
The mysterious ring

Diana always wonders about the ring that her mother gave to her when she was only five years old, at first she didn't care about wearing that.

As she grew old, Diana started to get bullied at school, sometimes they would try to take the ring off her finger before starting to laugh and calling her weird.

At her sixteenth anniversary, she decided that it was enough, so she brought the topic to the dinner table. However, Diana did not have the answer she wanted, instead was met with an annoyed mother and a silent brother.

"You can never take that out, it is only for your best." her mother said, stopping eating "Don't bring that topic around again... Do you understand, Diana Brown?"

"Why is that? Why should I have to use this weird stuff when no one uses it?"

"With time you will understand, sweetheart!" answered her mother before starting to eat again.

Diana looked over to her brother, who had his head down, without saying a word. The young girl got up quickly, unsatisfied with the answer, and walked over to her bedroom with furious steps before slamming the door.

"Why can you not tell her mother? Is better if she knows through you... Who knows if there is already some..."

"Do not finish that sentence, Peter Brown!" she ordered him without taking her eyes off the food.

"As if I am wrong!" he answered back, pushing the plate before getting up "I am not hungry anymore, Mother."

Quietly, Peter left the dining room and went to his own bedroom, leaving a heavy silence in the room.

Meanwhile, Diana threw herself onto the bed with her arms open and her face looking at the wall, she was so stressed about everything, even at school they would laugh at her about having such an ugly piece of jewel, and every time she tried to explain, they would call her crazy and walk away.

The next day, she woke up with the hope that she would get the ring out that day, or her family started to explain the reason why the ring does not come off. , maybe it was the day that she would get the ring out of the finger. As she was taking a bath, something got stuck in her hair and slipped off her finger, making her gasp and look down, she froze for a moment before grabbing the ring from the ground and getting out quickly so that she could store it and start the day.

"No way! Is this really happening?" she asked herself while drying her hair with the towel.

As she opened the desk drawer, everything went black and she heard her brother calling from afar.

"Why are you taking so long, we will be late.

She woke up and immediately got her hand up, only to see that the ring was still in the same place, it did not move at all.

Annoyed, she got up and dressed the fastest she could before looking into the mirror, unsure if she should hide the ring with gloves, but then remembered that it would show the shape since he had a skull on top of it.

"Sis! We are going to be late."

"And since when did you care about rules?" she exclaimed more annoyed, while getting up "I will be right down."

"Hurry up, it is already 7:30 a.m."

Diana looked over to the door, before calming herself down before getting out. As she exited the bedroom, her brother fell to the ground with a red nose,

"Be careful, will you?"

"Sheesh! How would I guess you were behind the door, huh?"


Diana rolled her eyes before starting to run towards the stairs "The last one goes on the back."

Peter started to run after her, but she quickly grabbed her backpack at the entrance of the house and got in the car, jumping into the passenger seat, next to her mother.

"You two are so childish."

"Sorry, mom, it will not happen again." they both said, as Peter entered the car. Their mother just sighed before starting the engine.

As they arrived at school, her brother was dragged by his friends before she could get out of the car. As she walked by, everyone stared at her hand, which made her hide it, making them start to laugh. Not far from there was her mother, who observed her daughter sadly.

"It is for the best. Everything will be better, I promise." Her hands were holding the wheel, firmly."

After the first class, Diana was walking to the next one, when she saw her brother beating his maths teacher, once again. Annoyed that her brother was still misbehaving at school, she started to walk towards him.

"I am sure that I already told mister Peter, that with one more fight, you would be suspended from school for two weeks?" The teacher said while touching Diana shoulder "And being the old sister you should teach him, don't you think, miss Diana?"

Peter looked around quickly and everyone shut up. Right after that, the teacher walked past Diana and asked for both of them to follow her to the main office.

"It is all your fault." The sister murmured to her brother "Why are you such a hot head?"

"You don't know half of the story."

"Then... enlighten me, dear brother."

He looked away without answering, so she was about to speak again when was interrupted by the teacher.

"I hope you understand what I told you. Go to class and I will have a talk with your brother."

"Yes, teacher Helen."

Peter and the teacher got into the office and Diana sat down at one of the chairs in the waiting room, resting a little.

After a while a young boy, who looked exactly like her, walked by and both stared at each other before they were interrupted by the bell ring, making them look away, with both faces red with embarrassment.

He then sat down and closed his eyes, while Diana checked him, curious about why he looked like her twin, then he moved slightly and she got up to go back to class.

As she was about to exit the waiting room, he looked at her with a small smile on his face.

"Nice ring you have her. Hard to take off?"