

Watching everyone leave, Makarov sighed in relief. It was a little known fact that magic going out of control caused a massive spike in power, if only because any limiter on magic power disappeared. Right now, Inari was overflowing with magic, to the point that his vessel might crack under the pressure. He sat down, and slammed his palms together, causing the magic circles surrounding Inari to turn rapidly. The magic circles served the purpose of suppressing Inari's magic, giving him time to control.

Witnessing all of this through the window, Inari was grateful for the master's help. Turning back to the lightning and fire before him, he wondered what it is he needs to do.

"Inari, I know that Erza taught you this lesson before, but trust your instincts! That is the best way to gain control over your magic. Learning spells comes later, first you need control!" Makarov

Inari was struck with a thought. He emptied his mind he same way he did when he first 'used' his magic. Slowly, a calm state of mind overcame him, whereupon he reached out with either hand and grabbed the bolt and sphere before him. Suddenly, intense pain and a sense of inferiority invaded his state of calm. Feeling weak and going through pain made him wake up in a panic, recoiling in horror. Checking his hands, to his confusion, there was not even a hint of redness to indicate any injury.

Makarov noticed Inari's body seeming to experience pain. Thinking that Inari must have done something in reaction to what he said earlier, he grew a bit worried, before thinking.

"Inari, when you use magic, it can't hurt you. It is YOUR magic. I know you can hear me, so I'll be brief. Don't submit to your own magic, don't let it control you. You are the user, don't be afraid of your tool!" Makarov

Inari heard Makarov, and held on to his words. He knew that his only hope was to conquer his fear and use his magic. Without thinking, or giving himself time to hesitate, he grabbed the lightning bolt and sphere of fire again. Again, intense pain and oppression crashed into him, dimming his smoldering courage. However, he rejected the inferiority and welcomed the pain. Taking the fire, he slammed it into the lightning bolt.

With an eruption of power, both within his minds-cape and in real life, he reformed the purple-silver katana. Now, instead of having the power absorbed, he released it slightly. Along the blade, red flames flickered, while purple sparks jumped from the blade. Inari now stood tall, imposing almost, in the center of the almost shattered magic circles.

"Master, thank you for helping me realize my control." Inari

Inari was emotional, because he finally felt like his power was completed. Makarov nodded in wonder, feeling the ominous and slightly oppressive magic power radiating off of Inari's new blade. This feeling wasn't because of the amount of power, but rather an aspect of it's nature. It naturally oppressed all, ruled all and destroyed all.

"That's good, then. Come, we should head back. We've been here for a whole day." Makarov

Inari was shocked, while Makarov just sighed. It had been a long day for him, suppressing Inari so he didn't rampage and burn himself out. Together they walked to the shoreline, where a boat was still waiting for them. This was the boat used by the master and the S-Class wizards to get there before the participants. Together, they set sail for home, looking forward to the parties and fun times.


Erza was sitting on one of the benches in the corner of the guild. Yesterday, when they got back, everybody congratulated her. They threw a wild party, celebrating her promotion to S-Class. After a while, she excused herself from the festivities. She couldn't help but feel useless. At that time, for her sake, Inari lost himself to his magic, and he might never be the same. Today, she was in no mood to do anything besides wait for Inari to get back, hoping he was alright.

Cana came over and sat next to her, sighing in exasperation.

"Erza, it's not your fault! If anything, you should be happy that someone cares enough about you to disregard their own safety." Cana

Erza blushed violently for a moment while she thought about what Cana said.

"But why does he feel that way? And why haven't I noticed before? I haven't done anything to deserve those feelings, and he hasn't done anything to show them." Erza

Cana giggled.

"Does love need a reason?" Cana

"L...l...love!!!" Erza

Erza held her cheeks while steam poured from her head, and she turned red enough to attract medical attention. Cana was rolling on the floor, laughing, while the rest of the guild members in the hall tried to hide their own laughter. Suddenly, with a bang, the guild hall's doors burst open. Looking, the guild could see both the master and Inari walking in. Erza, upon seeing Inari, was overjoyed, before she remembered what they were talking about prior to their return. The blood immediately rushed to her head, and she fainted for a moment. Luckily, the guild wasn't looking at her, and Inari was still timidly looking downwards. The only person who saw was Cana, who decided to keep quiet but couldn't help the big smile on her face.

"I'm back, ya brats!!! Let's party!!!" Makarov

Master Makarov yelled as he walked in, everyone bursting out into cheers at the thought of another party. Inari finally saw Erza, who had managed to compose herself with only a slight blush left. He waved at her, and signaled that he wanted to talk to her later, and she nodded.



Everyone raised their now full glasses, then drained the, starting the process once again.

I'm advancing the romance, but if there's anything wrong, feedback is welcome.

The control part was short and rushed, but it isn't that important, since it's a one off thing. And yes, it took a day. Don't read too much into it, I'll do much worse later. Although it would sort of be canon I guess.

Also, the boat trip took like an hour, my own guess. Don't question, it's fan fic.

Chapter 1/2 for today.

Kurt_Petersencreators' thoughts