
The Fuma Clan

With Argentina break free of corruption and bringing hope into the world, the center stage is focus on the new president of The United of State of America. President Trump swift win in 2024 is met with an epic rally in Washington D,C, , everything is what the people are mentally program to witness but yet something or someone smites that night. A Shinobi Clan appears at the same night as a new world order would appears in full force. A thousands years old clan who make moves and live in the shadow. Only appear when the world is at a breaking point. What does this clan know that YOU don't know!

AladdinAli777 · Urbain
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The Fuma Clan


 The glimpse of a world, a new world where the president is governed by the mass technology companies; no matter what play is put on the media the out come is always is the same. As Washington D.C. celebrates President Trump win, the street is shower with red, white and blue balloons that lift high to the firework smoke air.


As if a scene from the movie, many gather to hear his speech of upcoming events and the United States that world was molded to think they wanted. 


 The spot light cast down on the stage, where the semi overweight new elected president walks on stage, and he move side to side handshakes to embrace laughter. The feeling of power is felt in the lit night of a new era of a new world order, cheers filled the night with people in from of the Lincoln statue, the stage is place where Martin Luther King Jr. spoken of freedom and equality… The mass crowed of all sorts filled the area, flags of American flags mix with Confederate flags fill the area. 


 President Trump reach for the microphone to silence the crowed with his Vice President who fits the mold of a person who woke up on and went right to work with out combing his hair, a tactic to reach the laid-back middle-class people. Mr. Trump reaches and begins to talks… But…


 The microphone fails to work and the sound engineer began to frantic as the Secrets Service begin to move and talk on coms to help this glitch. As the crowed become restless a voice is heard a strong voice is heard that affirm respect.


 "We the clan, have been in the shadows for thousands of years. We are the keeper of knowledge and the writer of the world history. By the Bushido Code, we're not players in this game for we must flow like water, even in thunderstorm that God has bestowed on us."


 The massive crowed began to felt unease and began to shift looking at each other. President Trump begins to motion his private detail to see where the transmission is coming from, as the Secret Service begin to trace the transmission the dark sadden voice continuous:


 "No matter the play, it has been debated for twenty years this out come and we have placed our Shinobi Clan in all the position of powers. Deep rooted into your systems, we have become the system. We have become the truth, as of now our program "The White Rabbit!" Is downloading on all the smartphones of the world. As of today, you will be given the glimpse of evil your world has cast, and the rape of nature."


 In one moment, all cellphone were heard with the same ICON ringtone, same tone same ICON voice. "Message from the Darkside there is!" By Yoda.


 At that very moment the list of all president who earn money for wars and deaths of soldiers and then a second list, a list of elite who are tied into sex trafficking and then a red bright icon screen that lit in the crowed showing hidden pedophiles in their GPS in the crowed with a Jingle Bell Song.


 The Jingle Bell Song could not be stop and the cellphone had a tracker, the masses began to raise in a chaos fever as an old man realize his phone turn red in the mist of group of young soldiers. The tracker gave all info and videos of pedophile acts, the soldier in rage to see a five-year being rape began to beat the old man to death, and the chaos began to spread as the Jingle Bell Song was heard was through out the masses gathering that sprung into a riot. 


 Reporter with green eyes and almond skin looked at this destruction of the rally, as her cell phone went off with a white rabbit as she looks down at the screen with curly dark hair afraid to touch the icon… Her blue nail touches the screen and then a blast of information came on her screen of a design of EMP weapon, and the date it was tested in Brazil, Argentina and Chile, caused three country blackout for three days and the detail reaction down the psychological behavior and crime wave. 

 The information was detail, giving the information of all who were in charge of the project name Cerberus. Her green eyes were caught in shock as the white rabbit bounce back on the screen and she tap in a hurry once again it was all the bio terrorism leak information of viruses that was purposely injected into the food supply in ship thru the UN to all the ghettos of the world. As soon as she scrolled down, it automatic was sent to all her contact… A new virus called the Spider-Network the spread the information in a blink of in eyes.


 "Sam, do you see what the fuck I'm seeing."

 "Ashely, its not just the phone all media and TV is one channel now called The White RabbitTV and there is a blond long hair girl speaking in detail on all the topics."


 Ashely pushes through the chaotic people in the Washington D.C. Into the news all new white van, as soon as she enters, Sam went driver side and toss the high tech camera like garbage. Get out of here now Ashely yelled. Sam started the van and move ever so slowly as the crowed began to go to a big chaos of enrage people chasing red light phones, gun shots were heard from a distance as Ashely look from the back seeing a Washington D.C. police officer, toss his red phone and began to shoot people dead but the mob got to him and began to rip his closes off and beat him with President Trump signs and then as they passed by she heard the man scream as they the mob mentality went crazy and smashed his head in to pavement.


 President Trump angry, was pushed away by Secret Service and the whole family began to split to move and then a couple Secret Service agents phones began to ring Jingle Bell and a couple stop and began to look at the tracker and saw the views and evidence from cellphone videos, to intel of date. And their coms were hacked as The White RabbitTV news cast began to speak.


