
THE Forgotten Player

"There are two kinds of death in the world.The first is when a person dies, meaning physical death. Another is when a person is alive but everyone forgets him, that means he is dead to everyone even if he is alive." Inside a place where darkness covers everything. A young man with black hairs and red-black eyes sitting on a bloody chair. His face was covered by his dark black coat. He was breathing calmly. Blood was dropping from his fingertip. That blood was strangely overlapping with his red-black eyes. Dark flames were devouring everything expert the boy, who is on the chair. The dark black flames were not bright but symbolising hell. It was cold but at the same time it was hot. Even though everything was burning cause of dark fiame but there was no smoke not even burnt smell. Sometime after not even dust was there, everything was burnt by that dark black flame. Then he stood up suddenly and started walking forward. The sound of his footsteps was dark and deep. He started walking but no one knows where it ends.

Mr_Sen · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

National Highschool

"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you."

When I spoke, the dinner table went completely quiet.

My mom, dad, Sophia and Roy all glared at me.

Father said in a serious voice, "What happened."

"Did you finally get a girlfriend?"

Pretending to be serious with a deep breath, I opened my mouth.

I said to my father, "A new power has awakened within me".

"I feel like I can use a new kind of magic."

"But I don't want to change my classroom".

"That's all."

Everyone was silent for a while.Everyone was a little surprised when they heard about Ryan. But it is not very surprising because such incidents have happened many times in this world.Although such cases are rare.

"It's a good news so why are you so upset?"

"Is it a critical power?"

Mom asked worriedly.

I said in a calm voice, "It's a rare ability, you know I'm a healer it's the complete opposite."

"I think I can control the blood now."

"Ah!" said my father in amazement.

Although magic is common in this world, there are exceptions.Blood magic is one of these exceptions.

Very few blood magicians can be found in the history of this world from ancient times to the present time. Blood magic comes with a curse that severely affects the magician's life force.This is why most of the blood magicians died young and Ryan got that kind of magic.

A very deep silence ensued.

At this auspicious moment, any mother can be happy to see the son's misfortune?

It was Ryan's mother who broke the silent .

She walked over to Ryan and hugged him.

'drop' , 'drop' 'drop'

Her tears are rolling down on the table.

She asked him in a trembling voice, "Are you suffering from any kind of wound, is it hurting anywhere?"

His father also said worriedly, "Does it seem like your life force is diminishing when you use your magic?"

'clang' , 'clang' , ' clang'

Suddenly we heard an iron sword made of metal fall on the hard cast floor.

It was my brother's now sword . My brother's two hands were shaking and so is my sister sitting next to him.

A very familiar ache began in my heart.

"I don't know though, maybe?"

"I just used a little bit of my strength and it wasn't much of a problem."

I leaned on the chair completely and said.

The room became silent again.

This time my father broke the silence.

My father opened his mouth and asked, "What do you want to do now?"

He continued," You are a healer and this is your last year of high school. So you want to change your class?"

"I haven't decided yet," I replied.

"However, it is better to inform the school first, otherwise it will be very difficult later."

"I have seen as researcher who hide the attributes of their abilities, the government denounces them as criminals".

"They may be killed or sent to the domain's borders for rest of their life."

My father said carefully , " I will call your school and let them know about your condition."

" You just have to go through one test".

Father took a deep breath and opened his mouth again.

My father is not honest when it comes to work, but a man who puts his family first. But still everyone calls him a good person.

I know when he's a little too upset.

" Now, my main point is....."

When I saw my father opening his mouth, I started talking quickly and a bit gently.

" I haven't said everything yet...."

Just as I did, my brother also cut me off.

Well only my words.

" Are..are you okay?"

He looked calm but his voice was hoarse.

"Are you going to change your class and your achievements in life will go to waste?"

"And it is a rare event that blood magic is awakened in a healer ".

"Even though the school's policy is to keep students safe and confidential, the news will still get out."

He finished his speech and looked at me.

I could feel the gaze of everyone in the room, it was intense.

My sister could not open her mouth to say what to say, that also did not escape my eyes.

Finally when I saw that no one else was talking, I started talking again, "First of all like I said I won't change my class and I mean my class room."

"Secondly, I tried this magic a bit and didn't experience any problems with it. I will go to the school's research center and check up once if needed.''

I paused to catch my breath and started again,

"Third, I think my healing powers have also changed a little, its light has turned a little purple."

"And lastly I want to change my own class as a BATTLE MAGE."

"Dad you pass this on to our school... please... It's my last year of school so I don't want to lose it. We're on the first day."

I ended my speech with this.

Now everyone started thinking about different things after hearing my words, but their main concern was my protection.

My father, my brother and my sister seemed to calm down little by little, but my mother still looked at me.

I know everyone noticed my sudden change but my mom was the most aware of it.

How could a woman who gave birth to me and raised me from childhood not notice this.

My senses and soul are slowly sinking into the darkness and emptiness .

I can still feel everything because when I come back all my feelings also come back, and my feelings are a little distorted cause of my memory.

I know she can see this blank spot in me.

It's a gift to me whenever I see my family together to eat, talk and practice with them.

That's why I held back my tears so hard that they seemed to come out at any moment.

My mother and my father came to me and took both my hands and knelt down. They never took their eyes off me.

They started saying together, "I have given birth to you, you check. If you are right, we will be with you. If you are wrong, we will correct you. We will be with you."

"It's not just for you alone. You three are our lives. Your safety is our first priority."

"We can give our lives for your smile so just take good care of ourselves."

"So you're not alone."

My mother and father took their other hands and held my brother and my sister by my side.

"We are always with you."

I smiled a little and unknowingly tears came out of my eyes but no one noticed it.

"I'm letting your school know about it so rest assured ."

My father hugged us and said goodbye.

My mother looked at the clock and asked us to finish the meal.

Mother didn't ask me anything.

The weather in our house became a little sweeter.

My brother, sister and I packed our own things and said goodbye to my parents.

Before we left, mom asked to see our phones and we did.

She saw my sister and brother's 'My phone' company phone and my own old phone.

Our father left us some time ago on his own work so he has been bid farewell.

We boarded the 'Flying bus'.

I took two of my bags, two of my brother and four of my sister in the bus.

Women are animals that love to adorn themselves even if they are going to next door.

A bag full of make up stuff.

The bus conductor asked us, "Where will you get off?"

I said, "National High School."


Author's Note: I am a new writer so I hope you enjoy reading this.This is my first post so if anything is wrong please let me know and I will try to fix it.I couldn't release new chapter for exam for few days before but from now I will update once every two days.So I hope you like it.