
The Fox's Shadow

GodofDeathDragons · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Naruto's Drive

"You have your mission…Itachi I want this to go down with out a hitch. The Kyubi Jinchuriki is much too powerful to allow to grow any more. Kisame and you are going to take Deidara and Sasori to subdue it in any way you think is needed." Stated a large orange haired man with multiple piercings and glowing purple ringed eyes.

This man was the supposed leader of the Akatsuki, whose dreams of peace had been corrupted by many years of war and loss that succeeded in twisting his views. Now he was but a shell of his former self being manipulated by who he believed to be Madara Uchiha…the founder of the great Uchiha Clan.

However the truth was much grander as Madara Uchiha had been dead for many years now just waiting for the perfect moment in which Pain would sacrifice his life to bring back the now dead legend. The one to ensure this was the Madara imposter once known as (Spoiler) Obito Uchiha, former loyal ninja of Konoha.

Obito was not always the way he was…he once had dreams of being the Hokage of Konoha, but his dreams were shattered the day he watched his love die brutally by the hands of his best friend. From that day on he had sold his heart to Madara's plan to ensure their will upon the world.

He stood in the shadows watching as Pain ordered around the members of the Akatsuki to do HIS bidding. Only a few of them knew the truth…the rest were expendable pawns that were on a need to know basis when it came to the truth. No most only needed the money that they were being paid to ensure their loyalty to Akatsuki's cause.

Soon all of the Tailed Beasts would be under his control and the Eye of the Moon plane would be commenced. The day the rest of the world no longer would feel pain due to his ultimate genjutsu to mold the world into what ever he wished.

Beside him was one of the few members of the Akatsuki who knew he claimed to be Madara Uchiha and she was also the only one who could perhaps still sway Pain away from his plan. He would've gotten rid of her long ago if it wasn't so risky. She had always believed he would betray Nagato for his own goals…not that she was wrong or anything.

"They will have trouble securing the Kyubi's container…he is quite the powerful ninja by what Zetsu has told us over the years." Stated Konan as Madara looked at her with his single visible eye.

"They are four of the most powerful members of the Akatsuki that will be leading this attack. Although that isn't the only trump card I have in play…I have secured Orochimaru's aid in this endeavor in exchange for Sasuke Uchiha's eyes." Stated Tobi…aka Madara…aka Obito.

"Are you sure he will not betray us again?" asked Konan with concern as Pain walked over to the two of them.

"Orochimaru is not stupid…he knows that a war is coming and he would have to pick sides eventually or risk dying later on. He will do this mission to the best of his abilities…besides as long as he gets what he wants then what does it matter?" stated Pain.

"Even so…I suggest that you have other ninja provide back up in case things go sour. We have spent too much time building our strength to lose it all in some gamble." Stated Madara as he began to walk away. "Do not ruin this Nagato…"

With that Tobi warped away in front of their eyes and the two powerful ninja looked at eachother. "I don't trust him Nagato…please don't do this. It still isn't too late to pull out and run." Konan begged as Nagato shook his head.

"This is the only chance to bring peace to the world…the peace that Yahiko wanted. The peace that he entrusted to me with his dying breath. I'm sorry Konan, but this is the only path left to me now." Stated Pain as he walked away leaving a saddened Konan behind.

'Everything has changed…Yahiko.' She thought sadly as she turned away from Pain's retreating form.





"What's the plan Itachi? Pain saw it fit that you would lead this mission so you better have a good plan." Asked Sasori as Deidara scoffed in apparent contempt of Itachi.

"Hmph! You guys with those freaky eyes are all the same! Caring only for yourselves and leaving anyone else behind, cha! Just allow my art and I to destroy that village and that Jinchuriki will come after us." Yelled Deidara as Itachi glanced at him with disinterest.

"You are a fool Deidara…but a useful fool nonetheless. Sasori and you will be leading an attack on the village to cause as much damage as possible while Kisame and I sneak into the village to retrieve cargo that will ensure the Jinchuriki will come to us." Said Itachi as Deidara actually smiled at this. The explosive user was dying to repay the village for what their Jinchuriki had done to him years ago. He still had the burns to show for it.

"Will that be enough though? Konoha isn't the strongest village for nothing…" stated Sasori as Itachi nodded.