 "Today is the climax of what sin is, and immorality has spread upon this nation, I for one am from Texas and have escape to see the world and learn from the Shinobi Clan, and realize if there is no unity there is only war. The demons you see in front of you have done this many times and they have never once showed remorse, from raping babies to sell children. Now you the Secret Service that follow the law, how do you Judge a plague, a virus and evil deed that walks hand and hand with you and eats at your table…. My code name Archangel Ariel… Choose wisely."



 The whole Secret Service detail stop from moving the president as the red light began to blink brighter from two of their partners cell phones. 


 "Mike how could you do all these things to kids you fucking baby sat my kids…"


 "John it all a lie… A swear to God it's a Hacker."


 John cell phone rang the Yoda with a white rabbit, John in his black suit engulf with agents look on as he slowly taps the screen and saw Mike in house putting cams in teddy bears in his four-year-old girl room and saw mike steal some underwear from her daughter room. 


 Johns began to feel enrage. And he looked at Mike and Scott who both cellphones were blinking red as they try to stop it. He pulled his nine mm and empty clip-on mike and then began to jump on Scott, the rest of agents try to pull him off but just before Scott fell to the floor and John stomp his neck and Scott ceased to move. 


 The rest agents scrabble to arrest him but John went crazy and started fighting all of them biting and using his empty gun to pick out eyes. With all this chaos the President Trump began dance in the middle of the agents, he lost notice of space and could not find his family. So, he headed up the Lincoln steps to the statue where the area was empty. 


 Losing his breath, rapidly coughing, with suit torn, there on the steps sat and all black man, and looking on with a simple pen in his mouth. 


 As President Trump passed him… The Dark figure stated:


 "How civilization fall just by pulling a little on the lies of the world."

 "What the hell did you say to me."


 "Dynasty fall, civilization burn, but a society built on lie. Is only a simple house of cards, a simple breath of air and it all falls down."


 "Do you know who you're speaking too, I'm the President…"


 "Yes, the President of United States… I like the title but personally think it is a joke, how many of you must fall to realize that you are simple puppet to all the wealthy companies."


 President Trump reached the statue and look up and saw President Lincoln look down on him. 


 "I am the change in this is world."


 "Change is made by soldiers and warrior who bleed for truth and God's way, and you honestly are neither. Making weapons deal with Saudi Arabia who secretly fund terrorist movements…. Please!"


 President Trump moved to see his face but some how the shadow embrace this enigma to him.


 "You seek power, I understand that it is something of a dose of legal intoxication, the feeling of power, the feel of glory the feeling to have the world in your control. To out wit the rest of players, but remember this as you see tonight, there is something bigger than you at play. A holy war between angels of darkness and angels of light. Sorry to say you've been angel of darkness pawn since day one."


 "Who the fuck do you think your talking to!?"


 "I know who am I talking to, the system that let their soldiers die for political gain, the system the fuels wars for gains, the system the degrades women so they can fall to gang rape. Oh, the best of all a President that has so much time he Golfs twelve holes, while the children in Yemen die slowly turning to bone from hunger."


 "You have nothing on me, you know nothing of me."


 "That's the funny thing, we are clan of thousands of years, we even have sleeper agents knee deep in your security, we are everywhere and nowhere. We are the Watchers."


 "You have no idea who you are playing with, you are playing with the United States government."


 "Oh, yes, the same government that rape and slaughter little kids from Haiti, yeah, I know that vampire system all too well…. Ariel now!"


 Black figure stood putting his hand in his pocket and look on the blaze scene of chaos and took his pen out of his mouth…


 All cell phone began to sound at the same time Hail Mary by 2pac. The masses stop and look at the White Rabbit, and all touched the screen and screen that read "Vampire Diary", list after list, videos after videos that network into the mega cloud of celebrates and politician torturing, eating and drinking blood. Then a files spread showing test tube babies being created and bio test growth from abortion left over parts in oversea labs.


 "What are you doing…" President Trump said as he began to panic. "I will destroy whoever you are."


 "Sophia I'm ready…"


 Three all black suit ladies appear from the dark one more beautiful then the next. Around the back they carry a katana with silencers strap to left thigh. 

 "Sir, the media system is down and we control all the air wave channel. The White RabbitTV is green light. No other coverage of any other media entertainment will be viewed, only the truth that Ariel will be debate and analyzing with Alhena."


 "Thanks Sophia, lets go there is nothing but ashes in this would be president. Hand him what he needs."


 Sophia tight figure toss two coins on the floor that moved around in circle echo sounds of The Angel of Death coming for her fee… The coins settle in front of President Trump who was kneeling down and a pray position.


 "Please show me your face!" President Trump yelled in despair.


 "I think you showed your faces enough for the bought of us."


 "Who are you?" President Trump began to tear.


 "Nobody… Or just a Global Citizen… Well, we are out of time. Were done here, what happen to you it is what God bestow on you. If I know all this information, imagine all the dirty secrets you know."


 The four disappear in the upcoming crowed who was in a mob frenzy caused by the lies and deception and there red tearing eye saw The President as tool of the Elite.


 As crowed started to come closer, President Trump picked up the two coins, Two Greek coins that showed the face of Athena and the other side of Medusa and engraved was written: