

Korvin clapped once, and the two inquisitors swiftly entered the room. They bowed low to the Grand Inquisitor, lowering their eyes until he gestured for them to rise.

"The heroes shall begin arriving soon, and I shall have to be there to greet them," he said, "begin the interrogation, and I shall join you as soon as I can."

"But it hasn't been a week yet. I thought we were-"

"There is no longer a need to wait. I have completed the transfer."

The two gasped, their eyes widening in shock. Korvin flicked the woman the ring, who caught it, clasping it in her hands reverently. 

"Ensure she remains unmarked. I expect the Pope will wish to parade her around like the animal she is later. The other heroes may wish to speak with her as well, although for what reason I cannot imagine." Korvin left after his final instructions, shutting the door behind him.