"We have help on it's way…Hidan and Kakuzu are not far away and can get to the village quickly enough if needed. Then Or…" started Itachi, but he was cut off as he was forced to dodge a kunai coming from the undergrowth.

"Kukuku…you are quicker than I remember Itachi." Came a smooth voice as Orochimaru and his assistant, Kabuto, materialized on a large tree branch. I'm so glad that Pain is allowing me to fight alongside my old friends once more."

"Orochimaru…I'm surprised Pain would ever allow you to help us again after what you tried to do last time." Stated Sasori as Orochimaru smiled in response.

"Why yes…you see my job is to ensure that Jiraiya, Tsunade, and to a lesser extent Sasuke Uchiha do not interfere with tracking you down." Stated Orochimaru as Itachi nodded.

"At least for now Orochimaru…just remember that if you betray us I will kill you on the spot." Stated Itachi as Orochimaru nodded.

"Kukuku on that I have no doubt Itachi…" responded Orochimaru as Kabuto and him joined their little group.





"Today's the day! Let's go Pervy Sage! I want to see my Hinata as soon as possible!" yelled Naruto as Jiraiya grumbled as he tried to swat the annoying blonde away.

"She isn't going anywhere brat! Just give me a few minutes…I'm sure you can wait a few extra minutes to relieve that pressure between your legs!" yelled Jiraiya, before he suddenly was smashed in the head by a powerful fist.

"SHUT UP! That's something private and if we do ever do that and I find you spying on us like you did with my parents I will castrate you!" yelled Naruto as Jiraiya grumbled about brats not appreciating his jokes.

"Oh my your father and you act so much alike sometimes!" laughed Jiraiya as he began to get his stuff around. "So you really want to see her again huh?"

"Not a minute has gone by without me thinking about her. Four years ago I only had two people that treated me normally and now I have so many people that I consider close to me and it all really started with Hinata. When we were together it felt like nothing could ever go wrong…she gave me the strength to do the impossible. That's how much I miss her!" explained Naruto as Jiraiya laughed.

"Yep! You are just like your father! It's almost scary considering the fact that he said basically the same thing when we went on our first training trip together." Said Jiraiya as Naruto smiled.

"Well better not waste time! We still have quite the walk left!" said Naruto as he walked in front of Jiraiya.

Jiraiya smiled at the Blonde as he followed him. 'I know he is the one…the one of prophecy that will bring peace to world. Never have a I met anyone with a drive like his and his power is increasing faster than any other person that has ever existed.'

"Wait up Brat!" he yelled as he ran to catch up to Naruto.





"Welcome to my ART SHOW! CHA!" yelled out Deidara as he launched a large group of smaller clay birds from atop his ride. The birds flew down detonated amongst a large grouping of buildings and shinobi alike with devastating effect. "This is pathetic if this is all the leaf can do to stop me!"

Deidara continued to rain destruction on the leaf before he was suddenly forced to dodge numerous projectiles coming from another airborne target. "I'm sorry, but I have been instructed to ensure the Leaf isn't attacked in this way." Stated a pale black haired boy with a creepy smile on his face.

"Knock his ass out of the sky Sai!" yelled Kiba as he ran atop a building only 15 meters below the two airborne ninja, with Shikamaru trailing slightly behind.

"Ah! So you think you have a chance against me?" asked Deidara as Kiba and Shikamaru began to throw numerous weapons at him. "Well then die!" With that Deidara launched numerous birds at Sai, Kiba, and Shikamaru as the three ninja dodged to the best of their abilities.

While Deidara was causing as much destruction as possible, Sasori had released his army of over 100 puppets and was at war with a large number of Leaf Shinobi. Many were being lost as his quick puppets worked in perfect tandem and slaughtered many of them.

Sasori watched with satisfaction as a squad of ninja were quickly overwhelmed by a group of his puppets. "I'm quite disappointed…there may not even be any ninja worth turning into my art in this whole village."

His musing were interrupted as large battlecry as a group of three puppets were suddenly smashed to pieces by a spinning pair of green blurs. "Yosh! We will stop you from destroying our village Akatsuki!" yelled Maito Gai as Lee yelled in confirmation.

"Honestly! Do you two always have to be so loud!" yelled Sakura as she landed between the two while cracking her knuckles.

"Of course Dear Sakura! We must announce our flames of Youth before we do battle with this unyouthful man!" yelled Lee as Sasori's puppet stared at them with his large blank eyes.

"You think you can stand against me? I am Sasori of the Red Sands…I have conquered entire countries and you think you three can defeat me?" asked Sasori with barely restrained contempt.

"Yosh! Let's show this guy the true power of the Flames of Youth!" shouted Lee as he charged at Sasori with Gai right beside him and Sakura bringing up the rear.





"Who are we going after Itachi?" asked Kisame as the two easily made their way past a group of distracted enemy ninja.

"Naruto Uzumaki formed a relationship with the Heir of the Hyuga Clan Hinata Hyuga. If we can secure her then Naruto will come after us without a plan and will be easy pickings for us." Stated Itachi as Kisame nodded.

"So we are going to attack the Hyuga Compound to get this girl? I didn't know villages allowed their Jinchuriki to do things like form relationships?" stated Kisame as Itachi nodded.

"For most villages that would be true, but Kumo and Konoha are a bit different than the others. Kumo treats their Jinchuriki with respect and admiration while Naruto here is the son of this villages hero….the same could be said for Suna. Don't worry about the Hyuga Compound…Orochimaru has already sent a large contingent of Sound Shinobi at them as we speak." Explained Itachi as a series of explosions signaled the start of Sound attacking the Compound.

"We must move now…" with that Itachi and Kisame sprinted ahead.





"Damn those Akatsuki!" yelled Tsunade as she geared up in her armor and exited the Hokage's tower flanked by her personal ANBU.

"Kukuku Tsunade…it's so nice to see you once more! However, I wish the circumstances were a bit better than what they are now…" stated Orochimaru as he phased up from the ground and smiled at his former teammate.

"Orochimaru…I should've known you would assist the Akatsuki in attacking my village. Why are they here? Naruto hasn't been in the village for several years now…what do they hope to gain by attacking now?" asked Tsunade as she fought to control her rage.

"Oh there just here to lure that brat to the village so they can do their thing. I'm just here for Sasuke…but I can have him as soon as I am done with this village kukuku." Laughed out Orochimaru as he pulled out the sword of Kusanagi.

"Stay out of this…he is mine." Declared Tsunade as her fist became infused with Chakra.

"Tsunade-sama! We are your guards…we can't just leave you to deal with him alone!" shouted a purple haired ANBU.

"Go help the village…this is my own fight to handle!" ordered Tsunade as he ANBU nodded and leaped towards the area Sasori was fighting.

"You seem pretty confident Tsunade…is there anything I should know?" asked Orochimaru as he slid into his stance.

"Just that I'm going to repaint my village with your blood…" stated Tsunade as she charged at Orochimaru quicker than he expected, and it was only due to his flexibility that he was able to avoid the bone crushing punch.

Tsunade didn't let up and continued to rain punches down at Orochimaru, who was barely able to dodge the punches. However, he couldn't dodge them all and he caught a powerful hook right across the face that sent him flying into a building. Although that Orochimaru was suddenly turned into mud as Tsunade dodged under a swipe from Kusanagi.

"My you have gotten stronger Tsunade! You actually almost had me with that last one!" laughed Orochimaru as he continued to hit Tsunade with Kusanagi.

"You won't win Orochimaru! The leaf will stand no matter what and Naruto will beat you all out of the village!" declared Tsunade as she caught Kusanagi in her hands to Orochimaru's surprise.

"How?" he asked.

"Easy! My Will is stronger than this sword of yours!" she yelled as she punched Orochimaru in the gut.

"I'll get you for that Tsunade…" hissed Orochimaru as he stood up again.

"You can try…" she mocked him as she resumed her stance as he charged at her.





"Hinata! Are you okay?" asked Neji as he jumped down beside his cousin, who was standing around the bodies of 1 jounin and 2 chuunin from Sound.

"I'm fine Neji…the training that I have been taking with Tsunade and Anko Sensei have really helped me over the past three years. What's the situation around the compound?" she asked as Neji began to explain.

Hinata had changed over the past three years and was no longer the same shy girl she used to be. She now wore a full body black spandex suit with a tight lavender vest covering her chest and a lavender skirt that barely covered anything.

This new outfit of hers caused many guys in the village to stare at her in lust and many men approached her with offers ranging from marriage to just a date. All of which she refused as her heart still belonged to Naruto.

Her outfit was the only thing that changed about her. She now was much more outgoing and presented her opinion quite regularly and wasn't afraid to stand up for herself. This showed when the elders in her clan tried to order he around…what followed was perhaps the biggest beating any of those men had ever encountered.

Even so with all these changes she still wasn't quite strong enough to beat a S-Rank ninja despite her tremendous improvement over the past three years. However, one could easily argue that she could stand on even ground with both Neji and Sasuke, and usually win against Neji, who were without a doubt the strongest of their generation…behind Naruto.

She was interrupted in her musings as she spotted a group of Kunai heading at Neji at a high speed. "Neji get down!" she yelled just in time as Neji spun out of the Kunai's direction.

"Look's like we found our target Itachi…and my is she quite the looker." Stated a menacing voice from the darkness of the night before a large figure wearing Akatsuki robes stepped out.

"Kisame Hoshigaki…Monster of the Hidden Mist…and one of the Akatsuki." Stated Neji as he and Hinata got into their stances.

"So you've heard of me have you? Then I'm also pretty sure you know of my partner…of course you do." Stated Kisame with a toothy smile as Itachi walked up beside Kisame.

"Hinata Hyuga…come with us and we will leave your village alone." Offered Itachi as Hinata glared at him as her lavender eyes shone with rage.

"Itachi Uchiha!" she spat the name with disgust. "What you did last time you were here is completely inexcusable! If you want me then you're going to have to beat me!"

"Very well…it seems my information on you was incorrect. No matter the two of you are no match for the two of us." Stated Itachi, but before he could do much a fuma shuriken bisected him in half. The two halves though burst into a flock of crows that reformed a little ways off.

"Hello…Sasuke." Stated Itachi passively as Sasuke landed beside Neji and Hinata.

"Itachi…I'm going to enjoy this greatly. I've been waiting for Naruto to return to the village so we could track you down together…but this works just fine for me." Stated Sasuke as he drew a ninjato that was given to him by Kakashi a few years back.

"You can try foolish little brother…but I didn't come to play games with you. I came for Hinata Hyuga and that is all." Stated Itachi as Sasuke stepped in front of Hinata.

"If you want Hinata, you're going to have to go through my dead body!" declared Sasuke as electricity began to flow through his Ninjato.

"I'm sorry Sasuke, but I will not be your opponent today. Kabuto has his own orders to take you to Orochimaru while we complete ours." Stated Itachi as he Sasuke jumped back away from a glowing hand sticking out of the ground.

"Well hello Sasuke…it has been quite some time since we've seen eachother. Why don't you save me the trouble and just surrender to Orochimaru? I'm sure he can help you with taking down your brother." Stated Kabuto as Sasuke's Sharingan activated and he glared deeply at Kabuto.

"I don't need your bosses help! Get out of my way or I will strike you down Kabuto!" growled out Sasuke as Kabuto just smirked in response.

"Then come at me Sasuke!" declared Kabuto as Sasuke charged at him.





"Now that my brother is gone Kisame and I will be taking Hinata now." Stated Itachi, but Neji stepped in front of Hinata as he took his stance.

"Don't even try it." Stated Neji, as a large buzzing noise was heard as Shino landed beside Neji.

"Hinata…Neji…it seems my bugs were right when they sensed a malicious chakra heading in your direction." Stated Shino.

"Shino!" Hinata shouted in joy at her old friend that she hadn't seen in a year. Shino had left the village a year ago with his father to go on an extended training trip to get stronger. It was supposed to last two years, but apparently it was ended early with Shino coming to help her.

"More of them just keep popping up Itachi! Let me handle these two…take the girl and get going! We don't have much time left!" declared Itachi as he charged at Neji and Shino.

Shino quickly released a swarm of bugs that flew at Kisame, but he just raised Samehada above his head smashed it into the swarm of bugs, scattering them slightly. He continued on through the scattered swarm only to be met by Neji who began to launch Jyuken strikes at him.

