
Water Dragon

I was awakened the following day by a gentle shake on my shoulder. A flicker of irritation sparked within me at being disturbed, and I snuggled deeper into Fable's fur, mumbling a few incoherent protests in the hopes of stealing a few more moments of sleep. The shaking grew more insistent, however, and I reluctantly dragged myself awake.

"Finally, I thought you'd never wake up!" R'lissea exclaimed, grinning as she gave me one last shake for good measure.

"Is it already morning?" I yawned, blinking blearily in the harsh sunlight. We had talked late into the night, and as I struggled to gather my senses, I realized I didn't even remember falling asleep. It must have been late, as I felt like I'd hardly gotten a wink.

"You could say that," R'lissea said, straightening up from my side. "But it's probably closer to noon. The demons are nearly ready to march, but Fable wouldn't let me wake you up until now."