
Chapter 2: "Python" Part 2

"Ain't ya tired now kiddo? *pant*. I must say ya much stronger than I thought ya was. Recruiti'n ya was a good idea after all."

Henry retorted:

"*pant* *pant*. Do you ever shut up? I can keep going."

They continued clashing. This had been going on for the past two hours, there were times where they seemed evenly matched and there were times where Cain had the overwhelming upper hand.

In a gang where hierarchy is everything, they knew that whoever emerged victorious in this duel would be their leader.

The kids were quiet because they were shocked. Cain was the most powerful person most of these kids knew so how was it that there was another kid in the slums who was comparable to him in battle? A 14-year-old at that.

The fight intensified and the deafening clashes of their blades intensified along with it, most couldn't take it and covered their ears.

Both Henry and Cain took steps backwards as if they were bulls preparing for their next charge.

Everyone had a feeling that this would be the last attack, most of them covered their ears fearing the sound that would result from their last clash.

But instead, a shattering sound could be heard, it was the sound of Henry's rusty old dagger shattering.

The fight was over, Cain kicked Henry in his injured abdomen and pointed the edge of his blade to his throat. With a prideful grin Cain spoke.

"Ain't I tell ya kiddo? Ya can't beat me! Challenge me again once ya wipe the snot off ya face."

Henry was defeated, but oddly enough he was smiling. No, he was smirking.

"Yes, you're right I'm still not strong enough but I will be challenging you soon Cain, so don't get comfortable."

"HAHAHA! Ain't ya one cheeky brat, Marcel! prepare a feast for ya new brother."

"Got it!"

Marcel narrowed his eyes looking at Henry and Cain.

[ Cain you idiot. This kid fought on equal footing with you even with a rusty dagger, not to mention he lasted that long with you despite his injuries. He'll overthrow you soon, you at least know that right?]

And so, the kids decided to throw a banquet although it had much less food than a typical banquet it was the best they could do, of which Cain frowned at.

He only meant that they cook Henry a hearty meal but instead they were burning through the month's food supply.

But now that Henry was by their side, they'll manage to get even more food and supplies on their next raid. Sitting atop his scrap-made thrown, he chuckled.


A week had passed since Henry was recruited into the gang.

Henry's injuries were all healed up, he had started being accustomed to life here, although whenever he ate something sweet or saw girls around the age of his little sister it reminded him of her, which pained him immensely and with that pain his heart got shrouded by darkness even more.

The reason Henry was so eager to fight Cain as soon as he arrived was because he was a mid D-rank when he fought with David but then developed into a high-rank during that fight so when he noticed that Cain is also on the same level he couldn't resist.

He wanted to test his limits with someone of equal rank.

Henry had thoughts to take over the gang, but it was far too soon and it did not align properly with his plans, he first had to assess each and every child's strengths and weaknesses, secondly he wanted to have their loyalty to this end he would have to treat them in a manner where they would end up hating Cain and instinctively flock to him as their new leader.

Simply taking over the gang with brute force will not suffice, but he had to show them that he was strong.

And lastly, he needed them to be strong enough to rival any guild and that is something that will take time and immense training.

Most of the kids in the gang were weak, so weak that they weren't even close to being F-ranks.

Aside from Marcel who was a low D-rank, five others were E-ranks(2 high and 3 mid), along with twelve F-ranks( 1 high, 11 low).

They were the main force of the raiding team. A single F-rank was as strong as two full grown men, this was because of "Ki" and those who could use it were called Rankers. No matter how skilled you were in combat if you couldn't utilise Ki an untrained F-rank could be a tough opponent to defeat.

Rankers can sense each other's Ki and can thus determine the strength of their opponents from their Ki, some are even skilled enough to hide their Ki from others. The higher the quantity of your Ki, the higher your rank.

Cain called a meeting with the Rankers and a couple of others who were good at combat.

Tomorrow was the day of the raid and it was Cain who decided where they raided and who they stole from, he usually called in meetings like this to inform the others of his plans which they had to follow without exception.

They sat around a dusty old round table. Cain, Henry, Marcel and the other E-ranks were the only one's seated. With his usual smug demeaner Cain initiated the meeting.

"Yo. The initial plan was to intercept the carriage transport'n fresh food supplies to a certain restaurant in the royal capital, but now that we got Henry here, we ain't doin that. We raidi'n Loui's mansion."

Marcel had an expression on his face that suggested that he wasn't thrilled with what Cain just said, this was because Loui was a noble and his mansion was heavily guarded.

The most dangerous of his guards being two low C-rankers followed by a dozen low D-ranks and at least over a dozen trained non-rankers so if they raided the mansion, it would practically be suicide.

That was not the only concern, attacking a noble is akin to declaring war on the entire kingdom.

"With all due respect Cain, how do you plan on defeating the C-ranks? This will turn into a blood bath; we cannot afford to lose any of our comra—"

Cain cut Marcel off with a furious tone.

"MARCEL. Ya defyi'n me? Me and Henry will handle the C-ranks, they're only a single rank above us if we beat them, we can evolve to C-rank. What do ya think Henry?"

Henry was enticed by the possibility of becoming stronger.

He knew that this was a risky tactic and that being hasty may cost him his life, but he simply couldn't resist, he wanted to get stronger in order to save her.

With a cold voice he responded.

"Fine, but we should only do this with only us rankers, the none-rankers should stay behind. And put Marcel in charge of strategy, he has a good head on his shoulders."

Cain smirked.

"Whatever ya say kiddo. We attack at midnight."

[dummy, do ya really think ya can beat a C-rank? Had I known ya was equal to me in rank I would have never tried recruit'n ya. Tomorrow is the day ya die kiddo and the day I evolve to C-rank.]

Cain knew that Henry was a one in a million prodigy and that he would one day overthrow him, he was so hell-bent on keeping his power that he planned a suicide mission for Henry, but little did he know of the darkness that would soon befall him.