Kisame avoided the strikes and swung Samehada down on Neji, but he rolled underneath the strike and lashed out at Kisame's leg and connected, causing the large man to stumble slightly.

Kisame continued to attempt to land hits on Neji, but a combination between Shino at mid-range and Neji's short range taijutsu skill were barely able to keep the Akatsuki nin at bay.

"You little pests! Stand still!" yelled Itachi as he finally kicked Neji away from him and attacked Shino, who was surprised by Kisame's sudden speed, and received a blow to the chest from a wrapped Samehada.

"Shino!" yelled Neji as he launched a few long range blasts at Kisame, but Samehada blocked and absorbed all the chakra in the attacks. "Damn you…"

"You're a bit too young to take on the likes of me Hyuga…now let's finish this!" yelled Kisame as he shot a water dragon out of his mouth at Neji.

"Kaiten!" Neji yelled as he spun and released a large amount of chakra to block the dragon.





"Hinata come with me and I will promise the safety of your friends and village. Resist and I cannot make any promises." Stated Itachi as he drew a kunai and stalked over to the determined Hinata.

"Last time you came to the village you caused Naruto so much pain. Now I'm going to repay you that favor…" stated Hinata as she quickly charged Itachi to his surprise. She began to attack him with a ferocity in which none had ever seen of her before.

However, Itachi Uchiha wasn't an S-Rank ninja for nothing and many believed him to be stronger than everyone of the Sannin including Jiraiya. So with some difficulty he avoided strike after strike from Hinata. "This is pointless Hinata…why even try and struggle when you know that you will fail?"

"I'm not giving up! That is my Ninja way!" she yelled out as she increased her speed greatly and landed a palm strike to Itachi's chest before he could react. Itachi's eyes widened as he jumped away from Hinata as he lightly held his chest. "Naruto would never want me to give up and I won't fail him!"

Hinata charged at Itachi again, but by then he had recovered and activated his Sharingan and was on the attack himself. She quickly found herself outmatched against Itachi.

She jumped back and glared at Itachi as blue chakra began to glow around her hands that formed into the shape of two lions heads. "Interesting…" muttered Itachi as he was suddenly struck in the gut by Hinata.

'Her speed has increased greatly!' he though as he recovered and shot series of fireballs at her, but she weaved through the fireballs and continued on to Itachi. Itachi, knowing he couldn't afford to get hit in the gut again just did his best to dodge her attacks.

However, he wasn't entirely successful as Hinata swept his feet out from underneath him. She twisted her body up and slammed her fist into his face, sending him into the ground with large shockwave from the impact.

Hinata though wasn't surprised when Itachi's battered body was suddenly replaced with a smashed log and it was just that that allowed her to barely avoid a large glowing fist.

"I truly am impressed Hyuga…not many could force me to use Susanoo this early in a fight. But you must have improved quite a bit to have gotten to this level so early. Tell me…does your strength come from Naruto?" asked Itachi as he stared at her with his bleeding Magyenko Sharingan eyes.

"Yes it does…that's why you won't be taking me?" growled Hinata as she stared right back at him with her Byakugan eyes. Her determined stare did nothing to scare Itachi as he just smirked at her slightly.

"You are strong…but you have already lost." Stated Itachi as his Sharingan began to spin.

"What?" she asked as her world was suddenly overcome with darkness. "How?"

"How? How were I able to put a genjutsu on you despite the use of your Byakugan? It has taken me some time to perfect my art to the point of defeating those eyes of yours. Now you are stuck in my world…" suddenly Hinata found herself pinned against a cross looking over Konoha.

"For the next three days you will watch as the beast that you love kills the village." Stated Itachi as Hinata watched as a Kyubified Naruto began to kill everyone in the village. However, all her attention was focused upon Itachi.

"Strange…does it not pain you to see your love kill so many innocents and lose control?" asked Itachi, but Hinata just spat in his face.

"Naruto would never lose control…never!" she retorted with confidence.

"I guess I will just have to do this the hard way…" sighed Itachi as he suddenly stabbed Hinata in the ribs, causing her to cry out in pain.

'How? This is just a genjutsu! How can it hurt so much!' she cried out in her mind as she felt more and more pierce her at various locations.

"Only 2 days and 23 hours, and 59 minutes to go." Stated Itachi as Hinata tried her best to glare at Itachi.

"I won't break…do your worst!" she growled as it began again.





In the real word Shino and Neji could only watch in horror as Hinata fell right before their eyes due to the Sharingan.

"Hinata!" yelled Neji as he rushed towards his cousin, but he was sent flying by Susanoo. Shino was the next to attempt to reach Hinata, but he was sent into a building by Kisame that took him out of the fight.

"Grab her Kisame…we are leaving now." Stated Itachi as Kisame grabbed Hinata and the two made their way for the exit of the village.

"Hinata!" yelled Sasuke as he tried to get to his friend, but Kabuto blocked his way once again.

"I'm sorry Sasuke, but I need you to stay here." Stated Kabuto as he tried to incapacitate Sasuke with his chakra scapels. However Sasuke just caught his wrist and threw Kabuto over his shoulder into a tree.

"You won't take me Kabuto! I will never go to Orochimaru!" yelled Sasuke as he tried to stab him with his Chidori, but Kabuto merged with the tree and avoided the attack.

"Too slow Sasuke! Orochimaru has spent the past three years ensuring that I am stronger than you." Stated Kabuto as he began to engage Sasuke again. However, their fight was cut short again as a massive blast filled the skies of Konoha and the surrounding forest.

"Your lucky Sasuke…Lord Orochimaru will not want to stick around after something like that. Not to mention I know I don't stand a chance when I'm outnumbered 3 to 1." Stated Kabuto as Shino and Neji landed beside Sasuke. "So until next time…"

Kabuto merged with the ground before Sasuke could do anything to stop him. "Damn! We need to get going! My brother has Hinata!" yelled Sasuke as he turned to pursue Itachi and Kisame, but Shino and Neji blocked his way.

"Sasuke…we need to tell some others. None of us have the chakra to pursue them and we have no idea who we are dealing with or if they will have help." Stated Shino as Sasuke glared at him.

"How can you say that! She is your teammate!" argued Sasuke as Neji stepped up to him.

"She is my cousin too, but I know that alone we will not succeed in rescuing her!" stated Neji as Sasuke glared at the two of them.

"But…fine! Let's find the Hokage right now!" stated Sasuke as he turned and ran to the Hokage's tower. What they found was pure destruction as the battle between Orochimaru had been colossal, as both had resorted to using their strongest summons once more.

Tsunade herself was covered in scratches and bruises and was being tended to by her own personal ANBU. "Lady Tsunade!" Neji called out as he ran up to her.

"Neji? What's wrong?" asked Tsunade as Shino joined them.

"It's Hinata…Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki kidnapped her. We believe they want to use her to lure Naruto to them." Explained Shino, but suddenly a massive pressure began to be pressed upon them.

Everyone in the street froze at the pressure and began to struggle to breathe as they slowly turned to see the cause of said pressure. What they saw was a massive surprise for they saw an older looking Naruto giving off massive amounts of chakra and a black chakra shroud covering his body.

"What did you say?" growled out Naruto as Neji regained some of his composure.

"I-Itachi…took her Naruto…" he managed to say before the pressure intensified.

"How dare he touch her…" growled Naruto as he turned away from the Hokage. "I'll rip his head off and feed it to the Kyubi."

"Naruto wait! There is no telling who you will be up against!" Tsunade managed to yell, but Naruto just glanced at her briefly before he jumped away.

"Quick! Go find Jiraiya and Kakashi and tell them to head after Naruto and assist him!" yelled Tsunade as her personal ANBU nodded and disappeared. "Where's Sasuke?"

"He was here just a second ago!" shouted Neji, as they all looked around for the Uchiha.

"He is going after Naruto, my bugs can sense him." Stated Shino





"Don't try and stop me Sasuke…" growled Naruto as he jumped from roof to roof.

"I'm not here to stop you…I'm here to help my brother." Stated Sasuke as Naruto grinned ferally in response.

"Good…they won't know what hit them." Stated Naruto as the two leaped over the village walls and sprinted to the direction in which Naruto could sense Hinata. 'Hold on Hinata...they will regret ever touching you!'