
The Future Kings Vow

A world run by dictatorship so cruel and devastating one Boy couldn't stand it anymore so he decided to start his plan to overthrow the dictator and bring back world peace.

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The Future Kings Vow: Chapter 1

It was a breezy nice day and I was at the park sitting on the swing by myself.

I noticed a girl wearing dirty ragged clothes sitting on the bench surrounded by the 3 biggest bullies at my school, The girl looked 7 which was around my age actually.

This was a normal daily thing in our world as the wealthy people looked down on the poor.

I sat there watching them torment the girl by calling her names such as "pig" and kicking her on the legs.

You could say it was Cruel but in this world anything against Poor people was allowed except murder, however I feared that would change in the future if the world kept swaying this direction.

I considered myself different or unordinary you could say, as most people who where wealthy couldn't care less about the poor people and tormented them for their own enjoyment it was that bad even 11 year old wealthy kids were tormenting a 7 year old poor girl right in front of me as it was the most normal thing in the world although saying that it was common in most places for this to happen. The reason I considered myself unnormal was because I am a son of one of the most wealthiest families in the Wealthy region but I only felt pity and sympathy for the poor.

As I continued watching the tormenting, one of the bullies lifted their hand to the girl and hit her "Take that you pig!" He shouted, His friends who were beside him started to chuckle.

I had began to feel so enraged that I couldn't bare to watch this anymore so I stood up and slowly started to proceed to walk towards them; in the process I shouted" Stop it or else!"

"Who does this pipsqueak think he is." he replied I assumed he said this cause of my high pitched voice although it was normal for a boy aged 7 he hadn't turned around to face me yet so he probably didn't realise.

He turned around to face me and slowly his smile faded, I heard his friend whisper "Isn't he the son of Daichi Hideo" Sounding startled which was normal for most people as my dad was one of the highest in power in the wealthy region and he could easily destroy their lives for this.

They started to run away while their friend who called me a pipsqueak stood there frozen in fear "TAKEZO COME ON RUN DO YOU WANT TO DIE!!!" They shouted back to him, I don't know where the die thing came from as he certainly wouldn't die but his life would definitely be ruined and his families as my dad had the power to do so.

He turned back round to me "S- sorry please don't speak to anyone about this I will do anything I beg"

"If I want something done off you I will just demand it, there doesn't need to be a reason for you to do stuff for me, Understand." I replied trying to sound intimidating to scare him off but also try to seem cool for the girl who was being bullied as she was still sitting on the bench observing what's going on, I had noticed she was quite cute so I wanted to be as cool as possible.

In response to what I said he obediently nodded.

"Now shoo." And with that he ran off after his friends with tears coming down his face.

I turned around to the girl and looked her in the eye.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"y-yes tha-thank you." she replied shyly as if she wasn't used to talking to people.

"H-how are you so strong." she added.

"Oh I'm not really strong its just that my dad is very powerful therefore many people are scared to what he will do to them if they try anything against me."

"O-oh wow that's so lucky." She said, I assumed she was thinking what her life would be if that was her dad. she would never be picked on or hurt ever again. She would be able to live a free life without people looking down on her.

That might of sounded like a great way to live but it came with the disadvantages such as no one wanting to talk to you or go near you cause they were scared for their life if they did, therefore my life was pretty boring but I didn't mention that to the girl as I didn't want to rain on her parade of thinking what it would be like living a peaceful life.

"What's your name?" I asked

"Hinoma Ayane, W-what about yours?"

"Natasuke Hideo." I replied

"Nice to meet you Hinoma." I said with a gentle smile

"Nice to meet you too Natasuke." she seemed to be a bit less shy after exchanging names maybe she was starting to feel comfortable around me I pondered.

"Hinoma I've got to head home now but how about we meet again here on Wednesday at 5:00 pm?" Today was Monday so that would be two days from now.

"Okay sure!" She replied sounding excited not surprising since I might be the first person to meet up with her well that's how it seemed atleast.

After that we parted ways and I started to walk home.