
The Forgotten Shinobi

Damin_Typie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


Somewhere in an unknown location there was a fight going on between Boruto and Kawaki

"You see Boruto, you have no reason to return to the village, no one remembers you, not even your own family" Kawaki said.

"Why, why did you do such a thing"

"To keep the seventh safe"

Kawaki threw a dozen or so black rods towards Boruto, the blonde started running trying to avoid them, suddenly Kawaki appeared above him trying to cut Boruto, but in a split second the blonde appeared in a different place.


When the blonde looked at Kawaki, one of his eyes changed, the sclera became black and the pupil turned blue

"What kind of eye is that?"  Kawaki thought irritably

"I don't have much chakra left, I have to escape"  Boruto thought, activating Karma and opening a portal into which he jumped.

Before Kawaki reached the portal, it closed.

"Damn it, just wait Boruto, I'll definitely kill you"

A moment later, Mitsuki, Sarada and Konohamaru appeared on the scene.

"Okay Kawaki, who were you fighting?" Konohamaru asked

"With a traitor who left the village and joined to Otsutsuki, unfortunately he managed to escape"

"Then we need to notify the Hokage, he should put it in the bingo book as soon as possible"

"Do as you see fit"

This time, Boruto landed in a completely different dimension, the blonde fell to his knees, holding the wound that Kawaki had made

"Kawaki...I swear you'll pay me for this" he said

Boruto tried to get up, but his vision began to blur until he lost consciousness and fell to the ground

A few days later...

Boruto woke up and noticed that his body was wrapped in a bandage. "What happened, who dressed my wounds?"

When the former genin tried to move, he felt intense pain

"Careful, you shouldn't use unnecessary moves yet"

An older man entered the room.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Toshiro and I was the one who found you and took you here to tend to your injuries"

"Thank you, old man, but I don't want to abuse your hospitality"

"Relax, rest first and let your injuries recover"

Toshiro left the room  "Who would have thought that in this dimension I would meet one of us"