
The Forgotten Shinobi

Damin_Typie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


2 years later...

"How come none of you remember Boruto?" Sarada asked "Is he the son of Nadaime Hokage"

"I don't know what you're talking about, the only son Nadaime has is Kawaki" Shikadai said

Sumire put her hand on Sarada's shoulder shaking her head "Come on Sarada, nothing you say will change anything"

Sarada lowered her head resignedly " I know, but I wanted to remind everyone about Boruto"

"We must hope that there is a way to reverse this situation, then everyone will remember Boruto-kun"

"You're right..."

This time, in another dimension, somewhere in the forest, there were two young girls (they both had white hair, one had long hair, while the other girl, who was younger, had short hair). In front of them stood a huge monster.

"I'll try to stop him" the younger girl said

"Wait, Lisaanna, don't approach him!" warned the older girl

"Calm down Mira-nee, this is our brother, he will definitely listen to me. Elfman-nii, come back to us, and let's go back to the guild"

The monster did not listen to Lisanna's voice and tried to attack her, suddenly Boruto appeared at the last moment and saved the girl

"All right?"

"Yes thank you"

"Stand back, I'll take care of him"

"Wait, don't kill him, he's our brother" said a girl named Mira

"I have no intention of doing so, I intend to stun him"

Boruto moved towards the creature, when the monster tried to attack the blonde, Boruto jumped on his hand, running on it until he reached the height of its face, then Boruto knocked the monster to the ground with a powerful kick, making it return to its human form

"Looks like he's back to normal"

"Thank you again, if it weren't for your help, my younger sister would have died. My name is Mirajane Strauss and this is my younger sister Lisanna and this is my brother Elfman whom you defeated"

"My name is Boruto Uzumaki, I'm glad I could help"

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I intend to continue my journey"

"You know, if you have nowhere to go, come Magnolia and join a guild called Fairy Tail"

"I'll think about it" Boruto said as he walked away

A few months later...

Boruto arrived at the magnolia and immediately went towards the building where the Fairy Tail guild was located, as soon as the former shinobi opened the door he had to dodge the flying chairs

"Are you sure I should come here?" he thought as he entered

"How can I help you, boy?" asked the short old man

"I would like to join your guild"

"Okay, I'm the guild master, my name is Makarov Dreyar, first tell me what your name is?"

"Boruto Uzumaki"

"And you are the boy Who, Mira mentioned"


Hearing a familiar voice, the blonde turned around and saw Mirajane, who had changed significantly since their last meeting, she no longer looked like a goth girl.

"Oh Mirajane-san, you have changed"

"Please, you can call me Mira"

"Mira, Boruto will join us from today, give him a tattoo"

"Sure, follow me. What color and where do you want your guild sign?"

"In purple and on the shoulder"

"Please, you are now an official member of the guild"