the mission that is still present, he just looked at me strangely and nodded.

"True, I met Dr. Connors, he is an incredible person, he wants to recreate the regeneration of reptiles in humans so that there is the possibility of regenerating the lost limb and he saw my ability with chemistry and biology and he told me that he could help him in his project."- He said it excited, it just got me thinking.

"where does he work?"- I Asked.

"He's a teacher at Horizon High and the school provides him with the equipment he needs. It's amazing."- He said it with emotion.

"That's great."- I said happy

"Dr. Connors mentioned to me if anyone else could help us with that project. I told him about you. What do you think of the idea?"- he said it happily, Barbara looked at me expectantly.

"that's incredible but it's not my branch, but if you want me to create something I can help you with that since the manufacture of technology is my subject and I'm not very good at making viruses or cures, I can create it, but the basic ones already that I can use parasitic species and give them slight modifications and bam a highly dangerous virus."- I said it casually and he just gave me a blank look.

"And so I just appreciate that you only make stink bombs and the odd chemical you create by accident and never touch any viruses."- He said it seriously.

"Well I'm coming back in the afternoon."- I said it putting on my favorite jacket and leaving the apartment.

"tell me, Barbara, what did you do to Richard? He is behaving very distant and even with strangers he is friendly."- She said it she would be.

"It's a very personal thing."- She said it sad.

"sxe gave information about rixhars to an acquaintance."- Kori said it as she had food in her mouth and Peter handed her a handkerchief.

"you betrayed his trust to honey he was so closed with you."-Aunt may said it sad.

"as they were closed."- Mary ask in surprise.

"well, when he was younger he closed himself off from all the people, he only talks to us and looked down on all the people who weren't us, he hated all the people."-Aunt may said it sad remembering those days.

"It doesn't matter, He already made his decision and I made mine."- Barbara said it calmly.

"I hope you don't regret it darling you seem to be more stubborn than him."- Aunt may said it with sadness, Barbara just looked somewhere else so as not to look at her.

with Richard.

I was walking down the street quietly to hear shots in a bank I saw how Captain Cold left with a bag of money I just sighed with annoyance.

He is a light-colored man in blue winter clothes with blue glasses with a gun that shoots ice rays.

"hey don't you have central city to steal."- I yelled at him angrily, he turned around and looked at me strangely and pointed at me.

"I recommend you don't point that toy at me because I'll break your legs like last time."- I said it angry, he just looked at me strangely and shot me so that he would jump, dodging the shot, quickly charging at him, aiming at the ground and shooting at him.

'think it would work like he does to flash.'- I thought about it gracefully, I just stepped hard on the frozen ground, cracking it close to him without giving him time, I hit him on the head with contained force, he fell like a sack of potatoes to the asphalt, I just grabbed the money, went into the bank, they looked at me with fear until I threw the bags of money at the lady who was at the counter and asked her to call the police since the guy who stole them is out cold, she just nodded and quickly marked the officers.

Up to this point.


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A/N - If you guys don't know about Captain Cold ... He's an DC character.


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