
The Forgotten.

Sorcha and Cairn must find a way to save a dying Home Post in a world that hates them. Note: Outposter chapters trace Sorcha's storyline and Guardian chapters trace Cairn's.

garfsnargle · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Interlude III

Kit peered out of the tent flap. In front of the EMBG, the usual line waited with minimal supervision from the staff. To the side, Mergen spoke to Lila in hushed tones while Erebus, chewing a thumbnail, stood a short distance apart, watching. Noon-time sun fought a losing battle to dry the thick mud before the next autumn storm — already drawing the ships in the harbor — blew through.

With a last glance toward Lila, Kit crept up behind Erebus and touched his elbow. He jumped and turned with a frown.

"You're not supposed—"

"I know." Kit shoved a tiny packet into his hand. "I'll go. But you have to give this to Cairn."

"What?" Erebus studied the folded cloth tied with a bit of yarn. "I'm not—"

"Not when you see him next, but after he gets back."

She darted back into the EMBG, and Erebus stared after her. He studied the packet, turning it end over end in his palm.

"Ere! Time to go."

At Mergen's shout, Erebus tucked the cloth and whatever lay inside into his pocket and ran to his mentor's side.

Last quick bit before things really take off! Wish me luck with the revisions!

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